Anonymous ID: 92faae Dec. 8, 2020, 12:27 a.m. No.11946736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6967

Part 1 of 3


I fell down a pretty deep rabbit hole on FagBook a while back. Tried to arrange pics in chronological order to explain context. I stumbled upon yet another BLM post, rife with propaganda. Something, however, caught my eye that made absolutely no fucking sense. What the fuck would a website dedicated to baby names have anything to do with BLM?


I get corporate branding, profiting from shill tears, blah blah blah. But baby names? Turns out, is run by a woman named Jennifer Moss. First off, what business does a baby name website offer VIP chatroom dedicated to dating or relationships? Seeing that she received an award from Obama was confirmation enough to continue digging.

Anonymous ID: 92faae Dec. 8, 2020, 12:49 a.m. No.11946833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6967

Part 2 of 3 is a product of Moss Gatherings LLC (address blocked to play safe around doxxing rules, however the address is that of the company and is public record anyway) and co-managed by Jennifer Moss and Miranda Mendelson.


I wasn't sure why, but I had a bad feeling about the last name Mendelson. In Jennifer's 'biography' she boasts of a success story that she was a single-mother to the woman who now runs this company with her. So who's the father? I believe the father is Phil Mendelson. Lets be real, who the fuck else would have the last name Mendelson? How the fuck can a single mother acquire the capital required to start some wildly successful organization in a society that, by design, face fuck single mothers without failing? I think daddy Phil was their #1 investor through alimony payments.


So lets discuss Phil Mendelson, chairman of DC Council and his "achievements". Consider what we know about Obummer and the rest of the Deep State. Authority over K-12 schools? Pedophile. 20 fucking percent business franchise tax reduction? Corporate sellout. Total autonomy over the DC budget? Mob boss? The thought starts to get unsettling considering he has authority over the POLICE, MEDICAL EXAMINER, ATTORNEY GENERAL AND EVEN OPENED AN "INDEPENDENT" DEPARTMENT OF FORENSIC SCIENCE. I think he's the biggest player of the DC crime family.

Anonymous ID: 92faae Dec. 8, 2020, 12:57 a.m. No.11946858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6866 >>6967

Part 3 of 3


Washington DC was big in the news sometime in the summer as being one of the reasons we didn't get a second stimulus. Turns out, once we cracked open their books, we exposed their fraud for the world to see.


School crossing guards making 70 fucking thousand dollars a year? Are they in on the sex trafficking trade? City administrator making 300k? The organizer? The irony is pretty rich. They purposefully allow corporate entities to take over Washington DC through a 20% tax reduction which allowed them to accrue capital and box out small businesses through monopolistic practices. And they protect their racket at all costs in every aspect possible. It's disturbing. They can take and sell your kids, kill job opportunities and create ghettos through gentrification, murder you and completely get away with it through the most elaborate coverup process ever, bankrupt their own shit-hole and have the fucking AUDACITY to ask for more money.


Fuck these fucking people