Anonymous ID: f19dea Dec. 9, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.11965261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5287 >>5325 >>5333 >>5407 >>5766 >>5855 >>5923 >>5924

Georgia’s Republican Governor Tells Lawmakers They Won't Be Picking Electors for Trump


The US president called on the governor to convene a special session of the state legislature after Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger refused to conduct a signature audit of the ballots.


Georgia's governor, Republican Brian Kemp, has warned state lawmakers that they will not be gathering for a special session to pick the electors who will vote in the upcoming Electoral College for the next US president. Kemp said that such a scenario, which could be undertaken if the ballot-counting results can't be certified or if the accuracy of the counting is questioned, was "not an option" for Georgia.


"You all will be taking an oath to uphold the laws and constitution of our state […] I'm confident that each of you will live up to the words and greater calling regardless of political consequences. That’s what I’ve been doing", Kemp said.


The governor's instructions to the state lawmakers come in the wake of US President Donald Trump blasting Kemp's inability to carry out an audit of ballot signatures after new evidence suggesting voter fraud was unearthed by the president's legal team. The published footage showed poll station workers in Fulton County pulling out several cases with ballots to be counted after they told observers that the process would only be continued the next day, thus continuing to tally votes without proper monitoring.


POTUS suggested that if Kemp is unable to carry out an audit, he could at least call a special session of the state legislature. Kemp said he believes that such an audit should be carried out, but noted that it was local Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's decision. The latter refused to call for a signature audit.


But you never got the signature verification! Your people are refusing to do what you ask. What are they hiding? At least immediately ask for a Special Session of the Legislature. That you can easily, and immediately, do. #Transparency

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 5, 2020


A special session would be held should the state be unable to certify the election results, but Georgia certified Biden's victory over Trump after carrying out a recount and a hand audit, which confirmed the Democrat's slim win. Still, POTUS insists that the election in Georgia, as well as in several other swing states, had been "rigged" against him, refusing to concede and threatening to dispute the outcome in courts. His legal team, however, has so far failed to flip any of the disputed states in the Republican's favour.


Donald Trump Jr Slams Republicans Pushing for Georgia Run-Off Boycott

Anonymous ID: f19dea Dec. 9, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.11965272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5766 >>5924

U.S. Poised to End Anonymous Companies, UN Urged to Follow Suit


As the likely passage of a landmark piece of legislation appears to be on the brink of ending the incorporation of anonymous companies in the United States, several organizations and economists are now encouraging the United Nations to make this a global standard.


The U.S. Corporate Transparency Act, included in a larger annual defense bill, passed through the House of Representatives with a veto-proof margin on Tuesday, and is expected to be approved by the Senate next week – marking a monumental shift in how authorities will be able to combat illicit financial flows such as money laundering and tax evasion.


“Experts routinely rank anonymous shell companies — where the true, ‘beneficial’ owners are unknown — as the biggest weakness in our anti-money laundering safeguards,” executive director of the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition, Ian Gary, said.


He and his organization, which has been part of an over-decade-long push to adopt this legislation, appear optimistic that it will pass in the U.S., arguing that it is one of the few issues with clear bipartisan support.


“It’s one of the few areas where the outgoing Trump Administration agrees with the incoming Biden Administration,” Gary said.


He explained that as rogue nations, criminals and kleptocrats continue to develop more sophisticated strategies to hide the origin of their ill-gotten gains, national security and law enforcement has lagged behind with “outdated and insufficient tools to counter these emerging threats.”


“As financial crimes accelerate due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever that we address this critical vulnerability to our financial system that anonymous companies represent,” Gary added.


If the bill passes, the U.S. will join a long list of countries with legislation requiring companies to list their ultimate beneficial owner, including the U.K., the EU, and even notorious financial secrecy jurisdictions such as the British Virgin Islands, which stated its commitment to end anonymous companies in September of this year.


On Tuesday – which marks International Anti-Corruption Day – a group of international civil society organizations, economists, and trade unions co-signed urged the UN General Assembly to follow suit when it meets for its first-ever Special Session Against Corruption in June 2021.


National leaders, they argued, should commit to a centralized and public beneficial ownership register that would document the owner of every company worldwide.

Anonymous ID: f19dea Dec. 9, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.11965280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5766 >>5924

Why Does Corporate Media Amplify John Brennan’s Neverending Lies?


The only inadvertent benefit of Brennan's airtime is that it exposes how unmoored our ruling class is from the public it is supposed to serve.


