Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:14 a.m. No.11963962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4027 >>4254 >>4368

YouTube Announces New Censorship Rules – Will Take Down Videos Alleging Fraud and Disputing 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Results


YouTube announced Tuesday it will take down videos questioning the integrity of the U.S. presidential election that millions of Americans, most notably President Trump, believe was stolen through numerous fraudulent actions, lawfare chicanery and computer manipulation.


YouTube says it already has been rigging search results and algorithms to hide “misleading” election videos, describing the censorship effort as, “Limiting the reach of borderline content and prominently surfacing authoritative information.” YouTube says that even though the “misleading” videos account for a miniscule part of viewership, “Problematic misinformation represents a fraction of 1% of what’s watched on YouTube in the U.S,” the firm says, “we know we can bring that number down even more.”


YouTube’s move to censor political speech comes as President Trump is threatening to veto the military appropriations bill over the failure of Congress to repeal the Section 230 law that protects Internet platforms like YouTube from being treated like publishers.


Excerpt from the announcement:



Yesterday was the safe harbor deadline for the U.S. Presidential election and enough states have certified their election results to determine a President-elect. Given that, we will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or anytime after) that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, in line with our approach towards historical U.S. Presidential elections. For example, we will remove videos claiming that a Presidential candidate won the election due to widespread software glitches or counting errors. We will begin enforcing this policy today, and will ramp up in the weeks to come. As always, news coverage and commentary on these issues can remain on our site if there’s sufficient education, documentary, scientific or artistic context.


Complete announcement:

Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:15 a.m. No.11963987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4027 >>4053 >>4066 >>4124 >>4254 >>4368

Democrat Rep. Swalwell Claims Blockbuster Axios Chinese Spy Report Is Trump DisInfo


You cannot make this up…


Yesterday, we reported on a widespread effort by China to inflitrate people at the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence.” Most specifically that Christine Fang, also known as Fang Fang, was able to gain access to politicians through campaign fundraising, extensive networking and romantic or sexual relationships, according to Axios. She became particularly close with Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell, the report noted.


The extensively researched report, published by very left-leaning new media outlet Axios, found that a suspected Chinese spy developed close relationships with U.S. politicians as a way to gain access to and influence U.S. political circles.


TL;DR on the Swalwell debacle (via @BryanDeanWright):


The Swalwell Scandal isn’t about a one-off dalliance w/ a Chinese spy. It’s that:


1) he (a married man with kids) and the woman dated,


2) she bundled political cash for him,


3) she seeded staff into Capitol Hill, &


4) he serves on the Intel Committee.


Oh, and 5) Pelosi knew about the whole damn thing.


But, Swalwell, who was one of the most outspoken lawmakers who pushed the Russia collusion narrative since Trump took office,as Fox News reports, is now claiming that the president was behind Axios' explosive reporting during an interview with Politico.


“I’ve been a critic of the president. I’ve spoken out against him. I was on both committees that worked to impeach him. The timing feels like that should be looked at," Swalwell said on Tuesday.


Swalwell revealed that Axios first approached him about his ties to Fang in July 2019, which was also when he ended his short-lived presidential campaign. But the Democratic lawmaker seemed to suggest that intelligence officials involved in Axios' reporting were trying to "weaponize" his cooperation with authorities.


"What it appears though that this person — as the story reports — was unsuccessful in whatever they were trying to do. But if intelligence officials are trying to weaponize someone’s cooperation, they are essentially seeking to do what this person was not able to do, which is to try and discredit someone," Swalwell told Politico.


According to Politico, Swalwell "refused to discuss his relationship with Fang" after Axios reported that she had sexual relations with at least two other politicians.

Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:17 a.m. No.11964011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4019 >>4050

“Make Them Pay!” – Michigan Democrat Cynthia Johnson Issues Threat – Calls Out ‘Soldiers’ to Take Care of Trumpers


Rep. Cynthia A. Johnson made a complete ass of herself last week when she attacked and ridiculed Michigan whistleblowers who stepped forward to testify on the fraud they witnessed at the TCF Center in Detroit this election.


