They worship the same demon gods. Hillary was the anointed. She was supposed to win. They were all expected to endorse her….and so they did. Katy Perry and Beyonce were two of HRC's most noteworthy shills. But ALL of them were publicly supporting her and raising money for her, including this douchebag Legend and his ugly wife.
He doesn't really figure into MAGA. He's Canadian and he's also a Jew. He can do whatever he wants…as Jews do.
Isn't it obvious, Anon? They get together to have orgies where they rape, torture, sacrifice, kill, and feast on human flesh. The targets are mostly innocent and defenseless children. Then they mock us with the symbolisms and gaslight us into thinking that we are crazy to suspect them of doing any of these things. This is what they've been using the fake media to do…discredit us as conpsiracy theorists for calling them out. And it works because most people will not believe that humans could actually participate in such evil.
That is the secret bond that binds them together in their ridiculous relationships. All of them are involved in it. And they protect one another's secrets.
But hey, remember after WW2 was over and people said that the Holocaust was fake? Then they showed us the footage of the prisoners in the camps who had been starved to the point that they had become skeletons living skeletons. Then we heard the stories about about many others of them had been otherwise killed. My point is that people are capable of far worse things than we can imagine. They prove that over and over again. I do not agree with hiding any of this from the world. Flood the whole world with light and expose it all. If it remains hidden and the perpetrators are allowed to quietly walk away then they will have gotten away with crimes against humanity. But it wouldn't be the first time that this happened either. After WW2 the Vatican, the US government, and many other governments helped most of the highest ranking Nazi's to escape. Most of us still don't know that that war and its outcome had been planned well in advance.
We live in a fucked up world. It is what it is.
The DNC has issued a directive to all of them to stop talking about impeaching the president because its starting to backfire. Maxine is not happy.
What is the point of them going through the trouble to get redacted information? It just seems like a huge waste of time. What can they prove with redacted information? And of what use would it be to them?
This Congress and this IG are insufferable. They serve themselves and their own agenda, not the people.
The movie Hostel was another Hollywood troll job. That shit actually happens in many parts of the world I'm sure. Life is cheap.