Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 2:52 a.m. No.11947354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7366 >>7383 >>7477 >>7563 >>7653 >>7737

Great Reset Versus Great Awakening PT 1

by Brett Stevens on December 1, 2020


Apparently the Leftist Establishment finds itself threatened by note of the Great Reset by us ordinary dirt people:


We start with the revival of the baseless conspiracy theory, known as the ‘Great Reset’, which claims a group of world leaders orchestrated the pandemic to take control of the global economy.


The conspiracy theory has its origins in a genuine plan entitled ‘The Great Reset’, drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF), the organisers of an annual conference for high-profile figures from politics and business. The plan explores how countries might recover from the economic damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic.


But the suggestion that politicians planned the virus, or are using it to destroy capitalism is wholly without evidence.


Politicians took advantage of the virus, namely politicians in China. Politicians in the West took advantage of the pandemic to shut everything down, crash the economy, and force mail-in ballot voting. This keeps the population terrified and needy, perfect for control.


The Great Reset agenda can be described as the desire of our international democratic bureaucracy for world federalist market socialism:


There is good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is likely, it is not unavoidable.


To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.


Let us look at that vital line again:


In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.


The herd consists of those who blame external influences for their troubles; in doing so, they need to take over external control so that they no longer must rely on their internal choices to make them rise or fall, as in nature; that in turn creates control systems, which rule by mass shared delusion designed to manipulate, gaslight, and Stockholm Syndrome the population.


We know this from Plato and others who chronicle democracy. Late stage democracy always relies on herding its people, having arisen from herding behavior, so that it can control the herd to do what is convenient for its leaders, namely seize power and steal.


If we can accept that corporations act only to profit, shareholders desire only increase stock value, and ordinary people given power will turn abusive, we can accept also that bureaucrats will do whatever is necessary to advance the bureaucracy, running it like organized crime as a political machine.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 2:52 a.m. No.11947356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7383 >>7532 >>7563 >>7653 >>7737

Great Reset Versus Great Awakening PT 2

by Brett Stevens on December 1, 2020


The WEF continues:


Clearly, the will to build a better society does exist.


They mean a better society in the sense of more free stuff. Read on.


The Great Reset agenda would have three main components. The first would steer the market toward fairer outcomes. To this end, governments should improve coordination (for example, in tax, regulatory, and fiscal policy), upgrade trade arrangements, and create the conditions for a “stakeholder economy.”


“Stakeholder economy” means socialism; if you are part of a society, you get paid out from the collective wealth, namely that taken from the productive.


Moreover, governments should implement long-overdue reforms that promote more equitable outcomes. Depending on the country, these may include changes to wealth taxes, the withdrawal of fossil-fuel subsidies, and new rules governing intellectual property, trade, and competition.


Translation: we steal more from the productive and, at the same time we are stealing, we reduce the ability to earn wealth. This means that more of the burden falls on the middle class, essentially eliminating normal prosperity and forcing people to be either mass poor or elite rich.


The second component of a Great Reset agenda would ensure that investments advance shared goals, such as equality and sustainability.


Translation: socialism.


Rather than using these funds, as well as investments from private entities and pension funds, to fill cracks in the old system, we should use them to create a new one that is more resilient, equitable, and sustainable in the long run. This means, for example, building “green” urban infrastructure and creating incentives for industries to improve their track record on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics.


Translation: redirect industry toward egalitarian ends, much like the Communist system.


The third and final priority of a Great Reset agenda is to harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to support the public good, especially by addressing health and social challenges. During the COVID-19 crisis, companies, universities, and others have joined forces to develop diagnostics, therapeutics, and possible vaccines; establish testing centers; create mechanisms for tracing infections; and deliver telemedicine. Imagine what could be possible if similar concerted efforts were made in every sector.


Translation: all must serve social justice, a.k.a. equality through DEDS (democracy, equality, diversity, and socialism).


They call it the Great Reset because they want to end our previous system and replace it with one that has markets directed toward ideological ends, socialist wealth redistribution through entitlements, and diversity to ensure lots of people keep voting for more stuff taken from the wealthy few.


Every society collapses this way. By organizing, it thrives, but also produces lots of people who are nothing more than labor. They do not understand how anything works, so figure that if they demand free money, nothing will change except that they get more money, whether higher minimum wage, welfare, or socialized medicine. In the process, they kill the goose that laid the golden eggs, which is the productive segment of higher-IQ people who make the most sane and logical choices in leadership, and therefore produce stability and consistency, causing the production of wealth because we are doing the same things that we always do, only more efficiently. Doing this requires eliminating corruption, or people taking for themselves what would give back tenfold to the system.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 2:53 a.m. No.11947364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7383 >>7563 >>7653 >>7737

Great Reset Versus Great Awakening PT 3

by Brett Stevens on December 1, 2020


Each third world society on Earth functions the same way: government gives out free stuff, but there is too little to have any effect, and the citizens constantly vote hard for more free stuff, at which point most of it is stolen and there is too little to have any effect. The rich get rich by hiding income, using it well, and then buying off politicians so they can keep some of what they have. You end up with a giant herd of genetically-broken masses consuming everything they touch like a plague of locusts, and nasty selfish rich people who hoard wealth and kill off their opposition. This is how human societies self-destruct, and it takes many centuries, but eventually you get back to people living in huts, farming small properties, foraging, and lying, cheating, stealing, raping, and killing each other with impunity. That is the stage after a “great reset.”


We know this because we can see it happening already in the West. The more we tax and spend, the less productive we are in real terms, and the more paper wealth is created. We get a few ultra-wealthy and many sad proles living in apartments, owning nothing of importance, and demanding free stuff at every election, so we are ruled by cynical bureaucrats who do what is necessary to preserve their power, namely crushing anyone free-spirited by forcing everyone into compliance to increasingly absurd rules.


Ironically, this resembles the Chinese system, which resembles that of Genghis Khan. The government is benevolent, so long as you obey. It conquers other areas to consume their wealth. In the end, it collapses from amotivation of its citizens and infighting in its power structure, since when you create something that powerful, it becomes a target for all of the Joe Bidens and Hillary Clintons of the world who want to steal all that they can and gain all the power that they can.


We should ask, instead of criticizing capitalism, whether our present-day rich people are good, or whether they gained wealth by gaming the system and then paying bribes. Since most of our billionaires seem to be Leftist, we wonder if this is not the new method of paying bribes: donate directly to the bureaucrat class.


Unfortunately, most who oppose the Great Reset do not know their history, as in this otherwise solid Mises piece:


About twenty-four hundred years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato came up with the idea constructing the state and society according to an elaborate plan. Plato wanted “wise men” (philosophers) at the helm of the government, but he made it also clear that his kind of state would need a transformation of the humans.


This was read backward: in actuality, Plato used the “ideal Republic” to analyze what would be necessary to make a republic work, and used this to criticize the notion of republic — a replacement for the organic civilization of aristocrats and people seeking moral clarity — itself.


As Neel Burton writes:


In the Republic, which in my view is nothing more than a thought experiment, he conceived of an ideal state ruled by a small number of people selected, after close observation and rigorous testing, from a highly educated elite.