As was reported earlier by Patty McMurray, Democrat State Rep. Cynthia Johnson had the opportunity to ask witness “Hima” a question about her very credible testimony, she used her time to call her and the witness sitting next to her “liars.”


‘Do you have a point of order?” Chairman Hall asked Rep. Johnson? She responded by demanding that Hima and Andrew Sitto (sitting next to her) be placed under oath.


“May I say something please?” Hima asked. Chairman Hall agreed to let her respond to the vile accusation by the Democrat lawmaker from Detroit. “If that is something you want me to do, I will do it. Can I just say one thing though? If it is a lie, it may change, because a liar has to have a lot of memory power. If it is truth, you can ask me in the middle of the night and it will still be the same thing,” she said looking directly at the horrible lawmaker. The room erupted in cheers!


But this did not stop Cynthia Johnson. She later went online and tweeted video mocking one of the witnesses who testified on the massive Democrat fraud.

Pretty disgusting.


Cynthia then made the news this week after she released disgusting audio she alleges was recorded on her phone.

We do not condone violent rhetoric like this.


Then later this week Cynthia Johnson issued a threat to “Trumpers” on her facebook page.


Cynthia Johnson: So this is just a warning to you Trumpers. Be careful. Walk lightly. We ain’t playing with you. Enough of the shenanigans. Enough is enough. And to those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it. Do it right. Be in order. Make them pay.


Here’s a longer version on YouTube. She made the threats on Facebook this week.

Look for Cynthia to become a star in the new Democrat party where lying is rewarded and threats are ignored.

Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:19 a.m. No.11964041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4254 >>4368

Do not take Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine if you have a ‘significant history of allergic reactions,’ UK regulator warns


The UK’s medicines and healthcare regulator has urged people with a history of ‘significant’ allergic reactions not to opt for the Pfizer vaccine, after two NHS medics, vaccinated on Tuesday, experienced severe reactions.


Professor Stephen Powis, the national medical director for the NHS in England, said on Wednesday that the Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) had issued a warning about the administering of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine.


As is common with new vaccines, the MHRA have advised, on a precautionary basis, that people with a significant history of allergic reactions do not receive this vaccination.


The warning comes after two NHS staff members, who were vaccinated on Tuesday as part of the UK’s first day of vaccine roll-out, experienced adverse reactions to the jab.


Powis noted that “two people with a history of significant allergic reactions responded adversely yesterday. Both are recovering well.”


The NHS said that all hospitals had been informed and would be asking everyone scheduled to receive the vaccine whether they have a history of such reactions.


Dr June Raine, the head of the MHRA, told a joint select committee hearing on Wednesday that “real-time vigilance” would continue as the vaccine is rolled out.


Tuesday marked the first day of the UK’s mass vaccination programme, in what has been touted as a watershed moment in the battle against the Covid-19 pandemic.


So far, the British regulator has only approved the US’s Pfizer jab, but Health Minister Matt Hancock suggested on Tuesday that the UK’s AstraZeneca vaccine may receive approval this year.

Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:21 a.m. No.11964070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4152 >>4186 >>4254 >>4368

Four Volunteers Who Took Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Developed Bell’s Palsy – FDA Denies the Temporary Facial Paralysis Caused by the Shot


Breaking news – Daily Mail reports that at least four individuals contracted Bell’s Palsy after taking Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine. Relations between Pfizer and China also in question.


The vaccine business is big money for Big Pharma – the large corporations that benefit from the production of vaccines. This was summarized by Bobby Kennedy, Jr. months ago as he listed the protections these companies receive from the US government (similar in the manner Big Tech is protected):


The list of side effects from the COVID vaccine have previously been reported, but this morning Daily Mail reports that recent cases of Bells palsy developed from the Pfizer trial:


Four people who got Pfizer‘s coronavirus vaccine in the firm’s trial developed Bell’s palsy, a form of temporary facial paralysis, according to U.S. regulators’ report on the shot.


Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators said there wasn’t any clear way that the vaccine caused Bell’s palsy, but warned that doctors should watch for the alarming side effect and Pfizer should continue to keep tab on how many people it strikes.


