Don't have sauce and seeking:
My dad claims that Kim Kardashian was talking about Kanye and Monarch yesterday. Anyone know anything about it? Followed breads all day yesterday and didn't see anything, this was likely on TV.
Don't have sauce and seeking:
My dad claims that Kim Kardashian was talking about Kanye and Monarch yesterday. Anyone know anything about it? Followed breads all day yesterday and didn't see anything, this was likely on TV.
Not removed. Put https:// in front of www.
From last bread:
Names under investigation for conspiracy to kidnap and murder one female General M. Magnifico include two presidents (Nixon, Ford) and multiple first ladies (Betty Ford, Jackie Kennedy Onassis, Mamie Eisenhower, Pat Nixon, Lady Bird Johnson).
Possibly NOTABLE?
I haven't yet found anything else about General Magnifico on the internets.
In a sense. So far I'm finding early modern and primitive Mesoamerican pieces.
"People of color"
I know what the phrase means, of course. But pic related just popped into my head.
Kanye bread filler