Former Obama administration Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan lies. He doesn’t just lie in the sense of speaking hyperbolically, spinning events, or painting in shades of gray out of purported fealty to national security considerations. Brennan tells outright falsehoods, in venues from television studios to Congress, on matters of utmost importance.


One must ask: Why does corporate media continue to give someone who has proved to be a uniquely deceptive character, whose most noteworthy activity since leaving government has been spewing invective against the president on Twitter, valuable airtime?

Brennan Lies About Russiagate


In his latest public display of dishonesty, Brennan took to “Fox News Sunday” to repeat untruths regarding the Obama administration’s actions regarding then-president-elect Donald Trump and Russia. According to Brennan, “There was no spying on Donald Trump’s campaign.” There was. Of the Steele dossier, Brennan said it “was not used in any way to undergird the judgments that came out of the intelligence community assessment about the Russian actions in the 2016 election.” It was.


Brennan’s whoppers, however, are not limited to Russiagate. Brennan might have perjured himself when, in May 2017, as in his latest Fox hit, he delinked the Steele dossier from the intelligence community assessment in congressional testimony.


In March 2014, Brennan lied to Congress when he denied allegations from then-Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein that CIA officials had hacked the computers of Senate Intelligence Committee staffers while they were assembling their report on the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program. In June 2011, then-chief counterterrorism adviser Brennan lied when he denied that there had “been a single collateral death” as a consequence of the CIA’s drone program.


As critics, particularly on the left, have chronicled, Brennan’s record of deceit is long. He also appears to have embellished details about the Osama bin Laden raid, shown himself to be hypocritical in leaking while denouncing the practice, and at best laughably politically correct in stating that the CIA does not “steal secrets. We uncover. We discover. We reveal. We obtain. We solicit — all of that.” If the CIA does not “steal secrets,” we might be in even more trouble as a nation than even the most pessimistic of us could have imagined.


What Brennan has said about Trump, that he is “lying routinely to the American people without compunction, intentionally fueling divisions in our country and actively working to degrade the imperfect but critical institutions that serve us,” would seem to be in many ways the ultimate projection when one considers Brennan’s dishonesty, vitriol, and continued support of Russiagate.


All of this is to say, Brennan has shown himself to be utterly lacking in credibility before even digging into the disastrous Obama administration record, Russiagate aside, and his support of its most dubious elements.

Anonymous ID: f19dea Dec. 9, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.11965298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Alert!The Village Committees in the South of Yangtze River Compulsorily Collect DNA From Male Villagers


Recently, the rural village committees in the Jiangnan area issued a notice, requiring a male from each household to go to a designated location for DNA collection. This has raised many villagers’ questions? What is the purpose of collecting DNA?


In the early 2000s, the Ministry of Public Security of China began to establish the “Forensic Science DNA Database System”, which was part of the entire public security information project “Golden Shield Project”. The Ministry of Public Security of China has carried out DNA collection work across the country since the end of 2017, collecting enough samples in order to build a huge DNA database. In November 2017, the Ministry of Public Security announced a plan to establish a national database. According to sources, the project is called the “DNA Skynet Project.” This Skynet is a police system that combines video surveillance and big data.


Although this nationwide male DNA collection plan has met with varying degrees of opposition across China, the Chinese Communist Party has continued to advance it and never stopped. Almost all collection work is carried out in rural areas, from remote ethnic minority areas such as Xinjiang and Tibet to inland areas such as Shaanxi and Xi’an, and from southern coastal areas such as Fujian and Guangdong to the most prosperous areas in the south of the Yangtze River. The reason why the CCP conducts DNA collection work in rural areas is because of the lack of information in rural areas, and rural people cannot understand the possible impact of this project.


What can you do with a person’s DNA data? Let me give a few simple examples: DNA can inform a person of all the ancestry and relatives, all the body’s organ indicators, health status (including whether or not they are infected with the coronavirus), and can even reshape the human face. Basically, DNA is all the information of a person. Many data may not be analyzed by humans, but once the information is obtained, you are transparent.


The Chinese authorities stated that the purpose of the DNA database is to detect crimes, such as terrorist activities and human trafficking, and to identify dead bodies and traffickers. But the fact is on the contrary. The DNA Skynet Project is not to curb crime, but to encourage the CCP’s crime. The CCP is not only satisfied with social population control and stability, the establishment of DNA Skynet can also expand the CCP’s live organ harvesting and large-scale human trafficking from specific populations to the whole country. The CCP is pushing Orwellian centralization to the level of genetics across the country, completely controlling all information about the entire population of the entire society. Let all the Chinese people become slaves to the CCP’s requests and demands,even worse,not only will all the fruits of labor be exploited, but even their own body organs will be exploited.

