I havent seen this much jagging off over a catalog since Sears Roebuck went out of business.
Kudos Sabo.
Disgraceful homos.
That explains Fraudci.
Just dont rely on Alito et al, all catholics.
This election will be decided by SCOTUS, that's been clear since 11/4.
I'm giving the election contest to St. Mary for her Feast Day. She knows what to do.
Tuckers's the kind of geek you have to hold down at a high school party and make him drink and do super hits. Once he's all fucked up and acting stupid, kick his ass freely.
Correct. God is the only Deity in Catholic belief. Mary is a Saint.
That's incorrect. Jesus is God, not a mediator between God and man.
You have to remember that protestants are heretics.
So Jesus isnt God, he is a mediator between God and man? And his mother is a fraud? Where'd you get your concept of Hell, Dante? Ok, got it. Lurk moar.
No doubt the GA politicians are very dirty.
You never asked anybody to pray for you and you never prayed for anybody but yourself? Sad.
I made a mistake by forgetting about that one passage, however, I'm as much an authority on the Bible as anybody, having studied it in Greek and a few other languages. My point is that Jesus is God. Anyway, I was consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus awhile ago, so arguing with protestant heretics is not really my thing, it;s pointless imo.
What will happen to the US govt? Exact analogy. The Church, however, will very likely outlast the USA, as it has all the other empires.
Tucker just beside himself that pot was legalized in several more states, he cant get over it.
The Rosary is mostly taken right from the Bible.