thanks anons
great shit man
he kinda fucks up the specifics but he gets the gist of so many things and its really fun
sauce it
she literally trolled here to steal them from us and passed them off as her own
those early decodes are ours, not hers
im fine with that
you're a fucking dipshit
Trump himself can take me up on that
why would i have any problems proving that you're nothing but a dumb fucking grifting cunt?
no i mean, i get it tracy
you steal our shit, you repackage it and sell it as your own
you profit
you're the quintessential parasite just like posobiac and kirk
what i dont understand is that you think we should thank you for it
but then i realized, you think we do this for recognition
so you selling our work should move us to gratitude
but what you dont understand is that we do this because we can
thats literally it
we do this because we fucking can and you people fucking cant
and that is the only dopamine we need
go fuck yourselves, all of you conservative inc. parasites
take your 15 minutes
we got what we wanted before you even started you fucking dipshits