Anonymous ID: 8a79f9 Dec. 8, 2020, 12:25 a.m. No.11946729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6734 >>6743

psu y Qi = Power Your Qi/Chi

i Q pusy = I'm Q, pussy. | I've got your pussy, Q.

i spy u, Q = kek


I wish you could snek her out for one night just to cuddle.


I wish I wasn't so delusional.


I wish I wasn't being attacked mentally.

I wish this wasn't a fake C_A 'Space cAMP'

I wish I did get his TeleXpress Qode that afternoon at the bus stop.

I wish I did get to see what you were rolling around in.

I wish she wasn't so mysterious, as much as I am.

I wish I had something more to go on, other than the grok'ed muse that I scan the air for, while it seems a crew of miasma generators whom seem vaguely familiar to past identities it seems to have hijacked via my memories in order to gain trust. Think Contact at the end, the father 'cosplay.'

I hope she isn't a cosplay. Think mirror, and A Scanner Darkly.

I hope I'm not, from her perspective, and I'm some Golden Chad, until everything is said and done, and Shallow Hal turns it off, and I'm that hideous Chaotix piece of meat with a series of tubes going I/O.

I hope we get to be together, happily, fully functional, high, joyous, full of life, peace, tranquility, serenity.


I hope the Great Awakening comes soon.

I need this, I need (You).