Burton correctly reads the civilization cycle from Plato:


The ideal state is an aristocracy in which rule is exercised by one or more distinguished people. Unfortunately, owing to human nature, the ideal state is unstable and liable to degenerate into timocracy (government by property owners), oligarchy, democracy, and, finally, tyranny. States are not made of oak and rock, but of people, and so come to resemble the people of which they are made. Aristocracies are made of just and good people; timocracies of proud and honour-loving people; oligarchies of misers and money-makers; democracies of people who are overcome by unnecessary desires; and tyrannies of people who are overcome by harmful desires.


In other words, every form of government is transformative of its people, but some encourage us upward in the ways of natural selection, while others drive us inward, toward neurosis, narcissism, and selfishness.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 2:54 a.m. No.11947370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7383 >>7563 >>7653 >>7737

Great Reset Versus Great Awakening PT 4

by Brett Stevens on December 1, 2020


Back to Mises, we must correct another error before moving on. This concerns the League of Nations:


The first modern attempts to create a global institution with a governmental function was launched by the government of Woodrow Wilson who acted as US president from 1913 to 1921. Under the inspiration of Colonel Mandell House, the president’s prime advisor and best friend, Wilson wanted to establish a world forum for the period after World War I. Yet the plan of American participation in the League of Nations failed and the drive toward internationalism and establishing a new world order receded during the Roaring Twenties.


Ironically, the point of the League of Nations was the opposite of the United Nations: to preserve ethnic self-determination, or nationalism, since the union of different ethnic groups into nation-states (following the disastrous Napoleonic Wars) had created the fertile ground for the first world war.


The idea was that if an international body was established with the goal of protecting ethnic self-determination, causes for wars could get addressed before they detonated into conflict. The UN, on the other hand, wanted “world federalism” or a global control body to take over from national leadership.


However, here the vital distinction emerges:


Under the leadership of Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt, twenty-six nations agreed in January 1942 to the initiative of establishing a United Nations Organization (UNO), which came into existence on October 24, 1945. Since its inception, the United Nations and its branches, such as the World Bank Group and the World Health Organization (WHO), have prepared the countries of the world to comply with the goals that were announced at its foundation.


Yet the unctuous pronouncements of promoting “international peace and security,” “developing friendly relations among nations,” and working for “social progress, better living standards, and human rights” hides the agenda of establishing a world government with executive powers whose task would not be promoting liberty and free markets but greater interventionism and control through cultural and scientific organizations. This became clear with the creation of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1945.


The world federalist notion consists of the idea that those who are friends of “science” and “human rights” (civil rights in an international context) would rule the world for the benefit of those methods, in theory improving the lives of all humanity, but really, enabling the bureaucrat-class to dominate every free nation and enforce control in the method satirized in Plato’s Republic.


In other words, this completely inverts the League of Nations ideal from a collaboration of free states to an abolition of free states and their replacement with a one-size-fits-all way of life to which all of humanity will have to conform.


In other words: the Genghis Khan method, globally.


With the pronouncement of a pandemic, the goal of comprehensive government control of the economy and society has taken another leap toward transforming the economy and society. Freedom faces a new enemy. The tyranny comes under the disguise of expert rule and benevolent dictatorship. The new rulers do not justify their right to dominance because of divine providence but now claim the right to rule the people in the name of universal health and safety based on presumed scientific evidence.


Let us translate this freely: “in your best interests.” As happens with every tyranny, the dictator begins life as a protector of the masses, giving out free stuff and guarding them against wealth. Since people seek external scapegoats for their internal problems, this always proves massively popular and proportionately destructive. This time, however, it is happening globally.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 2:55 a.m. No.11947374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7383 >>7563 >>7653 >>7737

Great Reset Versus Great Awakening PT 5

by Brett Stevens on December 1, 2020


This shows us human civilization at the opposite end from the Genghis Khan method: instead of using external control to force conformity in unison, this relies on inner motivations, namly a motivation toward some achievement instead of in reaction to or against some external scapegoat.


If we have any kind of future in humanity, it lies in the Great Awakening, which means the mental defection from modernity, the system of individualism enforced by collective obedience to social appearance, a mental state which implements itself through DEDS (democracy, equality, diversity, and socialism).


Those who awaken find themselves suddenly snapping to the realization that government, media, science, academia, bureaucracy, and other people are motivated by an interest in power as much as any tyrant, and they become tyrannical no matter what level of authority they have.


A teacher, for example, keeps order in the class so that she looks good and gets promoted. A parking attendant writes as many tickets as possible so his metrics look good and he gets promoted. A dogcatcher wants to catch as many dogs as possible, so he rounds up lost suburban mutts instead of going after the dangerous and aggressive dog packs at the outer edge of the wrong side of town.


This means that the motivations of government involve control, and use rationalizations or excuses to get to that point. They invoke ideas like anti-poverty, class warfare, civil rights, feminism, legal weed, homosexuality, and transgenderism not because they believe in those things, but because those things are popular with the “proles” — the unspecialized, analytically-inept, and perpetually scapegoating masses. These people want a simple answer: their life conditions are not their fault, but were done to them, and therefore, can be fixed with external intervention, Genghis Khan style.


This means that the Great Awakening completes a part of the puzzle of the twentieth century. We assumed that, per the French Revolution narrative that guides all democracies, our problem was tyrannical government.


We did not yet know that it was tyrannical conspiracy, and that this occurs in human social groups, and so whether it manifests in government, industry, or even just as a cultural event, the result will be the same: individualists will band together in groups to form collectivized individualism, in which the individual demands freedom from standards but also subsidies from the rest of society, so that they get the benefits of civilization without the costs.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 2:57 a.m. No.11947384   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Great Reset Versus Great Awakening PT 5

by Brett Stevens on December 1, 2020


The calls for “freedom” and imposition of control are two sides of the same coin, and humans have a psychological weakness for this like we do to addiction, obesity, gambling, or “manias” which periodically cause spontaneous mass conformity to the absurd. We have to fear not just the USSR, but the hep cat at the local dive bar who realizes that by blaming the rich, he can form a group of weaponized losers demanding that civilization deconstruct itself so individualism can reign, and as soon as they have enough power, they will invent anew the government of Mao, Khan, or Stalin: totalitarian tolerance that in defense against intolerance, will commit any degree of atrocity it views as necessary because it sees its goal as the singular moral good possible for humanity.


Once one awakens to this, reality inverts — or re-inverts, since it was already inverted — and the focus changes from forcing equality and liberalization onto nature, to looking toward nature, specifically biology, genetics, and the Machiavellian mechanics of power. With this Nietzschean outlook, we can see how modernity since the Enlightenment has been nothing but a con. We see that biology and morality converge at some point, and provide a better option than human desires, emotions, and social impulses.


The Great Awakening consists of the idea that we need organic civilization back, complete with un-PC things like a homogenous ethnic profile, social hierarchy including caste, reward-based systems instead of subsidies, a strong culture including faith or faiths, reliance on family including nation, and a hostility to anything but “good for the good, bad for the bad,” which is where morality and natural selection overlap.


