Anonymous ID: 26d194 Dec. 10, 2020, 1:08 p.m. No.11973679   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons, this is how I see this entire shitshow playing out. The Supreme Court will not rule in Texas' favor ie POTUS's favor.

Even though the evidence is irrefutable. There are really only two originalist on the court. Thomas and Alito. Kavanaugh is suspect as is Goersch and I fear Barrett is also. The court will punt with a 7-2 ruling. Thomas and Alito will resign. For the others that voted not to hear the case their futures are going to be a little more complicated.


At this point, the rule of law and the United States Constitution have been undermined and destroyed at the highest level of the judiciary of this Republic. POTUS will have none of this. He will declare Marshall Law and invoke the Insurrection Act mostly in the democrat run states and cities. ANTIFA and BLM will be deployed by the DS and the insurrection in the streets will begin. The Military, already in position in the most suspect of these cities will be dispatched and the insurrectionist will be put down swiftly. There will be some blood shed but most of the malcontents will realize very quickly if they resist and fight, they will be slaughtered. They will be overwhelmed. At the same time the Military already deployed and awaiting orders will swarm Washington DC. The Military arrest will begin and it will sweep up everyone from the treasonous 7 justices that refused to hear the case (Thomas and Alito resigned in disgust) and will sweep through the halls of congress grabbing every, single, one of the DS traitors, representatives and senators, who for the last 12 years have sought to undermine this Republic by weakening and undermining the United States national security (Hussein, Clinton etal…..)and who later implemented the coup d’etat to unlawfully remove a duly elected President.


The news media will also be included in this round up and the major propagandist outlets, the Drive By Media, airways, cable and the internet will go down for the 10 days of darkness. The CEOs, reporters, producers, anchors will all be arrested and held as will the governors, mayors, city officials, judges, lower magistrates, police chiefs who aided and abetted the rebellion against the United States. All, including those in DC will be held indefinitely per the 14th Amendment and Federal Statutes while they await arraignment and transportation to their Military Tribunals at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The only comms available will be the EBS Presidential Alert. This is where we are going to read for the first time in this county’s history, “My Fellow Americans, The Storm is upon us…………………………………

These motherfuckers believe that this is a game that they control and that there are no consequences for their actions. They will find out in short order that they were WRONG.

God Bless the United States, President Donald J. Trump and all Patriots Military and LE who will be called upon to save this Republic from the planned overthrow of the government of the United States of America.

Anonymous ID: 26d194 Dec. 10, 2020, 1:14 p.m. No.11973736   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons, this is how I see this entire shitshow playing out. The Supreme Court will not rule in Texas' favor ie POTUS's favor.

Even though the evidence is irrefutable. There are really only two originalist on the court. Thomas and Alito. Kavanaugh is suspect as is Goersch and I fear Barrett is also. The court will punt with a 7-2 ruling. Thomas and Alito will resign. For the others that voted not to hear the case their futures are going to be a little more complicated.


At this point, the rule of law and the United States Constitution have been undermined and destroyed at the highest level of the judiciary of this Republic. POTUS will have none of this. He will declare Marshall Law and invoke the Insurrection Act mostly in the democrat run states and cities. ANTIFA and BLM will be deployed by the DS and the insurrection in the streets will begin. The Military, already in position in the most suspect of these cities will be dispatched and the insurrectionist will be put down swiftly. There will be some blood shed but most of the malcontents will realize very quickly if they resist and fight, they will be slaughtered. They will be overwhelmed. At the same time the Military already deployed and awaiting orders will swarm Washington DC. The Military arrest will begin and it will sweep up everyone from the treasonous 7 justices that refused to hear the case (Thomas and Alito resigned in disgust) and will sweep through the halls of congress grabbing every, single, one of the DS traitors, representatives and senators, who for the last 12 years have sought to undermine this Republic by weakening and undermining the United States national security (Hussein, Clinton etal…..)and who later implemented the coup d’etat to unlawfully remove a duly elected President.


The news media will also be included in this round up and the major propagandist outlets, the Drive By Media, airways, cable and the internet will go down for the 10 days of darkness. The CEOs, reporters, producers, anchors will all be arrested and held as will the governors, mayors, city officials, judges, lower magistrates, police chiefs who aided and abetted the rebellion against the United States. All, including those in DC will be held indefinitely per the 14th Amendment and Federal Statutes while they await arraignment and transportation to their Military Tribunals at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The only comms available will be the EBS Presidential Alert. This is where we are going to read for the first time in this county’s history, “My Fellow Americans, The Storm is upon us…………………………………

These motherfuckers believe that this is a game that they control and that there are no consequences for their actions. They will find out in short order that they were WRONG.

God Bless the United States, President Donald J. Trump and all Patriots Military and LE who will be called upon to save this Republic from the planned overthrow of the government of the United States of America.