"standing" is bullshit.
if the judge says you ain't got standing, hang them. even if you have to escape first.
"standing" is bullshit.
if the judge says you ain't got standing, hang them. even if you have to escape first.
The plan was to use legality to overcome Law. They would convert all lawful governments into legal governmental services corporations, get these for-profit business entities to join an organization called "The United Nations" and at the same time, enfranchise them as "voting members" of the UN CORPORATION.
what did the Founding Fathers and Constitution originally intend for a system of law here in America ? a general Federal Common Law that was free of Lex Mercatoria as Lod Mansfield incorporated into British Common Law.
How did the BAR association, a private organization, insert itself into public law? How did the BAR association, a private organization, become the ruling elite of America?