We do not need a Great Reset; the “Great Reset” consists of more of the things that they have been doing for the past seventy-five years that have failed so gracelessly. We do not need to get rid of capitalism, since unlike all other options it works, but a society does not consist of an economic system alone. Nor can race, religion, selective breeding, or culture alone save us, but these are all elements of the nuanced and complex approach that occurs naturally to the most intelligent among us.


Our Great Awakening forms part of the sea change that is occurring as we leave behind Leftism, then Modernity, then the Enlightenment,™ and finally the vicious narcissism/individualism which has steadily been eating away our civilization since it first got really successful during Greco-Roman times. We can have a glorious future, if we just reach out our hands to grasp it.


Tags: crowdism, DEDS, genghis khan, gold and silver races, great awakening, great reset

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 3:01 a.m. No.11947407   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attempted Chinese Coup Runs Up Against American Restoration PT 1

by Brett Stevens on November 29, 2020


Fear rules human societies unless those societies are on an upward trajectory. You can recognize a healthy society because little happens, but people focus on their inner lives and the pursuits where they can be brilliant, which for most means doing simple jobs well and then just enjoying life.


We might not recognize an upward society if one walked up and bit us on the — uh, elbow. It would have strong leaders who rarely publicly demonstrated that strength. Most people would be chaste and stay in their hometowns. Activities of the mind and soul would exceed those of the appetites.


It would probably feature more people working from their homes, working fewer hours a day, with men working and women managing the home, with abundant happy children. This society would be homogeneous with one culture, some kind of vague religion which is not written down, and a complex language spoken differently by the different social levels, which would roughly correspond to IQ bands.


Movies, television, current novels, sex, food, music, and entertainment would not take the role that they do today; they would be more ceremonial, honoring what has always worked and can be rediscovered, renewed, and understood anew every generation. The focus would not be on distracting ourselves with external stimulus, but on getting ourselves right inwardly: discipline of behavior, sharpening of the mind, development of the soul, and achieving clarity on the choices one can make that will provide the best life possible.


Modern society on the other hand, as an inverted society, finds itself ruled by rationalization. Since it has no shared assumptions and no goal, people must take what they get and rationalize/justify it as what they want or what is good for them. As a result, all people live under the “fiction absolute” or the idea that the life they are leading is the best one that can be led by them:

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 3:02 a.m. No.11947412   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attempted Chinese Coup Runs Up Against American Restoration PT 2

by Brett Stevens on November 29, 2020


Even before I left graduate school I had come to the conclusion that virtually all people live by what I think of as a “fiction-absolute.” Each individual adopts a set of values which, if truly absolute in the world–so ordained by some almighty force–would make not that individual but his group . . . the best of all possible groups, the best of all inner circles. Politicians, the rich, the celebrated, become mere types. Does this apply to “the intellectuals” also? Oh, yes. . . perfectly, all too perfectly.


The human beast’s belief in his own fiction-absolute accounts for one of the most puzzling and in many cases irrational phenomena of our time. I first noticed it when I read a book by Samuel Lubell called The Future of American Politics. Lubell was a political scientist and sociologist who had been as surprised as everybody else by the outcome of the 1948 presidential election. That was the election in which the Democratic incumbent, Harry Truman, was a president whose approval rating had fallen as low as 23 percent. Every survey, every poll, every pundit’s prediction foresaw him buried by the Republican nominee, Thomas E. Dewey. Instead, Truman triumphed in one of the most startling upsets in American political history. Lubell was determined to find out why, and so he set out across the country. When he reached a small Midwestern town that had been founded before the turn of the 19th century by Germans, he was puzzled to learn that the town had gone solidly for Dewey despite the fact that by every rational turn of logic, every economic motivation, Truman would have been a more logical choice. By and by Lubell discovered that the town was still predominantly German. Nobody had ever gotten over the fact that in 1917, a Democrat, President Woodrow Wilson, had declared war on Germany. That had set off a wave of anti-German feeling, anti-German prejudice, and, in the eyes of the people of this town, besmirched their honor as people of German descent. And now, two World Wars later, their minds were fixed on the year 1917, because like all other human beasts, they tended to champion in an irrational way their own set of values, their own fiction absolute. The question Lubell asked was very much like the question that Thomas Frank asked after the election of 2004 in his book What’s the Matter with Kansas? By all economic and political logic, the state of Kansas should have gone to John Kerry, the Democrat, in 2004. But it didn’t. Had Frank only looked back to Samuel Lubell, he would have known why. The 2004 election came down to one state: the state of Ohio. Whoever won that state in the final hours would win the election. Northern Ohio, the big cities of Cleveland, Toledo on the Great Lakes, were solidly for Kerry. But in southern Ohio, from east to west, and in the west was the city of Cincinnati, Ohio went solidly for George Bush. And the reason? That great swath of territory was largely inhabited by the Scots-Irish. And when the Democrats came out in favor of gun control, the Scots-Irish interpreted this as not merely an attack on the proliferation of weaponry in American life but as a denunciation, a besmirching, of their entire way of life, their entire fiction absolute.


Again, the key point:


Each individual adopts a set of values which, if truly absolute in the world–so ordained by some almighty force–would make not that individual but his group . . . the best of all possible groups, the best of all inner circles.


This means that each group has its own micro-culture, and these groups are comprised of layers: ethnicity is the core, then social class, then region, then profession, and finally, social group or activities. A blue collar fisherman of mixed German/Scots-Irish descent will be a far different person from a lower middle class cellular phone salesman of mixed Polish/Irish descent.


When a civilization is thriving, the fiction-absolute does not fall far out of step with reality, so cognitive dissonance is low, and therefore people can start working within society before they understand it and accept their place in it.


In a fear-based civilization, order has been lost, and so those in power use manipulation (control, gaslighting, fear, guilt, shame, lust) to browbeat the herd into unity, obedience, and conformity. For this reason, the fiction-absolute seeks to explain the insane as sanity.


All of this takes us to the situation in which we find ourselves today: people are cheering for the teams that represent their lifestyles, and barely have any idea of a connection to politics, except for a few isolated incidents.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 3:03 a.m. No.11947417   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attempted Chinese Coup Runs Up Against American Restoration PT 3

by Brett Stevens on November 29, 2020


Before we go on, I must apologize for being a terrible writer. Good writers make plain things interesting; I make interesting things plain. This comes from the split in my influences — ancient literature, technical documentation, and philosophical reading — which has me writing more in the analytical than commercial tradition.


Coming from the mold, my approach here breaks down democracy into a conflict of identities. Fundamentally, the Left is correct: in a pluralistic society, all politics are identity politics, and each of us must represent our own group.


This means that the Left will remain oblivious to whatever vote fraud went on in election 2020 or the chances of the Right until the end, and they will preach obvious falsehoods without a trace of self-doubt or awareness of hypocrisy, since to them winning is all, and only their side is right.


As of today, Trump dropped the challenge to America regarding election 2020, which is that this is our last democratic election as a pluralistic society:


“My mind will not change in six months. There was tremendous cheating here,” he warned. “If Republicans allow it to happen, you’ll never have another Republican elected in the history of this country, at a Senate level or at a presidential level.”


In defense of their identity politics groups, Democrats have not just attempted to steal an election, but have colluded with a foreign power (China) to do so. To the Left, any means necessary to win must be considered moral, including treason and surrendering our autonomy in order to have the “correct” System.


