so thanks to so some smart anons, some anons can post.
did we have a plan for when the shit really hits the windmill?
btw the cross-origin failure means what, the server settings are updated and the QR JS code needs to be upgraded to match?
CORS is a FUCKING disaster prove anon wrong
1 in 1000 anons knows what cors is, how fucks everything up for everyone, and why it's different now than it was yesterday.
some bigshots at google decide to change some standards and the whole fucking world has to scramble to catch up.
anyway, seems like we're getting back to "normal" somewhat, judging by how prickly everyone gets when anon asks a simple question.
likely causes
the js (cm's work) has non-cors-compliant code, and/or the host server cors routine was changed/deleted
hence turning of JS would disable the non-compliant code but of course would make other things fucky.
you can make some browsers ignore cors enforcement (ie Safari) which will solve the problem w/out having to turn of JS.
Anon fuckng hates CORS, can anon be any clearer about that?
colorado, with the the effiminate gay snowflake tranny governor and his "husband"?
something caused that domino to topple.
CORS in general would not, it's simply a matter or synching up the headers returned by the server with headers "expected" by the browser.
But wtf knows what the js is set up to do.
So, updating browsers is causing them to enforce cors compliance which is why it's different today than yesterday.
All browser conforming to the "improvements" that have come down from on high.
disclaimer: wdik
ok bitches glad we connected again.
Godspeed, Nightshift.
wow didn't take long for that shit to crash and burn