Kinezi imaju svoju vlastitu banku u Srbiji. Ta ista banka je medju 5 najvecih banaka u svijetu i ta ista banka je povezana sa Rotschild porodicom. Imaju 20% udjela u Rotschildovoj privatnoj kompaniji.
Trump je u svom tweetu rekao da on nema nista sa mogucim kaznenim progonom Huntera Bidena i obitelji Biden.
Znaci da Trump ne govori da su to lazne vijesti vec govori da on nema nista s tim.
Takodjer je napisao da je to jako zalosno za gledati. Ali nije rekao sta je zapravo zalosno, to sta si je obitelj Biden uradila i u sta se sve uplela ili lazne vijesti
Neki dan smo svedocili da su mediji u hr progovorili o istrazi u slucaju Huntera Bidena.
Ovo nece stati. Postajati ce sve gore. Kako god Trump bude dobivao i dobivao. Ovi diktatori ce postajati sve gori i gori.
Jucerasnji x22report
Propada i stozer i mediji. Svijet vise ne vjeruje
Vojno stanje u americi je sve blize!
Was following Scavinos tweets and i captured that clip of "take care of yourself". There is a moment in that video when the clock shows 6:33.
If we reverse it as q told us to think mirror we have 336. Q's drop 336 is a picture of trumps post and assange comment. Coincidence? I dont think so! Assange commented after two minutes and if we apoint that to days, two days after that post we have two of Q's drops. One is about patriot of highest calibre and other one is about alabama election fraud and 404 error on WH page. We see that there is assange answering to trump on alabama fraud and that q said "confirmation". Also, link from drop 336 has an error 404.
Will Assange be pardoned on 19th? Q's confirmation? Everything is connected!
Also, Julian Assange in simple and english gematria is 133, just as it is Election Fraud, White House, Rigged Election, Government, The Biden Event, General Flynn and No Coincidence.
Still coincidence?
General grupa se poprilicno zahuktala. Kao da Q tim bez onog svog trip koda ubacuje neke stvari ovdje.
Dominion Voting - Was the Serbian government involved?
In 2015, Dominion Voting was a presenter at the Canadian-Serbian Business Forum in Belgrade. Ian MacVicar, the Executive Chairman and CFO of Dominion, provided a prerecorded video.
Sponsors of this event include the Government of Canada and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia. Dominion is listed as a Supporter interestingly.
As a programmer, you would know what you're programming. Therefore, someone or several individuals in Serbia would be responsible for these programmers too and hiding these nefarious activities. / /