Anonymous ID: 8cafd0 Dec. 10, 2020, 8:53 a.m. No.11971006   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chinese Money Launderer Called James Biden After FBI Arrest, Was Trying To Reach Hunter


With Politico reporting on Wednesday that Hunter Biden's criminal investigation covers potential money laundering, and CNN's Simon Prokupecz reporting that the feds are looking into a 2017 gift to Hunter from CEFC China Energy Co. founder Ye Jianming - a 2.8-carat diamond, let's revisit a prime example of what one Chinese professor described as 'friends in high places' within the Democratic party.


In November, 2017, Joe Biden's brother James received a surprise call on his cellphone from Patrick Ho, Ye Jianming's lieutenant who was arrested by the FBI (and is now serving a 36-month sentence for bribery and money laundering), according to a December, 2018 report by the New York Times. According to James, the call was meant for Hunter.


James Biden, a financier and brother of the former vice president, was in a hotel lobby in November 2017 when he got a surprise call on his cellphone. The call was from Patrick Ho, Mr. Ye’s lieutenant. Mr. Ho, 69, was in trouble.


Federal agents who had monitored CEFC’s rise since at least the summer of 2016 had sprung into action, arresting Mr. Ho in New York on allegations that he had bribed African officials in Chad and Uganda. Days later, federal agents showed up at Mr. Ye’s luxury apartment building across from Central Park with a subpoena to interview Mr. Ye, said people familiar with the matter.



In a brief interview, James Biden said he had been surprised by Mr. Ho’s call. He said he believed it had been meant for Hunter Biden, the former vice president’s son. James Biden said he had passed on his nephew’s contact information. -NYT


Emails obtained from Hunter's laptop, reported in October by the New York Post and called Russian disinformation by the MSM after they could no longer ignore the bombshell, suggested that the Bidens were involved in a joint venture with CEFC to create a new corporation which would be headed up by former Biden business partner, Tony Bobulinski - who has corroborated the emails after turning whistleblower just before the 2020 election. According to evidence found on Hunter's laptop, Joe Biden may have been assigned a 10% ownership stake, which Bobulinski said was concealed through brother's James' interest.

Anonymous ID: 8cafd0 Dec. 10, 2020, 8:54 a.m. No.11971020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1042 >>1173 >>1190

Corrupt Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger Is Opening an Investigation Into Small County That Uncovered Major Issues with Dominion Voting Machines


Outrageous – simply outrageous. How can the good people of Georgia take it?


Corrupt Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is not willing to go in front of the Georgia legislature to testify about his actions in this year’s corrupted election in Georgia, but he is able to initiate an investigation into a small county who uncovered issues with the Dominion voting machines.


This morning we reported that the Georgia Secretary of State, Raffensperger won’t testify in front of the Georgia legislature today:


However, Raffensperger is willing to go after a small county in Georgia which uncovered major issues with the Dominion voting machines used throughout the state. According to


According to the Secretary of State’s Office, Coffee County blamed the state’s Dominion Voting System for its vote discrepancy, but the county elections director could not specify what problems were encountered.



“Every other county was able to complete this task within the given time limits,” the state said in announcing the investigation. “In some cases, counties realized they made mistakes in scanning ballots and had to rescan, or realized they neglected to scan some ballots and had to correct that error. But nonetheless, those counties completed the recount on time.


“The Secretary of State’s Office will investigate Coffee County for their recount procedures and ascertain if the case needs to be brought to the State Election Board for review and potential action,” the agency said.


Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has already called for the firing of two county election directors in connection with the November election. Last month he called out problems in Floyd County, and the election board there later fired the county election director.


Let’s hope and pray these crooks in Georgia who participated in the most corrupt election in US history are brought to justice soon.

Anonymous ID: 8cafd0 Dec. 10, 2020, 8:56 a.m. No.11971045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1113 >>1151 >>1216

China slaps sanctions on US officials and cancels visa exemptions for diplomats in an ‘equal counterattack’ over Hong Kong


Beijing has hit back at Washington, imposing financial sanctions on US officials, congressional personnel, NGOs and their family members in retaliation for US sanctions over Hong Kong levied earlier this week.


Speaking on Thursday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters that Beijing will bring measures against American officials and individuals in what she described as an “equal counterattack.”


China has decided to impose equal sanctions against responsible US government officials, congressional personnel, non-governmental organizations and immediate family members in relation to the Hong Kong issue.


The new measures will also hit US diplomats working in Hong Kong and Macau.


Hua urged the US to immediately stop interfering in China’s domestic affairs, most notably in Hong Kong, and “not go further down a wrong and dangerous road.”


