The yellow menace is everywhere.
America is burning to the ground, and all Trump and Q are doing is fueling the fires.
Lawlessness. Crime unchallenged. Total anarchy. The collapse of the United States of America.
Which demonic angel painted that for her? Beelzebub? Azazel? Belial? Moloch?
They want a woman in charge because they want women to be seen as responsible for the collapse of the West.
Once they get a woman into office, it's game over for America. They WILL collapse it. Collapse it entirely.
They won't delay it now. Not anymore. They want the Bidens out, so that they can have a female president of the United States. This has long been their agenda.
There is no QAnon, you old, demonic hag.
Gotta do everything they can to continuously push the false pandemic narrative. All in order to destroy America socially and economically. Unspeakable evil.
Lucifer/Satan is one cunning enemy. Christ, save us.
Q: Sit back and enjoy the show lololololol