There is no SCOTUS route anymore. The Texas case denial was 7-2. The two patriots are Alito and Thomas are outnumbered.
That means Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett are not Contitutional originalists… they are frauds and cowards tainted by the swamp. They are fools with no courage or wisdom. They are afraid to look at the evidence. They have demonstrated they have no desire to save the Republic. They are on board for the globalist One World Government dictatorshipof the Nimrod pedophile cult of satanism.
It is delusional to think any of the other cases pending will get a hearing. SCOTUS as a group has betrayed the country and voted itself into irrelevancy. Dems have made it clear they will pack the SCOTUS to make it a political rubber stamp body of their Imperial Executive dictatorship.
There is no judicial way to resolve this fraud and insurgency now. If State Legislatures also prove themselves cowardly and impotent, then it is war. The Founding Fathers put the 2A in the Constitution for this situation.