The FRAUD is massive.
United States is a for-profit corporation.
United States citizens are its property/franchises.
Courts, judges and attorneys are all run by the BAR, British Accredited Registry.
ALL government agencies/departments are individual corporations.
ALL state governments are for-profit corporations.
VAST majority of local governments are for-profit corporations.
Courts are private corporations.
Local and state law enforcement entities are corporations.
ALL of the above are FOR-PROFIT corporations.
ALL corporations work in the best interests of their owners.
The American People are NOT owners of any of these corporations.
This world is run by corporations.
The World of the Dead (corpus)
There's a reason "government" and its agencies/departments don't do what the people want.
Government/courts trample the unalienable rights of the People because they've been deliberately misidentified as corporate citizens (property), United States citizens.
The rightful political status of those born on the land and soil of one of the several states is American State National, an American and one of We the People.
United States citizens are NOT party to the Constitution.
We the People ARE party to the Constitution.
The way forward…
1) Correct status to be American State National
2) Work with your State Assembly to complete Reconstruction
3) Restore the Federal Republic
There are State Assemblies, populated by Americans that are in session now in ALL 50 states.
The work has begun.