You guys not get it yet? Q knows that flag is fake. He's asking you to look into the 1930s and communist AFA. How come so many don't know that already? The Antifa flag draws on a 1930 flag, yes. Hint. It's not the swastika. smh
You guys not get it yet? Q knows that flag is fake. He's asking you to look into the 1930s and communist AFA. How come so many don't know that already? The Antifa flag draws on a 1930 flag, yes. Hint. It's not the swastika. smh
No, we are talking 1930s Germany, not the USA.
That might make sense in your world, but in mine it makes no sense whatsoever. You think the NSDAP sought to incorporate the communists? Maybe you should watch the first few instalments of The Greatest Story Never Told. It covers the flag, and the battle against the "communists". You can't understand anything about the world until you understand what was really going on in Germany at that time. All else is black propaganda. It's been going on a long time.
>>Remember Hitler was a national socialist.
>Which doesn't mean what you think it means
Indeed, anon. Indeed. Some people get soooo triggered by words. Interwar Germany was an economic miracle that provided for the people in a way probably never seen before. But, yeah, making sure that no one would ever want to hear about Gottfried Feder and his analysis of the international banking system was high on the agenda of various "great" powers. Germany was demonstrating what liberation from the claws of the international banking cartels could make possible. Hence "Germany must be destroyed". Sad, but true.
I think my (you) was misplaced here. You and I are on the same page, anon. But, hey, posting on here can get confusing at time. I agree. The anon who posted that is basically uneducated on the matter. Doctor prescribes more red pills.
Forgive my ignorance, anon, but I've been meaning to ask this for a while. What exactly does 'o7' mean?
Lol. Remember: The history books told you that JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald too. Trust the authorities. Question nothing. Good luck out there.
I know that story, anon. I lost my major source of contract work (editing) when I publicly stepped out of the work of political correctness. "The power of revolution" and "the power of the purse". They certainly know how to use the latter. Even the useful idiots do it for them, such is the depth of PC programming in our world. Fortunately, the truth will set us free. One day….
Wow. I never thought about it in gender terms, but you were right in your intuition. Interesting. I will give that some thought.