Define HELP you nasty, heinous cunt-cabbage….
We got your mask too…..
I personally think the masks INCREASE the disease risk …..
NOT healthy at all….
If not afraid of the virus, afraid of criticism it seems….
Anons must show by example
Aliens are afraid of MS13
Good to hear anon
I live in central FL gulf coast. We have it really good here….even Walmart will let us in as long as we are holding our stupid masks…..
Good luck !
Our lineage EXPANDS anon….we don’t have to go back when we meet our Watchers
Mars used to be inhabited anon, but they blew up their atmosphere ( warring patriarchal culture ) and some of them did resettle here ( think ME )
Many of us here ARE of Pleidian lineage….
Venus has a different dimension of beings ( much less dense than us )
….As a man thinks IN HIS HEART, so is he…..