No one knows what exactly causes Bell’s palsy, which resolves on its own most of the time.


On November 13, MSM reported on the Pfizer’s progress:


American drugmaker Pfizer Inc. and German biotechnology firm BioNTech SE announced this week that its vaccine appears more than 90% effective in stopping Covid-19 infections. The preliminary finding spurred a global stock rally and put the companies at the head of the pack in the race for the vaccine.


At around the same time, China saw the final-stage trial of one of its top vaccine candidates halted in Brazil due to a serious adverse event. While Brazil reversed its decision in less than 48 hours, the episode underscored the fraught geopolitical tensions around vaccine development: Last month President Jair Bolsonaro said China lacks credibility and people wouldn’t feel safe with the shot “due to its origin.”


What was not mentioned in the above report was that Pfizer had signed an agreement in August with Gilead.



Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) today announced a multi-year agreement with Gilead Sciences, Inc. to manufacture and supply Gilead’s investigational antiviral remdesivir, as one of multiple external manufacturing organizations supporting efforts to scale up supply of the investigational treatment for COVID-19. Under the terms of the agreement, Pfizer will provide contract manufacturing services at Pfizer’s McPherson, Kansas facility to manufacture and supply remdesivir for Gilead.


And Gilead and Dr. Fauci were working with China in February mass producing Remdesivir:

Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:22 a.m. No.11964079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4091 >>4135 >>4254 >>4368

Texas Opens A Huge Can Of Worms, But Nobody In The Media Will Cover It


A Texas-sized mess may have just appeared but if you check the news you will not see much reference to it.


Yesterday, the Arizona supreme court refused to hear a Trump appeal, and the Nevada supreme court looks to be leaning against a similar case too. Those moves towards ‘game over’ for Trump got covered. The US Supreme Court heard the reply from Pennsylvania in the case over the constitutionality of voting by mail there, which basically did not deny the complaint but said “You really don’t want to open this constitutional can of worms”; and the Court then denied the call for emergency injunctive relief against certifying its election results. That ‘game over’ got covered too.


What did not get covered is that Texas filed a case with the Supreme Court against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin calling for the election results to be overturned in those states, and for the constitutional remedy of returning the selection of electors to state legislatures, claiming:


Non-legislative actors’ purported amendments to States’ duly enacted election laws, in violation of the Electors Clause’s vesting State legislatures with plenary authority regarding the appointment of presidential electors.

Intrastate differences in the treatment of voters, with more favorable allotted to voters -whether lawful or unlawful– in areas administered by local government under Democrat control and with populations with higher ratios of Democrat voters than other areas of Defendant States.

The appearance of voting irregularities in the Defendant States that would be consistent with the unconstitutional relaxation of ballot-integrity protections in those States’ election laws.


As one election law expert put it, the US constitution is effectively a contract between the 50 states, including how their president is elected, and Texas is claiming other parties broke parts of that contract. Texas is apparently now supported by Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Tennessee. Talk about a divided country. Perhaps not a surprise, the Supreme Court took the Texas case in expedited fashion, and has called for a response by 3PM Thursday.


Yes, it is a huge can of worms it is opening if it acts. Yet it is also a can of worms if it doesn’t act when Texas and other states claim:


“Our Country stands at an important crossroads. Either the Constitution matters and must be followed, even when some officials consider it inconvenient or out of date, or it is simply a piece of parchment on display at the National Archives. We ask the Court to choose the former.”


In short, this might be the most significant Supreme Court case since 2000, which notoriously decided the presidential election in Florida.


Of course, it does not mean the Court will rule for Texas – but them taking the case, rapidly, and calling for a response suggests they are taking it seriously. That is something the Twitterati were saying was inconceivable 24 hours ago. It could also explain why the Court denied emergency injunctive relief in Pennsylvania without dismissing the case: because the claim can be rolled into this larger one. We will soon get to hear what the Court has to say on the matter.

Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:24 a.m. No.11964102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4254 >>4368

Dominion Received $120 Million From 19 States And 133 Local Governments To Provide Election Services



Dominion Voting Systems is the second largest vendor in the non-transparent and entrenched election system industry where three vendors control 88-percent of the market.


Recent Dominion contracts with major counties and cities across America set service agreements for years or even decades—helping lock-in the company’s dominant market position and prevent competition.


Dominion Voting Systems was paid $118.3 million to provide election services during the past three years, according to public records. Their revenues came from 19 states and 133 local governments including counties, cities, and even a couple of school districts.


Since presidential election of 2020, Dominion has come under wide public scrutiny, particularly in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—critical toss-up states with close winning margins.


In their Dunn & Bradstreet filings, Dominion claimed annual sales of $36.5 million with contracts in 22 states and 600 local jurisdictions. However, the Penn Wharton Public Policy Initiative estimated that Dominion was in 1,645 jurisdictions with $100 million in annual revenues (2018).


So, our auditors at tracked Dominion’s revenues using state and local government spending disclosures, i.e. their checkbooks. (Dominion is a private company and, therefore, is not required to disclose financials. However, public bodies must be transparent, because they spend taxpayer money.)


Compiling the records required open record requests in 49 of the 50 states and in 11,400 local governments. Only California, which we are suing, rejected our sunshine request.


Here is a state-by-state description of our findings. (Download our raw payment data spanning 2017 through 2019.)


Georgia: In 2019, a $107 million ten-year contract with Dominion procured by the Secretary of State covers 30,000 touch screen voting machines and the installation of a “verified paper ballot” voting system. $89 million in payments were front-loaded into the first two-years of the contract.

Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:26 a.m. No.11964121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4254 >>4368

Read Trump’s Massive Georgia Lawsuit, Highlights Include 66,247 Underage Voters and 2,560 Felons


A massive lawsuit from President Donald Trump lays out tens of thousands of illegal votes for Joe Biden — well beyond the 11,779 vote margin.


The lawsuit was filed on Friday, but had to be refiled after the Fulton County Superior Court rejected it on Monday due to incorrect paperwork and missing filing fees. Both issues have now been corrected.


Some of the highlights of the 1,585 page suit include 2,560 felons who voted, 66,247 underage voters, and 2,423 votes from people who were not registered.


The lawsuit additionally lists 1,043 individuals registered at PO boxes, 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state, 395 individuals who voted in two states, 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election, 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county and 30,000 – 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification.


The legal team included numerous affidavits and outlined over 30 violations of Georgia laws and codes.


Currently, Biden leads the state with 2,473,633 votes to Trump’s 2,461,854. The lawsuit has highlighted nearly 200,000 illegal votes, more than enough to change the results.


“Georgia officials who have fecklessly asserted that the general election was an ‘amazing success’ ‘with no credible evidence of irregularity’ are undermining public confidence in the integrity of our elections,” State Republican Chairman David Shafer said when announcing the lawsuit.


“Our lawsuit does not rely on theories about the voting machines. These theories will be explored in other lawsuits. Instead, we painstakingly show thousands of examples of ‘low tech’ voting irregularities and fraud sufficient in scale to place the election result in doubt,” Shafer continued.


The lawsuit focuses strictly on illegal votes, not the machines themselves, according to a report from the Federalist.


Full filing

Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:30 a.m. No.11964153   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mass eyerolls as Biden campaign 'taps' trigger-happy former rival Buttigieg as China ambassador


Former South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg is reportedly being considered for the role of US ambassador to China by the presumed Democratic president-elect Joe Biden, leading many to question the wisdom of the pick.


Buttigieg is under consideration to represent the US in China by the potentially incoming cabinet, according to a Wednesday report from Axios. The position has been vacant since October, when the most recent ambassador, Terry Branstad, resigned, and the relationship between the two countries has deteriorated significantly under the Donald Trump administration – all reasons to hire a qualified, reliable candidate with significant foreign policy experience.


