The alien story is a psychological slide.
"Aliens exist but because we still fight wars among each other we can't have high tech to save us."
Just as the Globalists are trying to push a NWO One World Gov.
Get it yet?
Just another slide to give in to the Cabal…. so they can have control.
Take away your freedoms and Rights for something hasn't been proven to exist yet.
If there are aliens and a "Galactic Federation"… I can't imagine they would want the cabal, who run drugs, sex trafficking and kill millions a year for population control and cheat the people of the World, in charge. I would think they would be scared as hell of THEM.
Nope, it is a slide to get you to give into THEM.
I would think, if anything, the "Galactic Federation" would want us free of the evil elitist bankers control before they would even talk to us.