Earth-rise on the moon.
Unless one lands on the far side and walks or drives to the facing side…there IS no "earth rise" on the moon. Damn thing's always facing the same direction…kek
Earth-rise on the moon.
Unless one lands on the far side and walks or drives to the facing side…there IS no "earth rise" on the moon. Damn thing's always facing the same direction…kek
They want a woman in charge because their entirely framework is to turn God's economy upside-down. Men are to lead. Women are to follow their husbands and lead their children. Why do you think the wives are the handlers? Satanic economy. It's also the reason behind their trans agenda and LGBTQ and every other perversion. Destroy the imago dei. Once you understand this, you understand every move they make. IMHO
It started in the churches with the satanic subversion of theology in the form of liberalism. Turn the entire Christian church in to one big homogenous religion with every other system, where man pulls himself up by his bootstraps instead of being saved by God on no account of our own. Then we let slide church discipline. Then we let women start to have a voice. That leads to suffrage, an unnecessary and even destructive move. Women only wanted to vote to subvert the will of their husbands. So, give them the right to vote, to counteract their husband's voice. Then put women in the work place, then increase divorce, then put women in leadership, then get one (the Whore of Babylon) to rule the whole roost. Since the dawn of Creation this has been Satan's trick. He's very patient, since he doesn't have to worry about dying after 70 or 80 years. We're just blips in the pan. 200 years to destroy the imago dei around the entire world? Let him at it!
No no no no no nonononono NO. She does not get to go in to decline and avoid anything. Rope for this colossal khvnt.
>She has GOT to be embarrassed AF
None of these people is ever embarrassed by these types of scandals. Because they are IN on them. They participate in the debauchery and the perversion. She's not embarrassed. The family that lays together stays together. Why do you think that Hillary stood by Bill after Monica? Because she TOLD him to do it. She probably WATCHED. That's the whole point. They all do this stuff. Swallowswell's wife wasn't cuckolded by this. At all. Guaranteed.