Anonymous ID: 2d7a9d Dec. 7, 2020, 10:43 p.m. No.11946315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6336 >>6444


ty e-baker.



From a passing baker:

Here's a clean pastebin.

if anons want notables from LAST BREAD #15250

please collect them.


Baker needed for current bread

This used to be my shift. But bakers like me had to leave. Please anons, learn to bake, so you can take care of this board. You are needed.


Anonymous ID: 2d7a9d Dec. 7, 2020, 11:38 p.m. No.11946540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6557 >>6839


Anon, in your question lies the answer. Had to leave bc imo, anons did not see what was happening - and thus lost confidence in the kitchen.

Kitch has always been under attack since the start. But anons saw thru the lies. This time, attacker was skilled and got support from BO. Shills joined in.

You see the result.

It's an honor and privilege to work on a board like this. Please - make it great again.


Anonymous ID: 2d7a9d Dec. 7, 2020, 11:58 p.m. No.11946614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6623


>fuck your bullshit

yeah - well, it's not.

Insults are easy - why don't spend your time baking this bread or collecting pb notes?



You can't bake ahead, shills will fill it. See all the muh joos stuff a coupla breads back.

Locking/unlocking would require the cooperation of BO.

Best wishes, anon.

Anonymous ID: 2d7a9d Dec. 8, 2020, 12:16 a.m. No.11946682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6720


note-taker signed out

who will step up?


Notables until ~@350

>>11946197 >>11946204 >>11946214 >>11946220 QRD corrupt dominion ownership through Canada to Ukraine

>>11946230 Breaking Miracle CDC only reports 5 cases of the flu last week

>>11946235 This pic is from the article CM asked to archive

>>11946237 Ratcliffe: China Is the Only Country with ‘Capability’ and ‘Specific Plan’ of ‘Taking Away the American Dream’

>>11946244 Judge Sullivan Refuses to Dismiss Flynn Case After Pardon by President Trump; Rogue Judge Issues Orders Allowing Amicus Briefs in Case

>>11946273 Ron @CodeMonkeyZ Back it up locally asap!!

>>11946288 This story makes it clear that the Chinese spy, who was also a fundraiser for @RepSwalwell…

>>11946294 Alleged CIA agent attending briefing

>>11946314 Politics and Prose on Connecticut Av

>>11946418 Texas Sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin at Supreme Court over Election Rules

>>11946594 Inflation for dummies


>>11946208 dough

>>11946532 Updated dough w/pb notes

Anonymous ID: 2d7a9d Dec. 8, 2020, 12:21 a.m. No.11946714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6716 >>6721


sorry anon - just did the same thing you did.

clean up.


You don't have to e-bake.


All you have to do is to

  • open the current paste in browser:

  • download it from pastebin as "raw",

  • insert these notes on page 2

  • upload it again to pastebin.


Can bake as guest, don't need an account.


Good luck, new baker.