I was flipping channels on radio tonight and landed on the Mitch Album show, he was interviewing Anderson Cooper. Mitch said he met Cooper many years ago and they have become very good friends. (Red Flag 1). He asked Cooper, "Since Biden already won the election it is not a issue any longer but had President Trump won were you considering leaving the news industry?" Cooper responded, "I don't think I have any other skills". I thought that was interesting that Cooper had no other skills outside of fake news and he admits it.
Mitch is always talking about raising money for children. He is always doing some sort of charity work that centers around kids. We know pedophiles like to place themselves in situations that involve children. Many of the pedophile we catch today are associated with orphanages and day care centers. (Red Flag 2)
(Red flag 3)
He was involved with a rescue mission in Haiti for 10 years after the earth quake. (Remember Laura Silsby and the Clinton foundation in Haiti?) The Caring and Sharing Mission is suing Mitch saying he didn't follow an operating agreement they entered into with the Port-au-Prince mission. Mitch did bring back a child from Haiti, he adopted her, he wrote a book about her called "Finding Chika". The kid died, he claims it was from a brain tumor.
Here Mitch is downplaying the fact that pedophiles like to hang out at summer camps. He blames "freaked out parents" for sending kids to summer camp with cell phones and says the phones should be stripped from the kids as soon as they step on the bus. What is he trying to hide? I guess the last thing a pedophile would want is someone snapping a photo of them or recording a conversation. Photos and conversations would collaborate accusations from a child who came home with a story about being molested. (Red flag 4)
In 2007 he had connections to Oprah.(Red flag 5)
In 2006 Mitch published a book "For One More Day" and it was made into "Oprah Winfry presents: Mitch Albom's One More Day" in 2007.
(Red flag 6)
"Have a Little Faith" is Hallmark movie about Mitch's relationship with the rabbi of his youth and a former drug addict and ex-con in Detroit who became a reverend. That is a bad combination if you ask me.
Mitch is from Buffalo, New York, raised in a Jewish family, in his book he said this rabbi Lewis was part of his childhood. I looked for a rabbi from that area by the Last name Lewis, I found nothing. I did find however a rabbi Lewis who's last name was Brenner and he was a convicted child molester. He asked Mitch to do his eulogy at his funeral most likely because he was shunned by his community.
Mitch has a foundation, its called "A Hole In The Roof Foundation". "A Hole"…REALLY?
Is that the best name you could come up with? I think its a subliminal message about his prefixation with ass holes.
Here are some images of Mitch down in Haiti. Does he have the look? Do you think his philanthropy is a front to get close to these kids for nefarious shit? I know he is rich, he has sold over 30 million books. He is a anti-Trump liberal who demeans President Trump on a daily basis. I listened to him on my way to work for a while, stopped tuning in when he started bashing Trump. Just happened to catch him interviewing Anderson Cooper this afternoon. You should be judged by the friends you keep.
If these things above point to show sinister side of Mitch I'm not sure how he has stayed on the air for so long or why someone has not called him out yet. Do you know anything about Mitch that you can add?
Have a Great Day my Friends
God Bless the USA