Re-read crumbs faggot. They're about some things that will cause some serious chaos. They have to be handled carefully or some people might lose it (although you'll know who the real psychos are when they come out in support of it).
Re-read crumbs faggot. They're about some things that will cause some serious chaos. They have to be handled carefully or some people might lose it (although you'll know who the real psychos are when they come out in support of it).
Either that or he's using it as a ploy to attention whore some more because he needs to be called "brave" and "revolutionary". Although if he looks at the stats, gay men need guns more than anyone….
Of COURSE. Don't they get that feminism isn't just a cancer for society, but a cancer for women themselves? Has anyone met a single feminist man who didn't creep them the fuck out? I haven't.
Think about that for five seconds. Rothschild…mysterious person broke into their home and seized THAT MUCH without getting caught on camera? Are you kidding me? She's socking shit away for when all of her wealth is seized for her crimes against humanity. There's no fucking way she had her home broken into. Would YOU have that much money and not have serious security?
Trump is definitely trolling the left in that interview. They keep accusing him of lying about EVERYTHING…even though he literally said nothing particularly relevant in that interview. He said something to the effect of "as soon as I saw them, I said 'get them in'" re: Diamond and Silk.
There must be more to it than that. What exactly do you mean "they lied". What did they say that was a lie?