"Alice in Wonderland" drops - at least 37 Alice MARKERs – (give me a chance, I could be wrong but do you think we may be looking at abolishing the Constitution and the Supreme Court? "Kanye said it first")
Alice in Wonderland…
Alice and Wonderland…
Through the looking glass…
feel free to skip down…
I am not a lawfag, I am the anon who thinks along with Kanye that we are going to abolish a few amendments. I am looking at the 14th and 15th and Kanye in his tweet talked about abolishing the 13th. From what i have learned so far "WE" would all be better off if at least the amendments if not the Constitution were nullified or abolished and we revert back to The Articles of Confederation or the Constitution of the Confederate States.
Figure it out now or later. Pretty much since the beginning the majority of our country has been ruled by the (((puppets))) like Abraham Lincoln (ham), Alexander Hamilton, (ham) , Hiram Ulysses Grant (aka U.S. Grant), Salmon P. Chase (Chase Manhattan), Edwin McMasters Stanton etc. etc. The patriots like Thomas Jefferson James Madison and James Monroe, Jefferson Davis etc etc gave it their best try but lost the war.
Yes "We the People" "The Good Guys" lost the American Civil War in 1865 and (((they))) took full control. moving on….
I simply don't have time to read all the supreme court cases and news articles referring to "Alice in Wonderland" judicial interpretation and match it with the Alice markers. How I got here:
1.) Listening to "The Jeffersonian Understanding of the Constitution by Don Livingston" and at 34:35 minutes in "Alice in Wonderland Reading of the 14th Amendment"
2.) Searched on Alice in Wonderland and the 14th Amendment and at first I thought it was about the 2013 Michigan "states right" case via George Will. (attached) "George F. Will: A ‘Wonderland’ moment for the court" Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action.
3.) But today I found an article "A Maverick American-ALICE IN THE JUDICIAL WONDERLAND" by Maury Maverick and at the end he said "the whole court flew up in a gust of wind and was scattered about likes dry leaves" which made me think we are moving toward abolishing the Constitution and the SCOTUS.
(we are Alice here)
"Such is our judicial wonderland. But like Alice's Wonderland, sometimes it loses the appearance of reality. You remember the scene when Alice awoke from her dream.
She was sitting in the court room at the trial of the Knave of Hearts, and the Queen screamed at her, "Off with her head!" once too often.
"Who cares for you?" said Alice (she had grown to her full size by this time). "You're nothing but a pack of cards!" And so they were—and the whole court flew up in a gust of wind and was scattered about like dry leaves." http://maverickamerican.blogspot.com/2007/03/xxxviii-alice-in-judicial-wonderland.html
How would this be done? I don't know but by searching on "Alice in wonderland" or just Alice Wonderland and Supreme Court / Constitution it brings up tons of news articles by authors who are referring to decisions based on Alice in Wonderland reading of the Constitution.
Can we put it all together?