I can foresee Barr INTERVENING and saying that he will not let an election be stolen under his watch…".Maybe in his last few days" as DOJ head.
I can foresee Barr INTERVENING and saying that he will not let an election be stolen under his watch…".Maybe in his last few days" as DOJ head.
WATCH: Superb Breakdown of Texas Election Suit
>intervene means 'to join in a law suit'
I can see that happening.
Barr can be a hero or zero….as Trump has said
Barr will release/introduce evidence as part of DOJ intervention which will show plot to cheat.
It will show that Virus was part of cheating plan?
It will show something about the vaccine, too?
Juan O' Savin: The Plan Is Working Flawlessly.
Dec 8, 2020
>Juan O' Savin: The Plan Is Working Flawlessly.
CNN ranting about the 'dark holes' on social media pushing misinfo on vaccine
do you/they think a flu vaccine causes Bell Palsey?
appears to be down to a battle between Texas and China