It could mean anything, however, the old phonetic alphabet for D was Dog. Today it's Delta. Delta Comms.
Comms to Delta? Comms about Deltas? Beats the shit outta me.
It could mean anything, however, the old phonetic alphabet for D was Dog. Today it's Delta. Delta Comms.
Comms to Delta? Comms about Deltas? Beats the shit outta me.
Kek. Jew bot.
I'm just an innocent shitposter who saw an opening. Leave me out of Macho Grande
I loved the Bangles!
That will be worth the chuckles when the chinks crawfish on them and fuck 'em in the ass.
I see what you did there
Trips confirm Pence will be first arrest
Sheeeeit she ghetto. They never think of a lawyer until it's time to appeal.
>Yeah I shot Dookie Shoes. Tha nigga owed me money.
It totally eludes you that I was making a joke about one fag calling out another fag for blatent faggery.
I believe that's called irony.
I'm John Elway and I approved this joke
Naw he'll get Bebecided before he squeals.
You realize you're on a board where freedom of speech is exercised right?