We know that they achieved this massive theft by chipping away at the parameters which regulate which votes are considered valid:


In order to steal an election, would-be thieves need a few things to go their way: First, the election needs to be close at the national level — close enough that only a handful of altered state outcomes will change the final results. Second, the margins in those states must also be close — and there must be disputes in those same states that could arguably swing the outcome.


In fact, it looks as if with help from China, the Left created a worldwide panic over COVID-19 that forced the use of mail-in ballots, solely to make it easy to steal the vote and hard to find out where the theft occurred. This shows a reckless lack of concern for our future.


As I have said before, Trump will approach this in layers: first, the obvious irregularities and nasty little cheats; second, the state-wide and county-wide deceptions; finally, the “big steal” that involved voting machines and some kind of communication from overseas.


Where did this communication originate? Some of it at least came from our own people working for the Deep State, or permanent bureaucracy that persists between administrations like the famous “military-industrial complex” or the political machines of the nineteenth century.


Some think there was a military-style raid involved:


It didn’t go down without incident. I haven’t been able to verify it. I want to be careful in that. It’s just coming out. But I understand my initial report is that there were US soldiers killed in that operation. Now, know that was a CIA operation. And so that’s the that’s the very worrisome thing did that occur because of what Mary and I and Alan were notifying on the Sunday and the Monday in different networks that this was going to happen that they were using hammer and scorecard. And so they decided to bounce it overseas.


So the server farms that hammering scorecard were using in the continental United States couldn’t be used. I don’t know that in any way. It makes it more abundant. Because when you start moving that kind of data overseas. Other people look at, but you are saying that was a, you are saying that was a CIA facility, and that that was where the server was taken from by the Special Forces was a CIA facility in Germany.


That’s correct, Frankfurt, Germany. Now, we have all this information. General Plan of course people must realize was the senior military intelligence officer in the US commands. As a Defense Intelligence Agency is a career intelligence officer knows this stuff backwards and forwards in from my experience in the cloud business. This was a trivial operation, relatively speaking, but the magnitude because there were so many people Brandon were involved.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 3:05 a.m. No.11947422   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attempted Chinese Coup Runs Up Against American Restoration PT 3


by Brett Stevens on November 29, 2020


Among other rumors, a couple weeks back this was identified as a raid on a voting machine company who in theory was overseeing our election:


Gohmert said that his former intel contact asked him to send on all of the information that needed to be gathered from Scytl. Gohmert said that he sent the information the following day, November 9. Gohmert then mentioned a tweet written in German that was published on November 8 which alleged that Scytl’s headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany, was raided by members of the U.S. Army.


During the alleged raid, the company’s servers were removed, Gohmert said. Heavy has been unable to find the original tweet but has seen screenshots. Gohmert admits in the video, “I don’t know the truth,” before referencing the alleged raid. The congressman was unable to provide any proof that the raid took place. Scytl was originally headquartered in Barcelona, Spain.


More likely, they got the wrong name, or facilities were being used by a team of American operatives. It is also possible that the company was purchased for cover, and moved to be part of a cluster of American shell companies and false fronts designed to cover intelligence activity:


Gohmert also noted that Scytl had filed for bankruptcy. Spanish outlet La Vanguardia reported in May 2020 the company had $75 million in debts.


This would make Scytl (or whoever the target was) part of the military spying complex the CIA built in Frankfurt, Germany:


The leaks purportedly revealed that a top secret CIA unit used the German city of Frankfurt am Main as the starting point for numerous hacking attacks on Europe, China and the Middle East.


WikiLeaks reported that the group developed trojans and other malicious software in the American Consulate General Office, the largest US consulate in the world. The programs focused on targets in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.


German daily “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported the building was known to be home to a vast network of intelligence personnel including CIA agents, NSA spies, military secret service personnel, Department of Homeland Security employees and Secret Service employees. It reported the Americans had also established a dense network of outposts and shell companies in Frankfurt.


Why would the CIA do this? It likes to have plausible deniability, and having a European ally “clean up” would provide lower impact than forcing the Americans to scrub and destroy a facility. It also places the facility in a jurisdictional grey zone: both US and German law apply, but neither are being enforced because each party is trying to avoid the other.


America intelligence services — like every other intelligence service on Earth that can afford to do this — create hubs like this all the time. They also create front companies, both to provide cover stories (“legends”) and to investigate foreign countries.


If we want a parallel to what this voting machine spy complex was doing, we need only look to recent history and how American penetration of cryptography allowed worldwide monitoring:


A first investigation had revealed back in February an elaborate, decades-long set-up, in which the CIA and its German counterpart creamed off the top-secret communications of governments through their hidden control of a Swiss encryption company called Crypto.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 3:06 a.m. No.11947427   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attempted Chinese Coup Runs Up Against American Restoration PT 4


by Brett Stevens on November 29, 2020


Omnisec meanwhile also sold its faulty OC-500 series devices to several federal agencies in Switzerland, including its own intelligence agencies, as well as to Switzerland’s largest bank, UBS, and other private companies in the country, the SRF investigation showed.


According to the revelations in February by SRF, the Washington Post and German broadcaster ZDF, Crypto served for decades as a Trojan horse to spy on governments worldwide.


The company supplied devices for encoded communications to some 120 countries from after World War II to the beginning of this century, including to Iran, South American governments, India and Pakistan.


Having learned from WW2, the Americans wanted to get in before others inundated the market, so they purchased a key company, improved its products so that it would take over the market, and used this gear to not only spy on their targets, but on other intelligence agencies spying on those targets.


Most likely, our government did the same thing with voting machines, but somehow they got themselves a mole. This person either sold out to China for ideological reasons or, more likely, cut them into the intelligence field in a trade for power somewhere else.


If you still think this is weird, consider CIA sponsorship of Facebook and NSA backdoors in most routers as well as most telecommunications equipment.


All of these dovetail nicely with some of our learning in the postwar world, namely Echelon, an NSA program which used supercomputers with voice recognition to filter international messages and do contact tracing in order to identify enemies of the US.


With this in mind, it is entirely possible that an NSA program run from Frankfurt was responsible for gaming elections worldwide, but the bad guys got ahold of it. Since China sponsors the Left, much as the USSR once sponsored socialists on the American Left, it makes no sense to deny the obvious link here, or how China may have picked up on the unexpected rise in Trump votes and made the 3:00 AM call to Hillary Clinton or whoever is in charge to have them stop counting and drop in lots of fake votes to cloud the waters and camouflage what the Dominion voting systems were doing.


All of this could point toward a coup by an intelligence agency which wants to dominate the Deep State, American government, Democratic Party, and required the help, assistance, or silence of China as it did so. Someone made a deal. A heck of a big deal. Sort of like how the Democrats accepted USSR aid for decades.


In the land of democracy, free states getting taken over by their intelligence agencies seems a rather familiar trope. Deep States creating a Uniparty by bullying out anyone who resists their weird little cult also seems fairly normal. These are bugs, not features, but the Left sees them as features, of democracy.


Trump hired Giuliani in 2018 to prepare for this election. Most likely, they hand-picked a team of experts from existing agencies, selecting those they knew were loyal and not part of the Deep State. They then set up monitoring from the Eisenhower Building, probably disguised as a survey on farm animal droppings or traffic patterns.