The move comes in response to Washington’s imposition of financial sanctions and a travel ban on 14 Chinese officials on Monday.


US sanctions targeted Chinese individuals who have played a role in the adoption of national security law and the disqualification of elected opposition legislators in Hong Kong.


Relations between Washington and Beijing have deteriorated throughout the year with both sides reciprocating the imposition of sanctions and engaging in a high-stakes war of words.


On Wednesday, Beijing blasted Washington’s “long-arm jurisdiction” and interference in domestic affairs after the US Treasury sanctioned Chinese companies shipping North Korean coal.

Anonymous ID: 8cafd0 Dec. 10, 2020, 8:57 a.m. No.11971070   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump hails Israel & Morocco establishing relations as ‘massive breakthrough’ – and recognizes Moroccan sovereignty over W. Sahara


Israel and Morocco have agreed to normalize their relations in a deal brokered by US President Donald Trump. The deal is the latest in a series of US-mediated agreements between Israel and the Muslim world.


White House officials told Reuters that Trump sealed the deal in a phone call on Thursday to Morocco’s King Mohammed VI. Trump then hailed the agreement on Twitter as a “massive breakthrough for peace in the MIddle East.”


Another HISTORIC breakthrough today! Our two GREAT friends Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco have agreed to full diplomatic relations – a massive breakthrough for peace in the Middle East!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 10, 2020


Unlike some Arab states, the west African nation, considered to be part of the Greater Middle East, was not technically at war with Israel. However, it has not openly acknowledged the existence of the Jewish state until now. Despite its public position of non-acknowledgement, Morocco has secretly communicated with Israeli intelligence at several decisive moments during Israel’s conflicts with its Arab neighbors.


Under the new agreement, Morocco and Israel will establish full diplomatic relations and airline connections with each other, and “promote economic cooperation,” White House adviser Jared Kushner told Reuters.


In signing the US-brokered deal, Morocco follows in the footsteps of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan in establishing relations with Israel.


Prior to the deal, some Moroccan commenters wrote off rumors of an agreement as far-fetched, in light of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Anonymous ID: 8cafd0 Dec. 10, 2020, 8:59 a.m. No.11971092   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EU to force Big Tech to police internet or face large fines – report


The EU will require “very large” tech companies such as Facebook and Amazon to take greater responsibility for policing the internet or face fines of up to six percent of their turnover, the Financial Times reported on Thursday.


FT cited a draft regulation, which is to be published next week, saying that such companies will have to check third-party suppliers (like the vendors who sell products on Amazon), and to share data with authorities and researchers on how they moderate illegal content.


Regulators in Brussels defined “very large platforms” as those with more than 45 million users, or the equivalent of 10 percent of the bloc’s population. They will be targeted because of their "disproportionate influence” on internet users in the EU.


Under the new law, large online platforms will have to ensure greater advertisement transparency by letting users know “in a clear and unambiguous manner and in real time” that they are viewing an ad. They will also have to inform consumers about who is behind the ad and should give them “meaningful information about the main parameters used to determine” why those consumers were targeted.


According to the draft, large platforms, most of which are based in the US, will have to appoint “one or more” compliance officers to make sure they abide by the new Digital Services Act rules. If they fail to comply with the rules, they will have to pay up to six percent of their total turnover in the previous financial year. The size of the fines will depend on the severity of the violations, how long they have been taking place, and whether they recur.


The new Digital Services Act will “allow the EU to get better tools to ensure that the digital economy works to the benefit of consumers rather than maximizing tech giants’ huge profits,” said Monique Goyens, director-general of Beuc, an umbrella organization of European consumer associations.


“The time has come to end the tech giants’ ability to game the digital economy to suit their own narrow vested interests,” she added.


The European Union has long been accusing the digital giants of numerous violations. The alleged breaches include abuse of market dominance and not paying their fair share of taxes in the EU while benefiting from all European countries’ economies, especially through advertising.

Anonymous ID: 8cafd0 Dec. 10, 2020, 9:01 a.m. No.11971116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1166

AirAsia CEO: Asian Nations "Won't Let Anyone In Without A Vaccination"


Yet another airline boss has said that it is fully expected that vaccination against coronavirus will become mandatory in order to travel.


AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes told an aviation conference Wednesday that Asian countries may soon demand that anyone crossing their borders has received a Covid-19 jab.


“I foresee in Asia, anyway, I think they won’t let anyone in without a vaccination,” Fernandes said at the CAPA Centre for Aviation event.


“It’s not up to the airlines to decide,” he added, explaining that “It’s for governments to decide. It’ll be the country that’ll decide if they will allow people to come in if they are not vaccinated.”


