have come outdead
>>11952244 pb
You don't say
a Y typo
just this morning noticed Tucker's tie
during his Chink infiltration report
>You don't say
>a Y typo
>just this morning noticed Tucker's tie
>during his Chink infiltration report
All the treasonous Dem witnesses should get the dig treatment.
Sommer Woods
I Dream Detroit
Insitute for Policy Studies
Weather Underground and Move On
>Insitute for Policy Studies
>Insitute for Policy Studies
Turns out one of the co-founders of this Communist thinktank Institue for Policy Studies is named
Marcus Raskin
father of that fag
Jamie Raskin
Marcus Raskin was born April 30, 1934 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the second son of (((Russian Jewish))) immigrants. At age 16, he left home to study piano at New York’s Juilliard School. In 1954 Raskin graduated from the University of Chicago with a BA in liberal arts, and three years later he earned a JD from the University of Chicago Law School. In 1958 he moved to Washington, D.C. to serve as legislative counsel to a group of Democratic congressmen.
In 1961 Raskin became an assistant (on national security affairs and disarmament) to McGeorge Bundy, national security advisor to President Kennedy. But Raskin’s relationship with Bundy, who supported the escalation of U.S. military engagement in Indochina, was fraught with tension that led eventually to Raskin’s reassignment to the Bureau of the Budget.
Raskin and political activist/rabbi Arthur Waskow co-authored a 1961 paper, later expanded into a book, advocating America’s unilateral disarmament. In 1962 Raskin served as group secretary for a publishing project known as The Liberal Papers, whichadvocated such measuresas United Nations membership for Communist China, East Germany, North Korea, and North Vietnam; America’s unilateral cessation of nuclear testing; the dismantling of NATO; the withdrawal of all American forces from Berlin; and allowing the USSR to access the American DEW early-warning defense system, which had been set up to detect incoming Soviet bombers.
Also in the early Sixties, Raskin was a board-of-directors member with Ramparts magazine, described by the House Committee on Internal Security (HCIS) as a “pro-Hanoi, pro-Castro” publication. Meanwhile, he derided American capitalism as a system in which “the rich, the quick, the clever, the unseen, set out paths which the wretched and mystified must travel.” Having felt powerless to change this system from within the halls of government, Raskin decided to pursue the creation of an independent non-governmental organization to critique official policy and undermine capitalism. Thus did he and his friend Richard Barnet co-found the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) in 1963
every single time
>son of (((Russian Jewish))) immigrants.
>son of (((Russian Jewish))) immigrants.
>son of (((Russian Jewish))) immigrants.