Anonymous ID: cc4653 Dec. 7, 2020, 11:29 p.m. No.11946503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6514


If you'll remember, somebody posted info here a few months ago implying that Sullivan's son raped & accidentally murdered some super-high girl in his home, and Dad helped to cover it up. Don't have sauce myself, but someone out there must have it.

Anonymous ID: cc4653 Dec. 7, 2020, 11:52 p.m. No.11946594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6610 >>6645 >>6650 >>6681 >>6682 >>6830 >>6866 >>6967


Here's a good way to get this information to the normies in your life. Find an old Sears catalog from the 70s or 80s, pick out several everyday items, and use a reliable inflation calculator to adjust their prices to modern-day equivalents.


When you do this, you almost always find that the prices of those goods are more or less at parity with the prices of goods now–the only difference is that the goods in those old catalogs, those goods which seem to cost about the same as equivalent goods do now, were made by Americans. They were made by Americans in America, and those Americans that made them earned enough money making them to put their kids through uni, never have any health care concerns, and have a lake house. Because welfare capitalism. And as such, those goods were of very high quality.


And now, we're paying what amounts to the same price for disposable garbage made by slaves while we no longer have those jobs that created the greatest social mobility the world has ever seen.


We were never saving money by buying garbage from China, because we were never actually saving money–economics does not explain globalism. We were doing nothing less than allowing the good thing we had going to be torn out from under us.