Fernandes’ comments echo those of Todd Handcock, the Asia Pacific president of Collinson Group, which owns Priority Pass airport lounges.


Handcock said recently that “We believe that vaccinations will be required for entry to many countries in the future. And for a period of time, parallel requirements of (being) vaccinated or pre-flight negative tests.”


Air Asia has already implemented a digital ‘health pass’ called Scan2Fly which is being used on routes from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore, Surabaya, and Jakarta.


The app, use of which is voluntary at this stage, allows passengers to upload medical certificates when checking in online. The app also details entry documentation required by the destination country, including Covid-19 related data.


In addition, the world’s largest air transport lobby group is developing a global ‘COVID travel pass’ app designed to link vaccination status and coronavirus test results to a person’s travel documents.


Another ‘COVID passport’ type system known as the CommonPass, sponsored by the World Economic Forum, is under development.

Anonymous ID: 8cafd0 Dec. 10, 2020, 9:03 a.m. No.11971146   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ECB Christine Lagarde Explain How More Of The Same Policy Will Work This Time


The ECB announced that in order to arrest Europe's economic double dip, it will expand its PEPP (pandemic emergency purchase programme) QE by €500BN (as expected), will extend the duration of the PEPP through March 2022 (it was expected to end 2021); calibrates TLTRO further by adding three more operations in 2021 and extended it by 12 months.


But, for now markets seem disappointed (EUR is higher) and so we look forward to Christine Lagarde explaining just how "more of the same" will result in a different outcome this time…


Watch Live (due to start at 0825ET):

Anonymous ID: 8cafd0 Dec. 10, 2020, 9:04 a.m. No.11971167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1184

FBI rocked by allegations of sexual harassment involving top officials


The FBI has investigated at least six internal sexual misconduct allegations involving top brass over the last five years — but none of the accused officials ever faced discipline, even when the reports were substantiated, an Associated Press probe found.


The cases include an assistant FBI director who was accused of drunkenly groping a female subordinate, a senior FBI official who allegedly sexually harassed eight employees and another high-ranking official accused of blackmailing a young employee for sex, the probe found.


Two of those claims came this week, the outlet reported.


Using a review of court records, Office of Inspector General reports and interviews with federal law enforcement officials, the outlet discovered none of the high-ranking members faced discipline beyond quiet transfers and early retirements.


“They’re sweeping it under the rug,” a former FBI analyst, who’s suing the agency over allegations that a supervisory special agent groped her and licked her face in 2017, told the outlet.


“As the premier law enforcement organization that the FBI holds itself out to be, it’s very disheartening when they allow people they know are criminals to retire and pursue careers in law enforcement-related fields,” the former analyst continued, asking to be identified only by her first name, Becky.


The accused officials were able to keep their full pensions and benefits even when claims were substantiated, the AP reported. They were also given the privilege of anonymity once the disciplinary process ran its course, which allowed the accused to remain in law enforcement or land cushy, private-sector gigs with ease, the outlet wrote.


“They need a #MeToo moment,” U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier (D-California), a critic of the male-dominated federal agency, told the outlet.


“It’s repugnant, and it underscores the fact that the FBI and many of our institutions are still good ol’-boy networks,” Speier continued.


“It doesn’t surprise me that, in terms of sexual assault and sexual harassment, they are still in the Dark Ages.”

Anonymous ID: 8cafd0 Dec. 10, 2020, 9:06 a.m. No.11971203   🗄️.is 🔗kun

VIDEO: Kemp Tells Chinese Investors ‘We Are Constantly Helping To Develop New Opportunities For Chinese Companies‘


Kemp's ties with the Communist Chinese are raising questions and concerns, as the 2020 election battle continues.


n a Chinese advertisement released by Georgia USA, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is seen on video encouraging Chinese investors to consider working with Georgia, noting that “China is a top source for imports.”


“China is a top source for imports and our third largest export market. We welcome thousands of Chinese visitors every year to the ‘Peach State’ and we are constantly helping to develop new opportunities for Chinese companies,” said Kemp, standing in front of the Chinese flag.


This is not the first time Kemp has dealt with Communist China. In early 2020, Kemp met with the former Consul General of the Chinese consulate in Houston, Cai Wei, for a “private meeting.”


Wei had later been accused of running a spy operation by the U.S. State Department.


On July 12, 2019, Kemp met with Consul General Li Qiangmin at the Chinese consulate in Houston according to US China News.


17 days after Kemp met with Qiangmin, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced that Georgia would be awarding $107 million to Dominion Voting Systems to replace the states voting machines.