At that point, they hauled out the contact-tracing software that the military uses, and applied it to find the likely actors in this drama. They then watched the scam unfold in real time, and could direct their people to seize evidence and start legal actions where anomalies were observed.


If anything was seized in Germany, it was likely a server with logged actions either in voting software or communications. It will show who was logged in and gave the commands to enact the theft of this election. They wanted to get it before it got the Hillary Clinton Email Server treatment.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 3:06 a.m. No.11947431   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attempted Chinese Coup Runs Up Against American Restoration PT 5


by Brett Stevens on November 29, 2020


Trump has made it clear many times that if the other side wants to stay out of jail, they need to simply back down. They would not. This means that he must work through those three layers, and then at the end, when he proves conspiracy with a foreign power to conduct election interference, people start going to jail.


Remember those thousands of sealed indictments. Consider the re-shuffling of defense and espionage positions in the American government. Trump was planning for this, and he used the election as bait to lure out the Deep State so that it would give him the smoking gun of political intrigue:


A former Venezuelan military officer who helped develop the machines testified they could be manipulated. “He knew as soon as the machines were turned off in those key states,” Powell said, that massive support for Trump “had broken the algorithm that had been programmed. So they had to stop counting and backfill the vote with fraudulent mail-in ballots or whatever means they used.”


This same officer, Powell told Fox’s Lou Dobbs on Nov. 16, “was personally in briefings when all of this was discussed and planned, beginning with Hugo Chavez, how it was designed there and then saw it happening in this country.”


Trump thought he would get more than the 64m votes he got last election, but no one correctly anticipated how many more, which required that late-night call to set things right. This gave him a chance to see the kingpin behind the kingpin, which most likely is China.


Other international electors may be involved. It would not be unlike Communists to have set up a capitalist company to steal elections worlwide, and then to have made a deal with Democrats: you let us do whatever we want, and you get to have your candidate be president.


In any case, now is not the time to get weak, as many of our fellow citizens have. This is a good time to be strong, resolute, and push hard for us to do what is right. Either we win this or the country gets ruled by China from now on, so the stakes are a bit high, to put it mildly.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 3:11 a.m. No.11947456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7475

Three Layers Of The Trump Strategy To Save America

by Brett Stevens on December 5, 2020


America settled into a new rhythm last week. The Left thought that if they repeated “debunked,” “baseless,” and “unproven” enough that we would all roll over. Instead, their prey fought back, and the parasites had to go rage in their impotent hatred for anything not as miserable as they are.


Leftists are — well, if one were to explain them to a child, one would say that they are the unhappy people. No matter how much money or power they get, they are never happy, and they blame the world for their own state of unhappiness.


This serves as their attempt to conceal the fact that the root of their unhappiness is that they keep looking for something external to themselves to make their minds orderly so that they can enjoy life. They have neurotic, solipsistic, individualistic, and neurotic minds.


From that unhappy state of mental disorganization they derive their “impulse to destroy,” namely a need to tear down anything that is not them or subservient to them. Leftists are the ultimate small angry people on a power trip, even if passive-aggressively.


They are the kind of people who vote in an election with zero consciousness of what choice they are making. For them, the election means only a chance to beat down the other guy. Leftists are the source of the football team cheerleader mentality in democracy.


Much of their anger comes from the fact that they are not necessary. If all Leftists died tomorrow, the line at Starbucks would be longer, your HOA would stop harrassing you for having shutters the wrong shade of off-white, and a profound scarcity of “expert opinion” would bless us with silence.


Leftists know this, which is why they use guilt as a weapon. Without guilt, they have nothing. When we feel no guilt for the fact that much of our species is self-destructing, and that Leftists want us to pay attention to their rantings, the Left loses its power and dies out quickly.


The Left also faces a somewhat permanent problem at this point. The Left makes its bread and butter by offering revolutions, or the idea that everything we think is true is wrong, and we can fix everything with this one simple, easy trick called equality.


It works great when Leftists are underdogs, but fails completely when they have been in control for awhile. After the 1960s, Clinton, and then Obama — the three most transformative periods for American society — the Left can no longer claim to be underdogs; rather, they are The Establishment.


Even more however they are suffering from a turnaround, since any unrealistic philosophy inverts a power structure by forcing it to cater to fixing the illusion, rather than applying a functional theory. The party of no rules and free stuff has become the party of regulations and taxes.


Worse even, they have run out of room to expand. Leftists are still hammering on the same ideas that they preached in the 1990s, 1960s, 1930s, and 1780s. They still want a society of no rules, free income, and pluralism, but we have that already and it does not work so well.


They just about had a solution in place — ethnically cleanse the native population by importing the people from the third world who always vote against the majority — but then Americans noticed that this had fundamentally transformed the country, and also wrecked the economy.


It turns out that having one ethnic group means that you have a high-trust society where people do not need to lock doors much, can collaborate even as strangers, and everyone roughly knows what they should be doing. Bring in another group — even the Irish — and your culture, trust, and efficiency go away.


Most people want the 1980s back since America was then still mostly under control by WASPs — Nordid-Cromagnid-Daleofaelids from Western Europe — and it ran a lot better than the mixed-race, mixed-class, and mixed-religion mass of squalling special interest groups that we have now.


Even more, people have wised up to globalism, which turns out to be the same thing as “world federalism” from the 1920s and the dream of Genghis Khan from seven hundred years ago, namely dominating the world in order to standardize, centralize, and dominate it with bureaucracy.


We have seen how that turns out too and we want out. The same “internationalists” who were spreading socialism and parasitic multinational corporations back in the 1930s are doing the same thing today, leaving poverty and chaos in their wake. They are simply parasites.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 3:13 a.m. No.11947463   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Three Layers Of The Trump Strategy To Save America PT 2

by Brett Stevens on December 5, 2020


As a result, first the Tea Party and now the populists have risen against the New World Order, namely the globalist network of market socialist societies controlled by the rules of bureaucrats and the United Nations more than by their national leaders. We are controlled by unelected bureaucrats.


This means that Trump, Farage, the Visegard Group, and even Marine LePen are just the visible surface of a much bigger groundswell. Sea change has come; Leftism has failed, liberal democracy has failed, and market socialism (capitalism + entitlements) has also failed. We do not want to go down with those ships.


All of this adds up to some very nervous Leftists, to the point where they were willing to cobble together a collection of organized crime political machines like the Clinton-Obama gang, neurotic billionaires, the radical Left, and at the heart of it, pulling the strings, China.


This group attempted an election theft and got caught. Following the methods he used to take down the New York mafias, Giuliani set up a scratch team off the books and had it watch what was going on using contact-mapping software. This group, of military and law enforcement experts, caught the theft as it happened.


Trump will use what he found there to do two things: first, inherit his rightful place as winner of the election, and second, since he deliberately used this election as bait, draw out the swamp, identify them, and produce a legal justification for firing anyone connected to them.


He will do this in three layers of attack:


Procedural. His team will painstakingly identify every county in which vote theft occurred, note how it happened, and produce corrected vote totals. Where Dominion voting machines were used to switch, add, or steal votes, these votes will be invalidate or at least re-tallied.

