>>11977032 (pb. catalog not updating again six breads following fresh bread links finally found something in index)
NOT aliens. You'll need to do some digging on Canadian First Nations and how they are in bed with China. This was a China drone….and they intended to poison the water in the lakes….watch the water. There are no coincidences.
Two days after water is added to the stock market as a commodity….Chinks try to poison all the Great Lakes.
Wait until you find out what the fucking Prairie Niggers did with natural resources and China in Alaska.
When this is all over it will spell the fucking end of Indian reservations and their "separate" laws. Good. You have no idea how much they've been colluding with China. The fucking retards are doing the same damn things they did before to form "alliances" with warring groups to fuck each other over and hopefully fuck the "colonials". They are beyond fucking stupid. Signing away their mineral rights…letting Chinks be called indigenous….housing chinks on reservations….they are about to fucking LOSE it all.
Good. The Chinks literally control many reservations in Canada. Check out that railway deal and Alaska…they are so fucking stupid. Just like niggers…letting their low intelligence and hate turn them into useful idiots. By next year the prairie niggers gonna be standing around scratching their heads wondering how they lost it all.
Guess who Bill and Melinda Gates insisted be the first to get the vaccine? Prairie Niggers and Niggers. Useful idiots are useful.
>use prairie niggers to gain control of natural resources on indigenous lands….kill off Prairie Niggers via vaccine.
>Use niggers to commit vote fraud on never before seen scales…make sure they get first vaccine…trim down those welfare rolls.
It was a glownigger white hat that made the drop on /pol/ so /pol/ could immediately start gathering/archiving information so it couldn't be hidden.
Chinks in overdrive panic on the MI happening threads, as are black hat glowniggers.
Hows that bitch SCOTUS ACB working out for us now? How can you dismiss a case without hearing the evidence? Every single case has been dismissed this way. Fingers in ears—no evidence if we don't see it.
Code Monkey's remaining options are correct. This country is currently full of chinks hiding in the bushes……in the end there will be only one option left. Hope you paid attention and are ready to stay inside.
Now comes the pain