The former South Bend mayor definitely isn't that candidate, many on social media have argued, groaning at the idea of the "scary AF" young politician taking on such an important role. "Unbelievable…we're in a new Cold War with China and this wet mayonnaise blanket gets appointed ambassador," one critic commented.


damn imagine just having no political nuance past “trump bad” pete buttigieg is an objectively shitty dude with a history of being shitty, he’s also 0% qualified for this positionoh yeah, he also never served in combat, despite his many pictures posing with guns

— The Radical Left (@TheRadicalLeft1) December 9, 2020


Is Pete Buttigieg being considered as US Ambassador to China for any reason other than as a reward for attacking Bernie/democratic socialism during the primaries, and to be set up for a higher position (VP) for which is is totally unqualified?

— Joseph Saltarelli (@JoeJSaltarelli) December 9, 2020


Several others commented on his lack of qualifications, noting he didn't speak Mandarin and had no foreign policy experience.


Shouldn't the U.S. ambassador to China be able to speak Mandarin? Does China appoint ambassadors to the U.S. who don't speak English? I kind of doubt it.

— chalkerjas (@chalkerjas) December 9, 2020


So we should absolutely have a failed mayor of a mid-sized town with zero experience in the role.

— 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐌𝐢𝐚𝐖𝐚𝐲 🛹 (@WinsomeNomad) December 9, 2020


Others went further, claiming Buttigieg was "compromised by China."


Our next Manchurian candidate.

— Not PGA material. (@GMRathbun) December 9, 2020


Some complained that appointing Buttigieg, whose tenure as mayor was marked by racial animus, rampant gentrification, and rising poverty, to such a significant role was rewarding failure.


Please no. Stop encouraging him to fail upward.

— Iridium Tea ⌬ (@iridium_tea) December 9, 2020

Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:31 a.m. No.11964159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4229 >>4257

House Passes NDAA With Veto-Proof Majority in Face of Trump Threats


Bill includes amendments that could block troop drawdowns from Afghanistan and Germany


The House passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on Tuesday despite President Trump’s threats to veto the bill. The massive bill allocates $740 billion for military spending and includes amendments that could block planned troop drawdowns from Afghanistan and Germany.


President Trump has threatened to veto the NDAA because it does not include a provision to repeal Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act. Section 230 gives tech platforms immunity from liability over the content published by third party users. The president also objects to an amendment that would remove Confederate names from US military bases.


The final tally for the votes on the bill was 335-78-1, which is well over the two-thirds majority needed to override a presidential veto. The Senate is expected to vote on the NDAA sometime this week.


Ahead of the vote, President Trump wrote on Twitter: “I hope House Republicans will vote against the very weak National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which I will VETO. Must include a termination of Section 230 (for National Security purposes), preserve our National Monuments, & allow for 5G & troop reductions in foreign lands!”


Out of the 196 Republicans in the House, 140 voted in favor of the bill. Rep. Liz Cheney (D-WY), who crafted the amendment to block the Afghanistan withdrawal, commented on the NDAA on Monday. “We ought to pass the NDAA and the president should not veto it. And we should override it,” she said.


Cheney teamed up with House Democrats to include the Afghanistan amendment on the bill. The amendment was proposed after The New York Times published a thinly-sourced story that claimed Russia paid bounties to the Taliban to kill US troops in Afghanistan, a claim that was never substantiated.

Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:32 a.m. No.11964169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4218

US is slaughtering Yemeni civilians to ‘keep weapons factories running,’ senior Houthi leader claims


A high-ranking Houthi leader has accused the US of participating in the killing of Yemeni civilians to ensure the longevity of its defense industry, adding that Washington is the “source” of violence in the country.


Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, the cousin of the leader of the Houthi movement and the chairman of Yemen’s Supreme Revolutionary Committee, issued a scathing condemnation of US support for the Saudi-led invasion of Yemen of five and a half years ago.


America continues killing the Yemeni people in order to keep weapons factories running, reduce unemployment, [and] pay off debts in exchange for Gulf money.


He accused Washington of implementing the plans of the “Israeli enemy,” adding that the US is the “source of killing” in Yemen.


