Anonymous ID: 3a643e Dec. 12, 2020, 8:23 a.m. No.11995655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5723 >>5779


im looking and have been now all month for just one thing that looks or is even close to anything Q said …..


  1. it will be clean and swift / this is false just by looking at everything on its merits its not only not clean and not swift its the insane opposite of so . is this what think mirror ment that everything Q said was literally the opposite of the truth


  1. their will be no civil unrest / this one is a joke at this point any anon saying their isnt any … get your head checked …. we are on the brink of civil war honestly the way it looks we are already in it… civil war is the exact opposite of … you guessed it their will be no civil unrest


  1. (lets do a recent Q post )

like this one . don't be fooled they will not concede on election night they will fight they will take this to the courts…/ well what happened here. well for one trump lost yes they cheated but again Q wrong

trump wont concede not biden . … well again Q wrong

trump is taking it to the courts not biden . 3 wrongs now .in ust this one point


now lets see bill bar the stealth bomber … bill bar is a stealth bomber with no fuking bombs … prove me wrong . dude hid the hunter biden stuff flat out said it looks like biden won refuses to acknowledge any wrongdoing in election… good joke Q


11.3 will verify / 11.3 witch apparently was suppose to show uss we were taking our country back did the exact opposite… it showed uss we just lost it.. and to those saying 11.3 was the Scotus ruling… are you retarded …. so a lost Scotus decision is the supposed verification we are taking back our country . get your head out of your asses


wrays a sleeper?/ ok so if wrays a sleeper…. why the fuck has he not been fired? why has nothing been done ? why is Haspel still in the head of the CIA ? why hasn't the mil taken control of the agency's do to flat out treason? so far the hints that just one thing Q said has happened is you guessed it 0 .


you can continue this list all day people …

I don't want civil war . I don't want death or hate or to have to fight for my country and hurt brainwashed people that do not know better


I have a newborn coming in a month my first child .. I want to be able to watch him grow up with the freedom to vote to have a gun to not be taxed to hell.

the only way I can see uss winning now is to literally fight .. I know most of you think that's what they want . but … they wargamed a civil war over a thousand times .. they don't want it more than we don't … in 1000 wargames and in all wargames the left lost …


this is the last thing anyone wants period …

but I hit my line when I was listening to Quite frankly / and whitehat the other day while relaxing and I heard them both say

if we lose we lose we will just hafto wait to 2024 to fight back….


is this a damn joke

do you guys realize this is the precipice this is the tipping point period .

if BIDEN WINS china owns uss and freedom is gone im not trying to scare people im not trying to encite anyone . but you have a choice watch your kids be round up for disobeying china watch china burn your house to the ground or fight back…

I know what I will do hell I know what our military will do

but im not stupid enough to think we have a chance if biden gets in … your a fucking moron with no knowledge of wth is goin on if you think we can wait even just until 2022 .


plan Z is a thing …

Q told you this . without uss it will undoubtedly fail. they will need support and help… choose your damn side and stop pretending we can just wait it out. its over waiting is done its one or the fucking other period.

now go ahead yell cia shill yell shill whatever . im not .

never worked in law enforcement and I live in the country in the middle of nowhere next to Amish and Mennonite farms .. and trust me they feel the same fucking way


their is no trusting the plan if this was part of the damn plan where is Q saying anything like its going how it should….o trust the plan …

right now the plan looks more and more like mass chaos.

starting to wonder if Q is xi

honestly if so plan has been perfect

mass chaos

no trust in media

civil unrest and civil war.

hell right now xis plan is perfect

when it starts he can just send in his un buddies and destroy the usa

Anonymous ID: 3a643e Dec. 12, 2020, 8:34 a.m. No.11995817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5886

if Q is real

and if Q team can hear them breathe

why haven't they just released the recordings of these people planning election fraud…..


i meen it take one audio clip of biden talking about cheating with the dem party…

but again notta

Anonymous ID: 3a643e Dec. 12, 2020, 8:36 a.m. No.11995838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5860 >>5933


been telling anons this for over a month now…

just get called a cia shill for telling anons they are using mr pig banners and mr pig memes in notables… constantly to not just once every single day they do it ….

i dont care about mr pig talking what I do wonder is why the fuck they keep puting useless shit in notables and change the banner