Constitutional. The Left will not like his procedural changes, so they will have corrupt officials fight them. Trump will appeal to SCOTUS along the lines of Bush v. Gore, and then if that fails, will have legislatures elect him either at the state level by sending different electors, or at the federal level with a vote in the house. Since public opinion has turned against the election theft, he will win.

Criminal. Once the election is confirmed, he will prove conspiracy. This will link organizations like ACORN, Twitter, China, the DNC, the Clinton-Obama political machines, and Dominion voting systems into an attack on America. More than prosecuting individuals, he will now have a McCarthy-style list of organizations to which one cannot be linked and also be part of American government, and he will fire these people from government en masse and force elected officials to step down if they are linked to any of these groups.

Right now we are wading through the first layer, soon to be followed by the second. Each day that passes without a choice of president that the world can believe is legitimate, America gets weaker. Time and the markets are on Trump’s side.


From there, he will move on to the second layer and be officially elected president. At that point, he can move on to the third, possibly using RICO to indict people who are otherwise too slippery to catch, like Clinton and Obama. He can also bankrupt all these organizations in civil courts.


What follows them will be a mass purge of people from American government, reducing it radically in size and function, and forcing us to re-assess the entitlements programs that occasioned the need for all of these bureaucrats.


The big point here is that a shift in history has occurred. The old way has failed, and so we are moving on from the bureaucracy model to a nationalist, libertarian, traditionalist, and yet strongly socially conservative — a nation united by morality, not rules — model which will take us away from leftism.


Trump has showed brilliant aggression and game-playing in this one, luring out his enemies with something that they could not ignore, and inducing them to repeat their tactics from 2008-2016 because he refused to prosecute them in the past.


He needed to catch them dead to rights, not repeat the Bill Clinton impeachment which went nowhere because all of the evidence was destroyed, the witnesses dead, and the Chinese made off-limits for “national security” reasons.


He has also lured out Big Media and Big Tech, encouraging them to be as abusive as possible, so that he can remove the Swamp creatures from their ranks and nationalize them or destroy them with defamation suits or civil lawsuits for the monetary damages incurred by their participation in election theft.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 3:13 a.m. No.11947467   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Three Layers Of The Trump Strategy To Save America PT 3

by Brett Stevens on December 5, 2020


Life comes with no guarantees, but as things stand now, it looks like Trump has engineered a massive win. At that point, it will be up to us to keep pushing to the Right without falling into the weaknesses that have plagued the Right in the past.


We need a new, responsible right free of both neo-Nazis and neoconservatives. We do not need more extremist; we need a removal of all failing things, especially the entitlements that bring the bureaucrats, diversity, and multinational corporations to our shores.


In the midst of a thousand-year revolt against the Revolutions, Trump and Brexit serve as the first step to severing ourselves from the bureaucratic governments and pop culture that have parasitically devoured our society. More solid actions await in the future.


We have to keep pushing Right and keep succeeding with realistic and practical programs that make life better by removing Leftism and replacing it with time-honored methods for improving ourselves within, instead of relying on free stuff from government to do it for us.


Currently this reality has just started to set in with the Left. As narcissists — these are unhappy people who hate their families and culture — they never thought their gamble could go wrong. They counted on bullying us into conformity and using guilt to control us.


Instead, they are seeing a world emerge where their views are not just in disfavor, but obsolete. They have failed just like Communism, national socialism, fascism, socialism, anarchism, and other broken models. We are moving past liberal democracy, civil rights, and globalism to something better.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 3:17 a.m. No.11947476   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why China Hates Amerika

by Brett Stevens on November 25, 2020


Most people presume that the purpose of this site is “theory,” or find some facts to group together into an interesting explanation for the human process behind some aspect of our current reality.


On the contrary, here at Amerika we seek realism: since the universe is consistent above all else, we attempt to describe its consistent tendencies in full, which is the opposite of theory, which cherry-picks data to create patterns that humans find interesting or empowering.


The point of theory, in a democracy society, follows the point of everything else: make something that people like to consume. It does not have to be correct. It just has to seem to explain everything and make halfway-smart-but-not-smart people feel smart for having consumed it.


We can find the archetype of this in Hegel. He posited that history advanced through a thesis, antithesis, and synthesis; in reality, he was describing the process of negotiation and compromise as his merchant audience knew it, and pretending that this was the root of nature!


Realism takes another approach. We see that different things compete and whatever does not get destroyed lives on, for good or ill. Nature is not systematic in the human sense of lining things up alphabetically and testing each one. Over the ages, it tests everything, but takes its time.


For this reason, realists attempt to describe the world as it is, the minimum required to adapt to it as a human animal, and the different qualitative dimensions we can add to our experience. One can survive in a lean-to, but finds life more pleasurable in a big house with plumbing and heat.


This pursuit of realism leads to interesting places, none of which overlap with the mainstream. The mainstream Left finds us too anti-equality, and the mainstream Right finds us too anti-freedom. In reality, these are two dimensions of the same thing: anarchy, pacifism, and compromise.


In addition, realists argue that humans have never changed, so whatever we are seeing today probably mirrors the human bad behavior we have seen since the dawn of time.


For example, consider political correctness. Was this something new? No: it represents an old impulse, namely the tendency to limit mention of anything but what a group wants to believe is true, so that the group can believe it is true. Humans have done this since the dawn of time.


Or perhaps we should look at the DNC. What behavior should we expect? At some point, every nation falls to corruption and the kind of organized crime that could run political machines, or tyrannical organized crime control of democratic elections:


Political machine, in U.S. politics, a party organization, headed by a single boss or small autocratic group, that commands enough votes to maintain political and administrative control of a city, county, or state.


The rapid growth of American cities in the 19th century, a result of both immigration and migration from rural areas, created huge problems for city governments, which were often poorly structured and unable to provide services. In those conditions, political machines—such as Tammany Hall, run by boss William Magear Tweed (1823–73) in New York City—were able to build a loyal voter following, especially among immigrant groups, by performing such favours as providing jobs or housing.


Political machines are characterized by a disciplined and hierarchical organization, reaching down to neighbourhood and block organizers, that enables the machine to respond to the problems of individual neighbourhoods, or even families, in exchange for loyalty at the polls.


Organizers who “deliver” the votes are often rewarded with patronage jobs. However, patronage can result in poorer service to the citizens because appointees may be neither qualified for their jobs nor interested in performing them. Control of both elective and appointed posts also gives a machine control of government salaries and revenues, which can be used to enrich the party at the public’s expense. For example, the machine may accept donations or kickbacks from businesses in return for such favours as tax or zoning concessions or the award of lucrative public-works contracts.


