Tracy, you know the Peter's Principle?
You know why it specifically seems to apply to many more women than men?
Tracy, you know the Peter's Principle?
You know why it specifically seems to apply to many more women than men?
"Beanz Lewinsky"
like when a woman screams at you to calm down and you forget to duck
member when Flynn replaced Jesus with Georgia in quoting Scripture?
How did that age? did Georgia set us free?
>Military is the only way
just means that they will be reinstating the draft.
you'll have to serve in the military before you can participate as an adult in society.
the military will literally be "the only way"
lurk moar.
the literal descendents of Abraham are not the people who in this day call themselves "Jews"
how is it that the whole government is corrupt, yet we are supposed to also believe that a subset of that, the military, is the path towards integrity?
on my 2nd bread of the day.
still exploring "trusting the plan" and all the different feelies it gives me.
>that means the stunts are staged
yeah, well, I actually know some real people who are truly hurting.
>Then why did POTUS say the Texas case was the BIG one?
that was DISINFO!
(am I getting it right, Q?)
It was a tweet designed to create PANIC IN DC.
It caused teh enemy to EXPEND AMMO.
MEMBER when Petraus fell for a younger woman?
On the other extreme, Pense only is allowed to watch gladiator movies alone. He wife accompanie him everywhere else.
when Flynn said Georgia was the light, the light will set you free.
at the same time he said "sorry"
I dont' know, but he's definitely just a man.