The Houthi official said US weapons were being used to carry out “massacres” and Yemen’s people “wake up to the sounds of American bomb explosions” that kill “children, women and the elderly.”


A Riyadh-led coalition launched a military intervention in Yemen in March 2015, after the Houthis seized power. Civil war erupted in Yemen in late 2014, when the Iran-backed Houthi militia forced the government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi out of the capital, Sanaa. The Saudi-led coalition intervened to support the Hadi government.


The Saudi bombing campaign and its naval blockade have dealt a dire blow to civilians, vastly complicating a deadly cholera outbreak and pushing thousands of families to the brink of famine. More than 100,000 people have died in the conflict, with the UN and other international organizations describing the war as one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes in recent memory.


The Trump administration has been unapologetic about US arms sales to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states waging war in Yemen. The US president has promoted the deals as a major employment creator for the United States, although he’s been accused of wildly inflating the number of jobs such agreements actually create. Last year, Trump used his veto power to push through arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates worth $8.1 billion, arguing that attempts by Congress to block the deals “would weaken America’s global competitiveness.”

Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:37 a.m. No.11964209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4254 >>4368

Despite Guilty Plea, 50 Child Porn Charges, Cop Gets NO JAIL, Will Not Register as Sex Offender


Ocean City, MD — This month, former Ocean City police officer and sheriff’s deputy Jarrett “Jay” Wise, 53, got himself a PBJ. No, it was not a peanut butter and jelly, but rather probation before judgement. This made him a free man despite pleading guilty to multiple child pornography charges. Blue privilege is real and if you doubt it, you need only look at the following case.


Wise was ensnared in a child pornography investigation last year when the Internet Task Force Program, a national child abuse and exploitation investigation network, sent a tip to the Worcester County Bureau of Investigations (WCBI).


Dorchester State’s Attorney Doug Jones said that the Federal Bureau of Investigations received a similar tip about this sick child predator and coordinated with county investigators.


According to court records, the FBI obtained a subpoena for Comcast records that showed two IP addresses connected to Wise’s home and business computers. When the devices and email accounts were searched, investigators found a trove of child pornography. According to investigators, some of it contained short videos of young children engaging in sexual activity with adult women.


When police moved in to arrest Wise, he waived his Miranda Rights and immediately admitted to possessing the files as well as distributing them. On January 28 of this year, Wise was indicted and hit with a slew of charges.


This trafficker of child abuse was charged with five felony counts of promoting and distributing child pornography, as well as 50 misdemeanor counts of possession of child pornography. To show you how much time he was facing in prison, each one of the 50 misdemeanors alone, came with a sentence of up to 5 years in prison, a fine of up to $2,500, or both.


Just two days after his arrest, Wise posted a $25,000 bond and was released. He would never spend another day in prison. Instead he would make a plea deal with prosecutors, who somehow thought dropping all but three of the misdemeanor charges was a just move.

Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:38 a.m. No.11964220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4235 >>4254 >>4264 >>4294 >>4311 >>4368

WATCH: Man Confronts School Cop for Texting ’14yo Niece, Asking for Sexy Pics’


Clay County, FL — While most parents of school children in the United States will take comfort in knowing a police officer is at their child’s school, all too often, school cops are caught committing the vilest of offenses against these children. Readers of the Free Thought Project know that the problem is rampant. As the following example illustrates, school cops have no problem engaging and essentially grooming children for future sexual abuse.


The cop in the video below will likely think twice before grooming children from the school at which he works after a man claiming to be the uncle of a child this cop was texting, confronted the cop and called him out for it.


The video was posted online Tuesday as a Facebook Live video recorded by Nathan Waits, president of ‘Waits List.’


According to the website, Waits List is “a group of professionally trained individuals located out of Jacksonville, FL. Our goal is to hunt down your local Sex Traffickers, Child Predators, and Pedophiles from all around our great country. All the information we gather is turned over to that subjects local authorities or the FBI. We are here to keep our children safe and all parents aware!”


Waits List is an organization like we have reported on before, with members who pretend to be children to catch child predators. It turns out that the predator they caught this time happened to be a cop at an elementary school, identified at the end of the video as “Alan Reese.”