“The Georgia secretary of state’s office has had a checkered history on cybersecurity. Raffensperger’s predecessor, Brian Kemp, who is now Georgia’s governor, was faulted for rejecting the federal government’s offer to conduct vulnerability assessments of the office’s computer systems as a safeguard against foreign hacking attempts. Kemp’s time as secretary of state was also marked by multiple instances of him mistaking legitimate network activity for a cyberattack.”


It should be noted that due to the consulate being deemed a “hub of spying and intellectual property theft” by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the U.S. State Department, President Donald Trump ultimately ordered the closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston.


The relationship between China and Dominion Voting Systems has raised questions, as military intelligence suggested that China had access to Dominion servers during the 2020 U.S. general election. This was revealed in Attorney Sidney Powell’s Georgia lawsuit, as National File reported.


“National File was able to quickly verify that Powell quoted a former member of the 305th in the lawsuit, which declared that “a former electronic intelligence analyst under the 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence” told her that “the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran” to manipulate the election.”

Anonymous ID: 8cafd0 Dec. 10, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.11971227   🗄️.is 🔗kun

YouTube Employs Chinese Communist ‘State Secrecy Bureau’ Software Engineers


ouTube – the Google-owned video platform making headlines for vowing to censor all content flagging “election fraud or errors” – employs software engineers with ties to the Chinese Communist Party, The National Pulse can reveal.


A host of software engineers for the platform have formerly worked for Chinese Communist Party-run institutions, raising the question as to why a revolving door exists between YouTube and the China-based universities.


A software engineer for the video platform since May of 2019,Tai Jinjiang, previously worked as a project manager for Guanghzou Shian Technology.


Jinjiang detailed his work for the China-based firm as playing a “major role in successful PLA certification of ShiAn terminal by Ministry of Public Security, State Secrecy Bureau, and IT Evaluation Center.”


In other words, Jinjiang led software efforts on behalf of the PLA – appearing to reference China’s People’s Liberation Army – and a host of Chinese government-led intelligence bodies. What’s more, he notes he “garnered numerous staff awards for excellent performance.”

Anonymous ID: 8cafd0 Dec. 10, 2020, 9:09 a.m. No.11971243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1263 >>1348

Hate speech against transgenders — even when spoken in private — outlawed in Norway, punishable by year in jail


Culprits can get three years in jail for hate speech against transgender people that's uttered in public


Hate speech against transgender people — even when uttered in private — has been outlawed by Norway's parliament in an expansion of the country's penal code that's protected gays and lesbians since 1981, Reuters reported.


Those found guilty of hate speech spoken in private face a fine or up to a year in jail, the outlet said, adding that those found guilty of public hate speech face a maximum of three years in jail.


"I'm very relieved actually, because [the lack of legal protection] has been an eyesore for trans people for many, many years," Birna Rorslett, vice president of the Association of Transgender People in Norway, told Reuters.


More from the outlet:


Norway is one of the most liberal countries in Europe for LGBT+ people, allowing trans people to legally change gender without a medical diagnosis in 2016. But reported homophobic crimes have risen, according to advocacy group, ILGA-Europe.


Minister of Justice and Public Security Monica Maeland told Reuters that transgender people are "an exposed group when it comes to discrimination, harassment, and violence" and that "it is imperative that the protection against discrimination offered by the criminal legislation is adapted to the practical situations that arise."


The amendments approved in late November outlaw discrimination based on "gender identity or gender expression" and "homosexual orientation" was changed to "sexual orientation," meaning bisexual as well as lesbian and gay people will be explicitly protected from discrimination, the outlet said.


And those charged with violent crimes can receive harsher sentences if judges decide their actions were motivated by victims' sexual orientation or gender identity, Reuters reported, citing the penal code.



Professor and legal scholar Jonathan Turley argued that the move is deadly to free speech in Norway.


"In their homes, people will often share religious and political views that depart from majoritarian values or beliefs," Turley wrote. "This law would regulate those conversations and criminalize the expression of prohibited viewpoints."

Anonymous ID: 8cafd0 Dec. 10, 2020, 9:11 a.m. No.11971267   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pompeo: ‘So Many of Our Colleges Are Bought by Beijing’


During a speech on Wednesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticized schools for self-censoring “out of fear of offending China.” And said that “So many of our colleges are bought by Beijing.”


