Anonymous ID: a8b8f8 Dec. 11, 2020, 12:29 p.m. No.11984500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4665 >>4836 >>4961 >>4973


Here are Jewish scholars totally demolishing Marxism:


Leszek Kolakowski's 3 volume masterwork of his CRITIQUE OF MARXISM AS TYRANNICAL in "Main Currents of Marxism":


Robert Tucker's "Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx:


George Reisman's discovery that PROFITS, NOT WAGES IS THE 'ORIGINAL' MONETARY INCOME in human civilization:


Murray Rothbard's explanation that MARXISM IS A SECULARISED RELIGION:


Ludwig Von Mises' explanation on how MARX ATTACKED HUMAN REASON itself in order to pave way for his system to be adopted:


Ludwig Von Mises' discovery of DIVISIVE LOGIC INHERENT IN MARXISM:




Anon's 2 most important things to know about Marxism


Religious: Marxism is derived from a dialectic in Creatology that imputes to "The One"/"God"/"Geist"/etc an inner DIVISION, an inner 'schism', an inner 'uneasiness', an inner 'conflict', that 'needed' the creation of the empirical universe to make itself whole through the historical process, whereby the path to "wholeness"/"completeness"/"fulfillment"/etc is through a history of good vs. evil until at last there occurs an 'inevitable' cataclysmic apocalypse of maximum depravity, pain, and destruction, after which the 'historical process' will have finally 'worked itself out', and humanity will have finally 'reabsorbed' back with "The One"/"God"/"Geist", and Humanity will itself become permanently fractured and cleaved into two 'species', a demonic global 'elite' controlling the lives of the remainder of the world species.


[This is contrasted with orthodox Judaism/Christianity/Islam that holds the event of Creation was an event of God's Love and Benevolence for his creations (humanity). Imagine the differences that can occur in social relations between a world where people believed HUMANITY is DIVIDED, and a world where people believed HUMANITY is UNITED! THIS is the battle being waged in the plan of 'The Great Reset']


Economic: Marxism is derived from a false description of the origination of money incomes in human civilization. Marx, following Adam Smith, believed that in the "early and rude state of society", if there ever was such a time, that the very first monetary incomes earned were wages, and that later on with the introduction of people acting in the capacity of "capitalists", there was a reduction in wages and introduction of profits. This is the conceptual framework of Marx's exploitation theory which is what EVERY Marxist institution depends on and takes for granted as true. The reality is that PROFITS were the first monetary income. In the "early and rude state of society" people made products directly from the material world around them, and sold them as commodities. The monetary incomes earned on the sale of commodities is product sales revenues, not wages. Since there were originally no money costs of production, all of the sales revenues were profit. Then, once people became wealthy enough and saved money for investment, instead of using it to consume right away, money began being used to pay people not for their commodities, which requires land and means of production of their own, but for only their labor. This was the onset of wages. Wages represented a monetary cost to DEDUCT from product sales revenues, which used to be all profit, but was now less than 100% by whatever extent wages were paid.


[Imagine if the world knew the reality that the rise of capitalism was in fact the end of the all profit era and beginning of the wage earning class era, that the rise in capitalism brought about a FALL in profit incomes, not the other way around as per Marx!]

Anonymous ID: a8b8f8 Dec. 11, 2020, 12:32 p.m. No.11984541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4669


>Why did Q not decry it back then?

Since when did absence of 'decry' constitute positive endorsement?

Notice the word 'Hammer'?

"QA" could very well be a 'threat' from the C_A, indicating they are going to attempt to take down Q by a project of attacking a straw man 'QAnon'.


Why do you omit Q positively DENOUNCING 'QAnon'?

Anonymous ID: a8b8f8 Dec. 11, 2020, 12:53 p.m. No.11984739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4937


>Why do you assume i'm fighting you?

Why do you assume that's what I am thinking?

>I have no agenda, save the truth.

Your post is consistent with the patterns of deceivers, so your pleas carry no credibility with me whatsoever.

>I didn't say the absence of 'decry' constituted a positive endorsement.

Well technically I didn't say you said that either, I just asked. If you agree that absence of denouncing does not constitute positive endorsement, why would you post that pic and then feign ignorance by asking why Q didn't decry it?

Clearly, CLEARLYA you wanted to convey the impression in the minds of your readers that which will lead them into concluding that Q positively endorses what you posted.

I know your game.

>I asked questions.

Ever heard of rhetorical questions meant to mislead, like, 'when did you stop beating your wife?'

>I'm truly curious what the answers are.

Why aren't you curious about questions the answers of which include Q positively denouncing 'QAnon'?

>You make many good points.

Is this your way of pretending to appear to gullible readers as sincerity?


You claim to want to know the answers, yet you are ignoring the answer staring at you in the face, like you are trying to suppress the truth.

It's right here in this Q drop.

Q has conclusively and without any ambiguity or uncertainty DISAVOWED 'QAnon' as a media creation meant to discredit Q.

Can't you fucking read?