Lost interest after "ARCHBISHOP"
if he had integrity, he wouldn't be working for satanic pedophiles
Looks like attempt at CYA move without saying anything bad about the (un)holy roman church
first "in level flight"
pilots had been doing it unofficially and without approval in the F-86
>Has anyone ever bothered to explain why Mary was so Holy
Because she had little history other than giving birth to someone important
Is like a blank page that the Vatican overlords could paint any picture they wanted, make up as many stories as they wanted, and keep focus on irrelevant bullshit
confirms that many people all over the world will believe just about anything if you tell your lies often over many generations
muh exclamation marks and ALL CAPS looks like Rev Blowhard uses the same gay special effects that are used in his obnoxious sermons
wonder what happens to catholic church when the satanic pedophile network that runs it is exposed for the whole world to see
maybe if they pray real hard Mary will save the pedos
doubt that the fundamental concept of "church" as it exists now will survive into the future
only interested in truth, not some old geezer with a bible in one hand and a collection plate in the other blasting his opinions about his beliefs