Anonymous ID: f19dea Dec. 9, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.11965309   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bosnian Authorities Detain Money Launderers


In a massive operation throughout 35 different locations in Sarajevo and central Bosnia on Wednesday, authorities detained 14 people suspected of organized crime, money laundering, fraud and business fraud, as well as abuse of power.


The former Chairman of the Securities Commission of one of Bosnia’s two semi-autonomous regions, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hasan Ćelam, the commission’s ex-associate, Edin Dizdar, as well as a controversial Sarajevo businessman Zijad Blekić, the former head of the Sarajevo Stock Market Supervisory Board and owner of the now-defunct Eurohaus brokerage firm, were among those detained.


The Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office of the Sarajevo Canton called for the operation following a years-long investigation into suspected organized crime and money laundering involving the Securities Commission of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The office said that 18 people, acting as a group, have been suspected of “conducting fictitious agreements, loan agreements and cessions, by exploiting positions in several companies.”


“They are also suspected of officiating manipulative actions on the securities market and making multi-million transactions… through which they gained some 30 million Bosnian marks ($18.53 million) in illegal profit,” according to the Prosecutor’s Office.


Bosnia and Herzegovina's State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) said that “searches of individuals, homes and offices, including 16 people and nine companies, have continued in Sarajevo, Breza and Travnik.”


During the operation, codenamed “Profit,” police seized “€744,800 (US$899,914), 89,400 Bosnian marks ($55,235), certain amounts of Croatian kunas and Serbian dinars, as well as extensive documentation and other items to be used as evidence in criminal proceedings,” SIPA’s Spokesman, Luka Miladinović, told OCCRP.


SIPA has also temporarily suspended the funds on bank accounts of 19 people, with nearly 2 million Bosnian marks ($1.23 million) and €1.88 million ($2.27 million).

Anonymous ID: f19dea Dec. 9, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.11965386   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Lin Wood



Real Lise is Real Wise.


Thank you!

Anonymous ID: f19dea Dec. 9, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.11965411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5423 >>5429 >>5448 >>5498 >>5525 >>5766 >>5924




Make no mistake, the rest of Big Tech will be following Youtube's lead shortly.

Eventually Trump's twitter account will be removed, and a full-on black out by Big Tech will be put into motion.


Prepare alternate means of communications now so you arent caught off guard.

Anonymous ID: f19dea Dec. 9, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.11965451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5766 >>5834 >>5924

Portland cops run away from emboldened leftist mob physically attacking them over home foreclosure


'We ain't fin' around!' one militant was heard yelling at cops while another leftist declared, 'I'll knock you the f out, b***h!'


Portland police officers apparently were no match for a violent leftist mob Tuesday, the members of which didn't like that cops were enforcing a home foreclosure.


Members of the mob kicked and threw rocks at retreating police vehicles and ran up on cops and appeared to try to steal their equipment while taunting and threatening them as they literally chased officers down a street.


"We ain't fin' around!" one militant was heard yelling at cops while another leftist declared, "I'll knock you the f out, bitch!"


Here's the clip. Content warning: Language:


Full clip from outside the Red House as activists aggressively push police out of the area, halting the eviction of…

— Alex Milan Tracy (@Alex Milan Tracy)1607459788.0


How did this all unfold?


Early in the morning, police were trying to protect the perimeter of the foreclosed home so new owners could erect a fence, but the Oregonian said the size of the opposing crowd swelled — and officers were "struck by projectiles such as rocks and paint-filled balloons."


Cops made seven arrests, the paper said, and officers found one person with a gun as well as other guns on the property. But when police departed, the mob simply pulled down the fence and re-entered the property, the Oregonian said.


Police returned — and then more serious problems developed, the paper said:


The crowd swelled to about 200 people, and violent clashes ensued. Law enforcement ultimately retreated as police vehicles were damaged, including at least one window smashed. Protesters threw rocks at officers and one sprayed a fire extinguisher at them, prompting an officer to deploy an impact munition.


One police vehicle hit a parked car while trying to leave.


Content warning: Language:


Police continue to get pushed back, a protester with a fire extinguisher covers a vehicle as people fight back.

