Cute vpn pussy… turn the vpn off and then show us the real ip….
Turn it off and let's see? Not scared are you?
Scared we'll get your home address?
I'm not the bitch boy bragging… man up pussy.
I see you switched ip's lol
Stealing wifi?
No… but it's not hard to get your info from your isp with a lawyers help. Which I do have. Online threats are taken serious in America
Address typeIPv4
ASNAS855 Bell Canada
OrganizationBell Canada (
You was dumb enough to post your ip…
Let me know when they contact about posting child pornography
We'll see ;) good thing I remembered what breads you posted the child porn in so I could send them with the email along with you posting your ip…. good luck idiot
Also went ahead and sent them an email about the child pornography
shrugs good luck. Shouldn't post CP. Or your actual IP. Moron…