if true, it appears Ducey may be a bad man, a very bad man, [knowingly], due process then indictment, then discovery (co-conspirators), jury trial w/recommendation to send him out in the cornfield.
if true, it appears Ducey may be a bad man, a very bad man, [knowingly], due process then indictment, then discovery (co-conspirators), jury trial w/recommendation to send him out in the cornfield.
perhaps the 'club' put pressure on their grunt sullivan as a last stitch effort to protect obama and his Spy Ring conspirators.
(((they))) lose, now they all lose!
goodbye crypto's if 'the club' goes digital ending paper currency, they will eliminate all competition.
goodbye individual rights, for they will track every transaction, from the smallest to the greatest. i.e.: we see you didn't pay a fee/tax, we'll have to take that from your account, and oh, by the way, theres a fine attached and your social credit score will affected, no food or shelter for u except in our re-education camps!