Anonymous ID: d2d94a Dec. 11, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.11984274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4365 >>4414 >>4665 >>4836 >>4922 >>4961 >>4973

Six Dead from Pfizer Trials: Shares Down, Pfizer CEO Makes a Killing


There is a good old Russian word “yerunda” which I’ve started using instead of “nonsense” and “bullshit” to describe the scaremongering COVID-19 narrative blasted at us from morning to night, not because it says anything different but because it gives me an extra synonym in my arsenal in fighting the nonsensical war waged upon us by super-rich controllers of world economic systems.


Keep watching the BBC, and other mainstream channels alone, and you will never know what’s going on in the world. Remember when the buzz-phrase “herd immunity” was all the rage? Remember when it was Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock’s early remedy for COVID-19? Now we’ve all got herd immunity you don’t hear the phrase any more.


Instead, those stupid enough to be tested, may very well test positive because of exposure (herd immunity) and add to the “alarming” figures as presented by the UK government to get people locked down, and vaccinated with the Pfizer BioNTech witches’ brew concoction which has already killed six people in US trials. Two died from the vaccine, four from the placebo. This prompts the question: what is in the placebo? Pfizer BioNTech have not even revealed what is in the vaccine.


Yesterday BioNTech shares were down more than 4% at the close. Pfizer shares were down by nearly 2%. Less than a month ago the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, dumped 60% of his shares in Pfizer at its highest trading point, denying insider trading while praising the vaccine. Do you think he knows what’s coming?


As well as herd immunity another item we hear little of these days is COVID-19 deaths. That is because nobody is dying from the virus. Now, because of herd immunity, people who die, only need to have been tested positive for the virus, to be recorded as COVID-19 deaths, whatever they actually died from, regardless of what caused their admission to hospital. I covered that topic here.


So there you have it in a nutshell. There is no pandemic. The spin-doctor, Matt Hancock, is more like a witch-doctor. He will spin a story one way, as with herd immunity, then another way, to lock you down eternally, to get you all vaccinated with an experimental vaccine for a virus that long since left the building. No wonder I call this yerunda out for what it is.

Anonymous ID: d2d94a Dec. 11, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.11984281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4305 >>4414 >>4665 >>4836 >>4961 >>4973

INSANE: Seattle Goes from Defunding the Police to Canceling Most Crimes Entirely


Forget defunding police and emptying prisons. When it comes to woke justice, a proposal before the Seattle city council will blow those out of the water. It would simply legalize most crimes.


In late October we began hearing about a propose ordinance which would simply legalize the criminal behavior that constitutes 72% of all crime and covers the reason why 90% of the inmates are in jails.


In short, the woke cancel-culture crowd would cancel most crime.


Currently 90% of prisoners in Seattle’s jails are in for such crimes as “misdemeanor assault, theft, harassment, trespass, stalking, car prowl, and 100 other Seattle criminal laws.”


The proposed law change, which just received another hearing on Tuesday, would give “blanket immunity” to people committing crimes because they’re high on drugs, are poor, or have some real or imagined mental illness. No doctor’s note is necessary. If a man knocks over a Safeway grocery store, for example, the perp could just say he’s poor and get a pass.


Attorney Scott Lindsay, who first sounded the alarm, is the “former public safety advisor and special assistant for police reform to the City of Seattle and former senior counsel to House Oversight Committee Democrats.” He wrote at Change WA that this proposal is serious business.


You may be thinking, this sounds like hyperbole. Sadly, it is not. The legislation, analyzed in detail below, provides an absolute defense – meaning the defendant cannot be convicted and the case must be dismissed – to all non-DUI/domestic violence (DV) misdemeanor crimes in any of three circumstances:


Substance use disorder – if the defendant can show “symptoms of” a substance use disorder (e.g., drug or alcohol addiction) (note: the defendant need only show symptoms, not a medical diagnosis);

Mental disorder – if the defendant can show “symptoms of” a mental disorder, defined broadly as “any organic, mental, or emotional impairment which has substantial adverse effects on a person’s cognitive or volitional functions” (e.g., depression, anxiety, etc.); or

Poverty – if the defendant can show they committed the offense to meet “an immediate basic need related to an adequate standard of living for the actor and/or other family” (e.g., stole merchandise in order to sell for cash the defendant claims would be used to meet a basic need).