— Alex Milan Tracy (@Alex Milan Tracy)1607453000.0


The Oregonian said the melee subsided after police left about 10:30 a.m., and demonstrators took the down the fencing around the property, known as the "Red House on Mississippi," and piled up rocks and bricks, presumably for future throwing purposes.

Anonymous ID: f19dea Dec. 9, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.11965566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5766 >>5924

Coronavirus Israel Live: Netanyahu Sets December 27 Target Date to Start Vaccinating


First Pfizer vaccines arrive in Israel ■ Instead of curfew, cabinet weights partial Hanukkah restrictions ■ Palestinians holding Israeli work permits to be tested for COVID at checkpoints


Israel, the West Bank and Gaza are dealing with a renewed coronavirus outbreak, leading to proposals and measures intended to curb its spread and mitigate the economic ramifications of the crisis by both Israeli and Palestinian authorities.


Israel currently has 14,806 active cases; 2,933 people have died. In the West Bank, there are 16,098 active cases and 822 deaths, and in Gaza 10,206 active cases and 162 deaths.


Health Minister Yuli Edelstein said that the Health Ministry has decided "after long discussions" that those who test negative for the coronavirus twice can leave self-isolation after 10, rather than 14 days.


In a joint press conference with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Edelstein said that the decision is "good news for the Israeli economy as well as for citizens."


He added, in what he likened to a miracle, that Israel's vaccination program will be started in the coming weeks, with an increased shipment of doses. Those who receive the inoculation will receive a certificate that will grant them full freedom of movement. "This is the only way to we can return the market to economic activity," he said. (Ido Efrati)


8:38 P.M. Israel to start vaccinating on December 27, Netanyahu announces


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Israel aims to vaccinate 60,000 people a day starting on December 27.


Earlier on Wednesday, Israel recieved the first batch of Pfizer vaccines. Netanyahu said a second delivery is expected on Thursday. (Noa Landau)

Anonymous ID: f19dea Dec. 9, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.11965634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5723

The U.S. ‘War on Terror’ Has Displaced 37 Million People


Here’s why we used the numbers we did — and what they can and can’t tell us.


Over the last week, considerable debate arose around a calculation I helped produce showing that the wars the U.S. government has fought since the attacks of September 11, 2001, have forced at least 37 million people — and perhaps as many as 59 million — to flee their homes.


As a co-author of the underlying report, produced for Brown University’s Costs of War Project, I was encouraged by the attention in the media — which ranged from the New York Times to Fox News — because it has generated interest in the millions of people displaced by the U.S. “global war on terror.” My American University co-authors and I note that no one inside or outside the U.S. government has previously calculated how many people these wars have displaced.


The report conservatively estimates that eight of the most violent “counterterror” wars the U.S. government has engaged in since 9/11 — in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, the Philippines, Somalia, Syria and Yemen — have produced 8 million refugees and 29 million internally displaced people. The 37 million total displaced is more than those displaced by any war since at least the start of the 20th century, except World War II.


Critiques of the report centered around the degree to which the U.S. government is responsible for displacement in all eight of these countries.


People agreed that the George W. Bush administration launched the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. However, some have said that the other countries we include in our estimate — Libya, Pakistan, the Philippines, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen — are incredibly complex conflicts in which the U.S. government has been a less central combatant, making it hard to say what role, if any, the U.S. government has played in creating displacement.


Yet the purpose of our report is not to assess relative responsibility for displacement among different actors. Our report says clearly, “We are not suggesting the U.S. government or the United States as a country is solely responsible for the displacement.” The Taliban, Iraqi Sunni and Shia militias, the Islamic State, Al Qaeda, the U.K. government and other U.S. allies, and Bashar al Assad share considerable responsibility along with other combatants, governments, and actors.


Instead, our goal, in keeping with those of the broader Costs of War Project, is to shed light on the often unacknowledged costs of the U.S. government’s 19-year-long “war on terror.”


Our study focuses on the eight countries where the U.S. government bears significant responsibility for wars it has launched (Afghanistan and the oft-ignored overlapping war in Pakistan triggered by invading Afghanistan, and Iraq); escalated as a major combatant (Libya and Syria); or intensified through drone strikes, battlefield advising, logistical support, weapons sales, and other military aid (Yemen, Somalia, and the Philippines).

Anonymous ID: f19dea Dec. 9, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.11965648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5766 >>5924

Member of Neo-Nazi Group Sentenced for Plot to Target Journalists and Advocates