>>11970695 lb
>>11970695 lb
>And then STEP DOWN , not seeking reelection himself but leaving the system fixed.
I made a similar speculative, but not unlikely, comment last week. In my judgment, such an action would serve to shape the verdict of history and is in keeping with similar episodes in the past - most recently in Honduras in 2009/10, when interim President Micheletti stood down after the institutions of State successfully fought off an attempted election rigging coup by Zelaya in cahoots with Chavez.
Russia bridges both west and west, geographically and culturally. It is also the largest bastion of conservative Christianity in the world, notwithstanding its many problems in emerging from the dark night of communism and post-collapse lawlessness and corruption. Metropolitan Alfayev, still in his mid-50s, is the perhaps the most cogent and compelling voice in the Christian world.
If he were to take such a step, he is extremely unlikely to do so until the ship is righted and heading for safe waters. That might take quite some time. I don’t expect him to go anywhere anytime soon. The intractable problem is forging cohesion of the nation, when so many are utterly deluded. No doubt we’ll see what happens.
Concur. We have to resist the temptation to indulge in friendly fire incidents. This is not how wars are won.
It’s worked with censorship. Of course they’ll use the corporatocracy to enforce mandatory vaccination and anything else their depraved minds conjure up. Governments must spank the corporations into submission, but that won’t happen until massive campaign finance reform is enacted.
Odysseus faced a similar problem with the Sirens.
Nonsense, even if said in jest
This is John Knox’ “Monstrous Regiment [rule, not a military unit!] of Women.”
What would such a database comprise? Where would its data originate? The precincts, counties, and states have no aggregated record of votes except for those that emanate from their electronic voting systems.