Waits told local news that his organization never seeks out the predators, they always come to them.


“We don’t get alerted to anybody, they come to us. They find our profiles, they friend request us, they follow us. And then they initiate the chats,” said Waits.


When Waits confronts the cop, he tells him it is his niece who he’s been texting.


“You know my 14-year-old niece,” Waits tells the cop. “You know, the one you want sexy bikini pictures from? The one you wanna wrestle and meet at her parents’ house when her mother is not home?” Waits says.


“I’ve got her phone right here,” Waits tells the officer in the video. “So, what are we going to do about this? You’re a L.E.O. Are you kidding me? Do you not think that’s inappropriate?”


“You’re a disgrace to LEO!” Waits says. “I back the blue, I work with law enforcement constantly. You’re a disgrace. You should take that badge off, ‘1042’, take your belt off and take your ass home.”


What makes this case so disturbing is the fact that Waits claims his organization shared messages from the officer with a Clay County Sheriff’s Office detective in October, but never heard back.

Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:40 a.m. No.11964231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4368 >>4388

SCHAFFER: Here’s The Evidence Of Widespread Election Fraud.


The establishment keeps claiming there’s “no evidence of widespread fraud” in the 2020 presidential election. That was never entirely accurate, but now it’s a whopper of Clintonian proportions.


Over the course of an extensive press conference, the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society introduced three whistleblowers who together painted a comprehensive and interlocking picture of illegality and malfeasance involving hundreds of thousands of ballots being prepared, curated, and moved across state lines.


The first whistleblower was Gregory Stenstrom, a Navy veteran and computer scientist who served as a Republican poll watcher in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia. After a five-hour battle just to gain access to the centralized counting center, Stenstrom witnessed a number of significant abnormalities and breaches of protocol.


Stenstrom was at ground zero of the Democrat’s cheat — the point where all their preparation had to (and did) come together


First, Stenstrom saw election workers carrying postal trays full of ballots out of a locked back room. When he asked for access to the room in order to observe what was going on inside — something he was entitled to do as a credentialed election observer — he was flatly refused by an election supervisor. After offering a number of increasingly flimsy excuses, the supervisor eventually exclaimed, “there’s no fraud going on” — as though her assurances should have been considered the final word on the matter.


Stenstrom wouldn’t accept that, and eventually got a judge to order that he and other poll watchers must be allowed into the room for five minutes every two hours. When he got back there, he saw boxes containing what he calculated to be more than 50,000 completed ballots, despite having been previously told that only 6,000 ballots remained to be brought onto the main counting room floor.


Later, Stenstrom saw election workers uploading votes from the USB drives used in voting machines. In the process, they separated those drives from their accompanying cartridges and paper tapes, rendering it impossible to conduct a post-election audit. When Stenstrom objected, he was told that this was just how things have always been done.


The secrecy and malfeasance Stenstrom saw inside the Delaware County counting center is direct evidence of wrongdoing and circumstantial evidence of coordinated election fraud. Amistad Project Director Phill Kline, a former district attorney and Attorney General of Kansas, pointed out during the press conference that he’s never investigated a guilty person who hasn’t tried to conceal evidence of their wrongdoing. Concealing evidence is exactly what the election workers in Delaware County were doing.


But if there were tens of thousands of fraudulent ballots in a back room, they must have come from somewhere. That’s where the other two whistleblowers, both subcontractors for the United States Postal Service, come in.

Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:41 a.m. No.11964243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4368

Facebook Fact Checker ‘Fact Checks’ Critique of Itself


Facebook fact-checker “Lead Stories” took the social network’s system of “fact-checking” to farcical levels earlier this week when it “fact-checked” a critique of itself by the Federalist’s Molly Hemingway.


An article by Molly Hemingway in the Federalist critiqued the fact-checker for its decision to fact check stories about voter fraud in Georgia:


A Big Tech-backed “fact” “checking” outfit claimed to debunk explosive evidence in support of Republicans’ claims of significant election problems at a Thursday Georgia Senate hearing. It didn’t. Not even close.


