Anonymous ID: b88df1 Dec. 12, 2020, 12:42 a.m. No.11992982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2999

Double meanings reflection/projection, it isn't about reading into the words to find emotions, but in knowing that each tidbit has done what is necessary to wake people up. Thought provoking, to balance faith, individualism, free thought, society, science, to find solutions and answers to the why. Whereas so many tried to find the answers in the riddles, the questions, the codes, there were those who relayed information, those who guided, those who lied and those just hear searching for the beacon to find the light.


The Light has always been inside, developing day after day through experiences, enlightenment, and interactions. What any Anon can see, read, hear but also to evaluate with an instinctual sense that somehow has guided all here. Whether or not it's any question of the past that point A to B to C to D is taken, is directly related to where all will go, for however long it takes and the battles that accompany progress.


The Light undeveloped is what the heathens crave, the reason why power corrupts is that people allow it to. Influence and control through utilization of belief that benefits those who can take advantage of others. The only species that will kill itself by it's own hand should be enough to justify the instability of what others are capable of doing for power.


Mentally and emotionally prepare, for spiritually, inherently, there is by far more good in the world than there is bad. Should any of it ever come to fruition in that brothers raise arms against brothers, there will be those that will not think twice, for those who fear the outcomes, never understood to begin with for fear only exists in you, as does the Light. If those guilty of the atrocities wrought upon the world will ever be punished, the hope is that there is no cheer, no filter, no sorrow, just the idea that the world will still spin as it always has, and all that is Light and Good will still be that which is truly Beautiful.


It's a wonderful time to be alive, God Bless, Stay Balanced