The Manhattan Institute’s City Journal labels these criminals the new “untouchables.”


In effect, the legislation would create a new class of “untouchables,” protected from consequences by the city’s powerbrokers.


[…] This is the latest and most brazen effort in the city’s campaign to establish what might be called a “reverse hierarchy of oppression.” The underlying theory is that society has condemned the lower class to a life of poverty and stigma, which leads to addiction, madness, and indigence. The poor, in the logic of Seattle’s progressive elites, are thus forced to commit crimes—including violent crimes—to secure their very existence. Therefore, as society is the perpetrator of this inequality, the crimes of the poor must be forgiven. The crimes are transformed into an expression of social justice.


In other words, the rich are the reason people are poor and therefore must pay for the transgressions of those who understandably must commit crimes to get by. Rich people deserve to be crime victims, right?


Such a radical change upends the rule of law and objective truth and condemns the city to more of the disastrous activity we saw in the recent KOMO News documentary “Seattle is Dying.”


City Councilmember Lisa Herbold, chairperson of the Seattle City Council’s Public Safety Committee, attempted to hide the measure by dealing with it as a budget amendment issue in another committee. When her subterfuge was outed, thanks to Lindsay sounding the alarm, she was shamed into bringing the proposal before her own committee. It got its first airing there on Tuesday.


After defunding the Seattle Police Department, The Post Millennial reports that crime has spiked by 250%.


Seattle’s trying what California has disastrously done. The state legislature and voters cut loose prisoners and decriminalized many felonies. The result was a flood of new homeless and more crime. To victims the crime rate is worse than ever, but to the state it’s lower because those crimes don’t count anymore. If this passes, Seattle swells will claim a lower crime rate too and take a victory lap. Count on it.


That which is rewarded is repeated. Seattle council members should know that by not prosecuting most crimes they’ll get more. It’s axiomatic. It will be open season on Seattleites. God help them if this passes.

Anonymous ID: d2d94a Dec. 11, 2020, 12:06 p.m. No.11984291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4346 >>4414 >>4665 >>4836 >>4850 >>4961 >>4973

Computer repairman at center of 'Biden laptop' scandal breaks silence after reportedly receiving death threats: I'm no 'Russian agent'


Story gets stranger and stranger


John Paul Mac Isaac, the computer repairman at the center of a reported Biden family scandal, is speaking out against any assertions that he is a Russian agent or hacker.


Mac Isaac made the remarks in a new video shared to YouTube on Saturday.

What's a brief history here?


Mac Isaac previously stated that he was in receipt of a laptop computer and hard drive containing highly sensitive information regarding former Vice President Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden, and purported business dealings with Ukraine.


In November, Mac Isaac's lawyer, Brian Della Rocca, said that Mac Isaac closed his Wilmington, Delaware, computer repair shop after receiving death threats. A neighbor also told the outlet that Mac Isaac left town.


Hunter has not spoken about the laptop, and the former vice president said that the allegations were nothing more than a "desperate campaign to smear me and my family." He did not confirm whether the laptop belonged to his son.


What are the details of the new video?


As highlighted by the New York Post, Mac Isaac spoke out in the video insisting that he is not a double agent.


"For two generations, the Mac Isaac family has fought for the entirety of the Cold War against communism in the '70s," he said. "That's why it's completely absurd that why anyone would ever consider me to be a Russian agent or influenced by Russians. I am proud of my family, I'm proud of my country. I am proud to be an American."


Elsewhere in the three-minute video, titled "The Truth," Mac Isaac added, "For the record, I am not nor have I ever been a hacker. Those guys make so much more money than I do. I was hired — never paid — to perform a data transfer from a MacBook Pro to an external hard drive. The signed paperwork clearly states the process and sets the expectations. There's no magic or Hollywood. The process is no different than dragging or dropping from a USB drive. The only difference is I had to perform some surgery on the Mac to get it to boot."


Mac Isaac also said that he is absolutely not a hacker, which he said would be a "death sentence" in his industry.


"To imply that I'm a hacker or that information is hacked has an irreversible impact on my business and my character," he added.