Newly discovered security footage from Georgia’s State Farm Arena showed dozens of ballot counters, media, and Republican observers leaving en masse at the same time from the ballot-counting area for Fulton County. After they left, a small remnant of about four workers began pulling trunks containing thousands of ballots from underneath a table with a long tablecloth and running them through machines.

The footage supported claims from Republicans that they were told counting had stopped for the night, only to find out hours later that it had kept going on.


Hemingway then reported on Twitter that her article, critiquing the fact-checker, had been fact-checked.


“With contemporaneous news stories and legal filings, I critiqued a Facebook-funded “fact” “checker.” So Facebook is using the very same “fact-checker” I criticized to censor me — and claiming that fact-checker is “independent.” This is Kafka-esque,” said Hemingway in a tweet.


“To be clear, nothing in the attached “fact” “check” actually deals with anything I wrote — and it is not claiming anything I wrote was erroneous or in need of correction. It’s just pasted on my piece to suppress it being shared.”


To be clear, nothing in the attached "fact" "check" actually deals with anything I wrote — and it is not claiming anything I wrote was erroneous or in need of correction. It's just pasted on my piece to suppress it being shared.


— Mollie (@MZHemingway) December 7, 2020


When a post is fact-checked on Facebook, its distribution is reduced. This empowers the mainstream, corporate media to punish their competitors and force them to adhere to their worldview.


For example, in June, USA Today — a competitor of Breitbart News, and also a Facebook “fact-checker” — allowed an intern to “fact check” a Breitbart News story because they disagreed with Breitbart’s use of the term “amnesty.”


In other words, Facebook’s system forces Breitbart News to follow the mainstream media’s definition of “amnesty,” or else be potentially subject to reduced distribution.

Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:43 a.m. No.11964263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4368

New Swedish Children’s Bible To Have ‘Diversity and Gender Perspectives’


A new translation of the Holy Bible from the original Hebrew and Greek for children in Sweden is set to also include perspectives on diversity and gender.


The new translation is the first in 25 years and will be undertaken by Church of Sweden Bishop Sören Dalevi, who assumed his role as Bishop of Karlstad in 2016.


“The starting point was to make a Children’s Bible that has not existed in Sweden before for a very long time. Namely, one that has both the stories, the hymns, the most famous prayers and the Swedish children’s book illustration style, which is very unique,” Dalevi told broadcaster SVT.


While most Swedish children’s Bibles in the past have been translated from English, this new children’s Bible will be translated from the original Hebrew and Greek.


Not Woke Enough: Swedish Church Removes Gay Painting, Not Pro-Trans


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) December 14, 2019


According to Dalevi, the new translation will also include diversity among the various characters who he claimed were all portrayed as being white in prior children’s Bibles and that there will be a so-called “gender perspective.”


Dalevi told SVT that among the gender perspectives will be the notion that man did not perhaps come before woman in the story of Genesis despite the Book of Genesis Chapter 2, verses 21 through 24 being reasonably clear on the point.


The Church of Sweden is known as one of the most progressive liberal Christian churches in Europe and has long supported various causes such as the LGBT movement.


Last year, a church in Malmo came under criticism after unveiling an LGBT altar painting which depicted same-sex couples and transgender individuals set at the scene of the Book of Genesis.


Sweden’s Liberal Church ‘Set to Lose over a Million Members in Next Decade’


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) February 14, 2018


The painting was later removed due to criticism from LGBT activists that it portrayed transgender people in a negative light as they were depicted as being associated with the snake in the Garden of Eden.


A 2018 report claimed that support for the Church of Sweden is on a decline and that the progressive church is expected to lose over a million members in the next decade. In 2015, the world’s first lesbian bishop — a Swede — proposed a church remove signs of the cross and mark the direction of Mecca on the floor to aid Muslim worshippers.

Anonymous ID: 90d1ae Dec. 9, 2020, 9:45 a.m. No.11964289   🗄️.is 🔗kun

see something say something


I have Chinese making it known they are watching me following me. Been noticing for a few weeks…..