In cities whose neighbourhoods are divided along ethnic or racial lines, machine patronage may aggravate hostilities by awarding most jobs and services to those people of the same background as the city’s power elite.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 3:18 a.m. No.11947484   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why China Hates Amerika PT2

by Brett Stevens on November 25, 2020


Ironically, Democrats argue for a return to political machines:


When Barack Obama came into power in 2008 with large majorities in both houses of Congress, it was hailed as the beginning of a new and lasting era of Democratic rule. Two years later, Democrats lost six U.S. Senate seats and 63 House seats—their worst beating in the House in 72 years. They also lost 680 seats in state legislatures, an all-time record, and six governorships. The 2014 midterms were no better: Democrats lost nine more Senate seats—their worst showing since the Reagan Massacre of 1980—plus another 13 House seats, and forfeited a net of two more governors’ mansions and eleven more legislative chambers. The party was reduced to its lowest standing on the state and national levels since 1900—and is now so feeble that it cannot even force the Senate to fulfill its constitutional mandate to hold hearings for an empty seat on the Supreme Court.


…Although they had been arriving in large numbers since the beginning of the nation, the 1845 Irish potato famine sped up the influx. By 1860, 200,000 people, nearly one-quarter of the city’s population, were Irish Catholics, many of them often illiterate and unable even to speak English, transforming what had been an overwhelmingly Protestant, Anglo-Saxon city. Other convulsions in Europe would bring waves of Italians, Eastern European Jews, Poles, Slavs, and others. Instead of renouncing or attacking them, Tammany recruited them.


Immigrants provided Tammany with an army. By the Civil War, most cities in the United States had at least one political machine. While some places, including Chicago, Philadelphia, and Cincinnati, boasted competing organizations from each party, the machine was primarily a Democratic institution. Republicans carried the taint of the anti-immigrant, Nativist, and Know-Nothing parties they had absorbed, and the GOP was made up largely of men who were geographically as well as temperamentally more difficult to pack into a machine: yeoman farmers, small businessmen, entrepreneurs.


Political machines have always functioned this way: adopt those who do not have a voice because they do not fit in, use them as a personal army, and maintain constant rule over every election, ideally by controlling candidates from both parties.


The “boss” of the machine often does not take office, but has politicians work for him, and handles the routing of kickback money into the machine so that it can keep buying votes, which it does by either handing out money directly or promising free stuff from government.


Despite attempts to limit political machines, they have returned by undoing the reforms made to stop them:


That tradition continues today in the way parties choose their candidates. During the Progressive Era, states began to adopt direct primary systems, in which citizens choose party candidates rather than political bosses. Today’s combination of primaries and caucuses that select U.S. presidential candidates is one legacy of this era.


With political bosses like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama now choosing which candidates appear on the Democratic ticket, the return of political machines seems ominously evident.


Political machines most likely steered us into our civil war with their support for abolitionists, since their membership was comprised of people who saw themselves as having a lot in common with other outsiders like enslaved Negroes.


After that time, they began to wane, and had to go underground after some political machines were revealed, like the downfall of Boss Tweed on November 23, 1876:


Tweed became a powerful figure in Tammany Hall—New York City’s Democratic political machine—in the late 1850s. By the mid 1860s, he had risen to the top position in the organization and formed the “Tweed Ring,” which openly bought votes, encouraged judicial corruption, extracted millions from city contracts, and dominated New York City politics. The Tweed Ring reached its peak of fraudulence in 1871 with the remodeling of the City Court House, a blatant embezzlement of city funds that was exposed by The New York Times. Tweed and his flunkies hoped the criticism would blow over, but thanks to the efforts of opponents such as Harper’s Weekly political cartoonist Thomas Nast, who conducted a crusade against Tweed, virtually every Tammany Hall member was swept from power in the elections of November 1871.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 3:20 a.m. No.11947495   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why China Hates Amerika PT3


by Brett Stevens on November 25, 2020


A cynical person would correctly see this power shift as being all about the markets. Big Tech was profitable when it was new, but now sees its margins shrink, same with the news media. Liberal democracy has run itself out of money. China hovers near collapse because its citizens will no longer work for pennies, and all of the free Western money that it counted on is going to even cheaper places. The Left has nothing new to give away, short of going to full Communism, so people are backing away from it. All of these things will go away unless they seize power now and make themselves into permanent utilities.


If you think that it is too far-fetched for American cities to be run by a political machine tied to organized crime, consider that all of this has happened before:


Tammany Hall, the outgrowth of an 18th-century political society, had ruled New York’s Democratic Party (and the city itself) for over a century. In a time before public welfare, Tammany’s political bosses helped their hangers-on with everything from heating to health care, negotiating with landlords and sometimes paying in exchange for constituents’ votes. Party members provided strength in numbers, voting their candidates into office over and over again.


By the 1930s, Tammany had woven its way into every level of city politics—and it was controlled by the New York Mob. Graft and cronyism ruled many facets of city government, including the judicial system and police department. Elected officials handed out appointments to their friends, providing them with access to bribes and power, and most institutions prioritized helping Democrats who had shown their loyalty to Tammany instead of serving all constituents equally.


The difference now is that the political machine operates nationwide as has ties to international finance, since that is the group which currently is supporting a Chinese takeover of the world, since that will unify all of humanity into one common market, something the West has rejected.


In this case, the Obama-Clinton gang play the role of the political machine; China is the organized crime, and the billionaires club (Buffet, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos) are the rich and powerful interests who buy favors from the mob.


The billionaires club realizes that every business runs a cycle from high-margin to low-margin, and at some point, dies out because its margin collapses too low to run a large company that can defend itself against others. This is why decades-old seemingly good products vanish all the time.


When you are a billionaire, and you want to stay a billionaire, you realize that your only safety from the market, which otherwise will eventually abolish you, is to control the market through a command economy like socialism offers.


You want to be made into a utility so that every citizen mails you $50 a month. That way, your business never dies, can never really collapse unless it kills a bunch of people all at once, and will always ensure your power. You also become a leader of this new society (you think, often wrongly).


Revolutionaries always tolerate and flatter such people. When the Revolution succeeds, they plan on taking everything anyway, and they can either pension off these losers to the countryside, or more likely, shoot them in the head and throw their bodies down an old mine shaft.


So what are we seeing now?


The political machine run by the Obama-Clinton-Biden crime gang seems to be allied with China, Big Tech, media, and some billionaires. Everyone else is me-tooing to be good Leftists because under the Obama regime, that was the only way to get ahead, by being a Good Diverse Communist.


This means that half of our population is conforming and obeying simply because in the past this was rewarded. The rest oppose this takeover, knowing that any system which is based in ideology and not realism will detonate sooner or later, destroying everything good in the process.


In this way, our political machine has done what such things typically do: they produce gutmensch denialists who say that everything is fine and defend the way it is, and polarized people who see that the whole world is on fire and needs to be stopped before it gets worse.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 3:21 a.m. No.11947503   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why China Hates Amerika PT4


by Brett Stevens on November 25, 2020


All of industry and the people who are not innately popular but want to be by following trends support this. China laughs as it buys favors, the billionaires hope to be part of the New USA, and Big Tech races against time as its own irrelevance comes over the horizon.


A cynical person would correctly see this power shift as being all about the markets. Big Tech was profitable when it was new, but now sees its margins shrink, same with the news media. Liberal democracy has run itself out of money. China hovers near collapse because its citizens will no longer work for pennies, and all of the free Western money that it counted on is going to even cheaper places. The Left has nothing new to give away, short of going to full Communism, so people are backing away from it. All of these things will go away unless they seize power now and make themselves into permanent utilities.


