Man them steel cases suck
We have lawyers that don’t know the law
Doctors whom are willing to harm people
And police that don’t serve and protect
We have a Jew salad…….
Another failure of government
Government employees must have no souls
Gonna be whole lot of hungry commies real soon
Blue states produce nothing but hot air
You wanted communism, bitch… got it, wanna eat? Your gonna pay…..a lot….sucks to be a commie
Come on man…….cannabis and hemp are two different plants
Damn public Ed system didn’t teach people shit
Tired of Trumps crying…..put some fucking evidence on the table bitch
If he had arrested a couple of pedos none of this would have happened…..but noooooooo…….let pedos run free…….
Should have done what’s right and not 3D chess BS
Oil is dead…….whole industry about to collapse…..they offered spouse anon $1500 for her well?????
Pivot away from black goo to natural products
Suck it rich man!
Gay fat guys
[[They]] use horror and fear to hide what they really are
Inbred, dirty, dumb, easily manipulated, greedy,
Incest loving, soulless creeps
If you ran into a rich guy in a dark alley, you can feel the demons flying around