Anonymous ID: d2d94a Dec. 11, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.11984300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4414 >>4665 >>4836 >>4961 >>4973

YouTube Censors a Guy for Posting Video of a Democrat's Threat of Violence


Michigan Democrat state Rep. Cynthia Johnson posted a cryptic video to her social media this week. In that video, she warned “Trumpers” to “be careful” and “walk lightly.” Johnson adds, “We ain’t playing with you. Enough of your shenanigans.” She also called on unnamed “soldiers” to take unspecified, but violent-sounding, actions against the “Trumpers.”


Her violent, eliminationist rhetoric got her stripped of her committee assignments in the Michigan legislature. She has since back-tracked, like so many politicians who do bad things and then express regret for getting caught.


Tom Elliott, owner of Grabien Media, posted Johnson’s threat on his YouTube channel. YouTube blocked the video and hit Elliott with this bizarre reason.


We can only assume that the “violent criminal organization” to which YouTube refers is the Democratic Party, of which state Rep. Johnson is a member. That’s the only organization that’s relevant to Elliott’s post.


The Democrats do have a violent and sordid past. After the Civil War, Democrats founded the Ku Klux Klan which terrorized blacks and Union sympathizers in the South. It violently drove some Republicans, and particularly black Republicans, from office.


Republican President Ulysses S. Grant prosecuted the KKK and subsequent presidents drove it nearly to extinction — until President Woodrow Wilson, a progressive Democrat, screened a pro-KKK movie, Birth of a Nation, in the White House and lavished praise on it in 1915. Wilson enacted racist segregationist policies, throwing out decades of progress for black Americans, and the Klan was reborn. That all happened thanks to the same Democratic Party to which state Rep. Cynthia Johnson belongs.


Perhaps YouTube’s censors are aware of this sordid history.


Or perhaps YouTube is aware that Democrat mayors and city councils allowed violent antifa/BLM riots for months in the cities they control across 2020.


But if YouTube is now censoring such content, it should take a look at every other Democrat candidate, officeholder, party, and other related channel that’s out there. Elliott does own a company, Grabien, but he isn’t an organization. He’s a guy. I know him from our days as executive producers of Laura Ingraham’s radio show, so I know he’s not violent at all. So he can’t be YouTube’s target here.

Anonymous ID: d2d94a Dec. 11, 2020, 12:10 p.m. No.11984316   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Joins 125 House Republicans in Supporting Texas Supreme Court Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin


The state of Texas sued Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on Monday night with the US Supreme Court challenging their unlawful election procedures.


Texas argued these four states violated the US Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions. But these states did not make the changes through the state legislatures as spelled out in the US Constitution.


President Trump Wednesday evening filed a motion to intervene to join Texas’ lawsuit because he is “the real party in interest.”


At least 18 different states are supporting Texas’s case and now the president has the backing of more than 100 House Republicans.


On Thursday, 106 House Republicans signed an amicus brief backing Texas’ Supreme Court lawsuit against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin.


“This brief presents [our] concern as Members of Congress, shared by untold millions of their constituents, that the unconstitutional irregularities involved in the 2020 presidential election cast doubt upon its outcome and the integrity of the American system of elections,” states the brief signed by 106 GOP lawmakers.


On Friday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and 20 House Republicans joined the 106 GOP lawmakers in backing Texas’ Supreme Court lawsuit.

Anonymous ID: d2d94a Dec. 11, 2020, 12:29 p.m. No.11984502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4665 >>4836 >>4961 >>4973

BofA: Central Banks Are Buying $1.3 Billion In Assets Every Hour, Creating A "Frankenbull" Market


One week after BofA CIO Michael Hartnett issued a "code red" for stocks after publishing a report in which he showed that while current market euphoria has surpassed dot com levels, what was going now is absolutely staggering and it's only getting crazier with each passing day and new all time high, he has tripled down on his calls for a near-term correction (recall his first reco to "sell the vaccine" hit about a month ago), he is out with a new report warning that the current "froth, greed, vaccine, inflation, renminbi the new Deutschmark" all portend a "toxic brew for uber-Goldilocks 2021 consensus", and is why he has called the current market with what may be the best sellside definition we have heard to date: the Frankenbull.