Pompeo said the Chinese Communist Party wants “to influence American students as well, professors and administrators too. Look, they know that left-leaning college campuses are rife with anti-Americanism, and present easy targets for their anti-American messaging. That’s why they planted Confucius Institutes on our campuses. … Look, it’s why there are groups on campuses called Chinese Students and Scholars Associations here too. They’re directed and almost always funded by the Chinese embassy or a local Chinese consulate. Its purpose, to keep tabs on students and to press pro-Beijing causes. Now, you would think at freedom-loving places like Georgia Tech and institutions and scholars all across the world, administrators, school faculty would be more up in arms about the Chinese Communist Party’s outright theft and flagrant violation of freedoms that I’ve described, but we see it too seldom. Well, why? Why do schools censor themselves? They often do it out of fear of offending China.”


He added, “MIT wasn’t interested in having me to their campus to give this exact set of remarks. President Rafael Reif implied that my arguments might insult their ethnic Chinese students and professors. But of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Those are the very people that this set of remarks is intended to protect, to protect their freedoms.”


Pompeo continued, “And I must say that yielding to the objection of hurt feelings plays right into the Chinese Communist Party’s hands. They watch America closely. It’s what the party says constantly in response to legitimate criticism around the world. You can see it. … Look, we can’t let the CCP weaponize political correctness against American liberties. We have to protect and preserve them. Fraudulent cries of racism or xenophobia should never drown out a candid exposure of the activities of the Chinese Communist Party. But we see too often on American campuses that there’s silence and censorship. It’s being driven by the Chinese Communist Party. It usually boils down to something far less idealistic. So many of our colleges are bought by Beijing.”


He later added, “The U.S. Department of Education, over the last years, has found that schools have taken an estimated $1.3 billion from China since 2013. That’s just what we know about. Like so many — like Columbia — so many schools have failed to report the true amounts.”

Anonymous ID: 8cafd0 Dec. 10, 2020, 9:12 a.m. No.11971282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1285 >>1304

Baker some notes from yesterdays downtime


Biden campaign becomes first to raise $1 billion from donors


Individual Pleads Guilty to Participating in Internet-of-Things Cyberattack in 2016


SpaceX's prototype rocket explodes in giant fireball


Jon Ossoff Wants Beto O’Rourke-Style Gun Control for Georgians


House to Push Mike Lee’s S.386 Bill, Create Class of ‘Half Immigrants’


CT Becomes First State To Require High School Courses on Black And Latino Studies


Federal Grand Jury Indicts 30 Members and Associates of the Pagans Motorcycle Club


House Republicans Call For Swalwell’s Removal From House Intel Committee After Chinese Honeytrap


Staten Island doctor admits to prescribing opioids in return for sexual favors


Biden Reportedly Considering Black Jewish ‘Spy Whisperer’ Darrell Blocker as CIA Chief


Georgia County Can’t Certify Election Results from Recount Because They Can’t “Duplicate Results” on Voting Machines


66 Missouri Lawmakers Led by Rep. Justin Hill Sign Resolution for MI, WI, PA, GA, AZ and NV to Investigate Rampant Election Fraud or Have Electors Disqualified


I'm a Legislator in Pennsylvania, and I'm Suing the Governor for Election Fraud


4 people just got FACIAL PARALYSIS from Pfizer Vaccine… 2 NHS staff suffer ‘anaphylactic reaction’… CNN: ‘Don’t Be Alarmed’ if People Start Dying After Taking the Vaccine


House passes stopgap bill to avoid government shutdown


Arizona Joins Texas SCOTUS Lawsuit For Total of 19 States Suing Over Election Integrity

Anonymous ID: 8cafd0 Dec. 10, 2020, 9:13 a.m. No.11971285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1304



SHERIFF: 158 People Arrested, Sex Trafficking Victim Rescued At ‘Super Spreader’ Party In Los Angeles County


Pedophile Allegedly Tried To Get Babysitting Jobs With Popular Websites


Hunter Biden Criminal Probe Bolsters Chinese Scholar's Claim Of Beijing Infiltrating 'Top Of America's Core'


Nine people linked to outlaw motorcycle gangs arrested for allegedly defrauding $100k in bushfire relief funds


Hunter Biden Investigation Linked to Chinese Company in Laptop Emails


Attorney Ty Clevenger’s Determination Led to the FBI Announcing Today They Actually Did Have Thousands of Documents and Seth Rich’s Laptop


TI: Central and Eastern Europe Security and Defense at Corruption Risks


AOC Partied With Alleged Chinese Communist Party Spy


Biden Campaigns Funneled Over $70,000 To Hunter Biden, Nearly $150,000 To Entire Family


Biden Praised Chinese Communist Party Economic Plan Fueled By ‘Marxist Worldview’ And ‘Communist Wisdom’


Billionaires’ ‘pandemic profits’ alone could pay for $3K stimulus checks to EVERY American