>>11993563 (lb)
Here's what frustrates me:
One of my children sloppily signed their ballot a couple of years ago. The County send back a notice in the form of a Affidavit that they had to sign and then send back stating that ballot was legitimate. (Great!)
Hence, where I live, if I falsely signed someone else's Ballot, the County would investigate and possibly fine me after I met with a Judge. (Great!)
If I got a bunch of the poll workers at just one Precinct to collaborate against a certain candidate by fixing Ballots, then I would be Investigated and likely put in jail and well as those that collaborated with me. (Great!)
We are a Nation of Laws that Supports Order...However...
We have seen Voter Fraud and Election Fraud Happened at a Large Scale...
and Nothing is Happening at the Local Levels or National Levels.
Election Laws are Not Being Enforced Uniformly, so some States are get Disenfranchised
Sounds like a perfect think for the Supreme Court to Address
>Nope, not this year...maybe next.