The Left hit their high-water mark with Obamacare: they finally got the socialized medicine that they had been talking about since the 1960s. It turned into an unqualified disaster that bankrupted the middle class in order to pay for illegals. That turned the voters against the Left.


These people have been cheating the vote for decades if not centuries, as the links above show. Usually they keep it to local races. Something scared them so much that they rolled the dice on stealing a national election. This tells us that they are not going to win; this theft was their Hail Mary pass.


After all, where else does the Left have to go? They achieved everything they wanted — civil rights, open borders, socialized medicine, welfare, social security, public education, school lunches, free housing — with socialist-style entitlements from the 1930s through the 1990s.


With Obama, they had their crowning achievement: the Black president! But even he had nothing more to give. Sure, there were Obamaphones, car trade-ins, gun buybacks, and other little scams. But there were no new, big ideas. The Left had come up dry.


The battle that Trump is fighting now, Amerika fights every day. We hold out for what is right instead of what is convenient, when 99% of our species wants to do what is convenient, which usually amounts to buying stuff and waiting for a race war or rapture that never will come.


If we are honest, we can see that most of humanity has run out of ideas because they were busy imitating what is popular instead of thinking analytically and in a realistic context. As a result, all of their ideas turn out to be variants on the same few things.


For example, China has simply recycled the idea of Genghis Khan, updated with the opium trade, with Communism grafted on. The point is to have central control of economy and society so that it can be ruled by warlords in perpetuity.


Back to basic human behaviors: people steal and crave power so that they can keep stealing, not so much that they need the money, but that they want to feel superior to others. At some point, they have to take total control because otherwise they will be exposed and killed.


China hates so much that they had Reddit hard-ban our links. Why else would Facebook go out of its way to take over our pages and accounts there? Why else would Twitter ban accounts that share links?


They fear what we are saying because it is not the usual Buckleyite “Christian libertarian” woo spread by the mainstream Right, nor the easily-rejected paranoid and violent Hollywood Nazi spiel that drives ordinary citizens toward the Left. (The Nazi is our misfortune.)


China hates Amerika because we show people what the Right can be: both theoretically adept and firmly realistic. This formula beats the airy theory of the Left and the theoryless politicking of the mainstream Right. It legitimizes and advances the Dissident Right.


This is why we are ignored by the far-Right, not talked about in the mainstream Right, and censored everywhere we go — years before everyone else — online. Amerika is the kiss of death because it is the key to undoing this mess.


I submit that instead, Amerika poses an actual threat to the system: we orient people toward realism instead of the symbolic struggle which the public versions of Right and Left embrace, even the underground far-Left and far-Right.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 3:22 a.m. No.11947506   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why China Hates Amerika PT5


by Brett Stevens on November 25, 2020


China wants us to stay in the world of symbols taken at face value that baffles intelligent groups like Westerners. They want us debating over which form of equality we want, not rejecting equality wholesale. They want us with our heads in the clouds, fascinated by tokens, oblivious to reality.


In reality, this is just a steal. The Chinese, accustomed to both stealing massive amounts of control and self-destruction, want to take over the world through its financial markets. They have found a rotted business edifice that needs them to do so before it collapses.


All of this has happened before. Then, like now, it had to go on for some time before people realized that if we cut free from the parasites — dying industries, international finance, China, bureaucrats, permanent poor, diversity — we could achieve a lot more with a lot less effort.


We could rise again. That is the future that Amerika promotes, and this is why China and the Left fear us.

Anonymous ID: 33b5b9 Dec. 8, 2020, 4:23 a.m. No.11947710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7737


Fulton County

"So far we've scanned 113,130 ballots, we've adjudicated 106,000, those have been published on the site, so those results are already posted

we are, like you been seeing all day, opening ballots. We open them on these machines, then they go over to where they are flattened, then they go over to the scanners.

It's a time consuming process, once they get to the scanner we send them over to English Street, there's a vote review panel over there and we're adjudicating them from there.

The only ballots that are adjudicated are if we have a ballot with a contest on it with some question as to how the computer reads it. So the vote review panel then determines voter intent. We're trying to make sure every ballot is counted and we expect to be here, we're bringing in some more fresh people, because we've had these people here all day. We expect this to go until midnight or more."


Q: How many absentee ballots were cast in this county for this election?


[1:36]"We have somewhere near 142,000 that we will be at the end of the process. We've scanned 113,130 as of moments ago. We've adjudicated 106,000 plus of those. The 106,000 those have already been published on the website. We're gonna run more frequent batch updates over to English Street so we can get the vote review panel to update those, to go through those, adjudicate those so we can get more updates throughout the night".


[2.23] "Essentially right now we've got 5 scanners, because we've only got 5 open too, so we can't, even if we brought more scanners, it's not going to help at this point.What we would need is more space and to get more space I'd have to ask everyone that's here to leave so we could get more tables in here."


[2.48] "We're gonna do all…we're gonna finish tonight…yeah, as long as it takes we're gonna be here. That's why we're bringing in fresh bodies".


Q: number of ?? votes


[3.03] "Well we'll get to the total which is around above 142,000. We've already scanned in 113,130. What takes the most time is getting them off…cos the cutters and extractors it has to cut through 2 envelopes, so you run through it twice. Then it goes over to the flatteners and that is a manual process over there".



[3.35] "Well right now we're up to 106,000 up from 74,000 yesterday we're up to 106,000 it'll be somewhere near the neighbourhood of 142,000"


Q: do all of them have to go through that process


[3.59] "No, well no, but you can't publish a batch until that batch goes through adjudication. What it does, any ballots that are flagged to be adjudicated by the vote review panel, those have to be dealt with before you can publish that batch. So the vote review will go through and see any contest that's on a ballot that has some question as to the way it was marked, the vote review panel then decides voter intent".


[4.38] "None of the ballots get rejected, all that happens is if, you can make it…if there's a determination on a contest on a ballot, whether the person intended to vote for this person or this person. So there aren't any rejections. If a ballot is rejected, it's done before you get to this process for either missing signature or signature mismatch. So once it goes through the scanner it's gonna count the ballot. It's just that there may be a question on one race or contest on that ballot".


Q: So what's the hold up then?


[5.16] "It's mostly the space, I mean we don't have, at this point we might bring in some more tables and get some letter openers and try to start opening by hand to supplement what we have with those (gestures to letter opening machine behind)".


Q: something about 30,00 more votes than on the register…?


[5.45] "Yeah, sometime it'll be after midnight by the time we get em through adjudication".


Q: Any other votes cast in this election, either in person or in any other way that are left to be counted…


[5.59] "Well yea, any (UACAMA??) ballots the military overseas ballots, they have until Friday to come in and then any provisional ballots".


Q: estimate on how many there are?


[6.12] "I don't know, it just depends on, I don't know how many of the (ULCAMA ??) are actually gonna come in.And as far as the provisionals, I don't have a provisionals number, I'll have to see if I can get that provided to Regina if I can get that provisional number and she can disseminate that to you".


Q:In your experience what amount is provisional expected to be?


[6.45] "Provisional ballots? I know it's in the 1200 to 3000 range, I just don't know the exact number".


Woman "we gotta get him back to work so we can finish up tonight and if you need any updates just let me know and I'll get them to you. ok?"