Znaci, dva potresa rano jutros. Oba blizu Petrinje/Siska i oba su bila na dubini od 10km. Evo gledam ata su izjavile razne seizmoloske sluzbe tokom dana. Vecina ih je obznanila da su potresi bili na dubini od oko 10km.
Dvije karte za lakse raspoznavanje.>>12210298
E sada…ovo sto bi mogli sada malo istraziti ne mora znaciti nista vec samo informiranje o situaciji.
Gledam one manje potrese sto su uslijedili nakon ovih velikih i sada cu ih objaviti ovdje…
Ovo je jedan dio ovih manjih potresa. Prve 4 slike su poslije onog prvog a ova peta je poslije drugog jakog potresa.
Prvi ovaj manji je bio u 6:01
Drugi je bio u 6:06
Treci je bio u 6:17
Cetvrti je bio u 6:40
Obratite paznju na dubine. Prvi od.ovih potresa je bio na dubini od 1km. Treci je bio na dubini od 2km ,a ostala dva su bila na dubinama od 13 i 14km.
Ovaj prvi sto je zatresao u 6:01 je bio na lokaciji 45.36N/16.17E. On je bio na 2km dubine.
Treci sto je tresao u 6:17 je bio na lokaciji 45.38N/16.23E. On je bio na dubini od 1km. Ta dva su zatresla poprilicno blizu.
Za vise informacija tu vam je link:
Ovaj sto je tresao nakon drugog jakog potresa je bio u 8:59 sati. Bio je na dubini od 4km i na lokaciji 45.5N/16.02E.
Internetska stranica seizmoloske sluzbe u hr nakon potresa, neko vrijeme nije bila dostupna. Napisali su da se to dogodilo zbog opterecenja na stranicu jer je na nju pohrlio velik broj ljudi.
Nigdje ne mogu pronaci sliku koju biljezi seizmograf. Jel tko zna gdje bi se jos moglo potraziti?
Ursula Von Der Leyen salje poruke ohrabrenja. Plenki se zahvaljuje. Ma zamisli.. kazu poslati ce pomoc. Od zagrebackog potresa proslo 8 mjeseci pa nisu nikom pomogli…
Karta o seizmickoj aktivnosti u hr
Jos detalja o potresu
Ovo je seizmoloski nalaz potresa u Zg koji je bio ove godine u Zagrebu, u trecem mjesecu. Karta je sa srpske seizmoloske stranice. Ovdje imate i sve seizmoloske stanice u Srbiji.
Obratite paznju na graf od potresa u Zg.
A ovo su sada jaki potresi iz cijelog svijeta koje je takodjer zabiljezio seizmograf…
>>12211093 ovo je potres iz Zg(3.mjesec)
>>12211245 ovo je potresk koji je izazvalo nuklearno testiranje Sj. Koreje
>>12211351 ovo su potresi iz ostatka svijeta.
Proucite grafove…zakljucite sami…dobro je biti informiran.
Ovaj drugi mozete zanemariti jer nije bas relevantan(druga slika >>12211351 )
A ovo su jos dva o kojima smo sigurno svi culi.
Prvi je iz Aquile(Italija) 2009g
Drugi je s Haitija 2010g
Evo jedan dokument koji pokazuje razliku izmedju potresa izazvanih eksplozijom i onih koji su dosli prirodnim putem.
Ona dva zagrebacka potresa su bila na istoj dubini i u isto vrijeme. Hmm….
Kao ova dva iz petrinje i siska.
Spain to keep registry of people who refuse Covid-19 vaccine
2 hours ago
MADRID (AFP) - Spain will set up a registry of people who refuse to be vaccinated against the new coronavirus and share it with other European Union member states, although it will not be made public, Health Minister Salvador Illa said Monday (Dec 28).
During an interview with La Sexta television, Illa reiterated that vaccination against the virus - which as in most EU nations began in Spain over the weekend - would not be mandatory.
"What will be done is a registry, which will be shared with our European partners… of those people who have been offered it and have simply rejected it," he said.
"It is not a document which will be made public and it will be done with the utmost respect for data protection," he added, noting that employers or members of the general public would not have access to it.
The proportion of Spaniards unwilling to take a Covid-19 vaccine has plunged to 28 percent in December from 47 percent last month, according to a poll published last month.
The survey by the state-funded CIS research institute found 40.5 percent of respondents are willing to have the jab while 16.2 per cent would do so if it is shown to be "reliable".
Spain has been one of Europe's worst-hit countries by the pandemic, with the virus death toll passing the 50,000 mark on Monday, according to the health ministry.
Nearly 1.9 million people have been infected.
The government expects to have between 15 million and 20 million people out of its population of 47 million vaccinated against the virus by June.
"The way to defeat the virus is to vaccinate all of us or the more the better," Illa said.
Twitter has confirmed that the official US presidential accounts will be wiped of their millions of followers before being transferred to the Biden administration.
Mr Biden's team "fought" the plan, but the social media giant said its decision was "unequivocal".
The move marks a reversal from the last transition.
Twitter agreed to Donald Trump's request in 2016 to inherit Barack Obama's millions of followers.
“In 2020, Twitter has informed us that as of right now the Biden administration will have to start from zero.”
Anons are you ready??
Exactly this -"My fellow Americans…"
[They will fight, but you are ready, Q]
Thanks to anon who originally made this graphic thru 12/6
I just updated it. We're on track to have, effectively, theexact same number of deaths by ALL CAUSES in 2020 as we did in 2019.
Why no death-count-spike of 330,000 Americans if COVID is a brand new killer on top of everything else people were dying from?
We've averaged 7,961 deaths/day so far this year. At that rate, we'll be at 2,913,578 by year end.
Caveat: this is if you belief official govt numbers, which at this point, I don't… at all… but it's as "official" as it gets and serves the purpose of showing normies that the so-called pandemic ain't killing any more pe
Njihova pravila za njih ne vrijede…
Update u vezi bombe u Nashvilleu.
Zasto ovo policija nije dala u javnost?
Tko je taj covjek?
Bas zbog ovakvih stvari ovaj Q research postoji. Anoni ce naci ama bas sve. S vremenom!! Sve!
Epsteinov cimer iz ćelije umro od korone. Upravo izvjestavaju.
follow the bloodlines
Slicno je bilo u proslom threadu, o angeli merkl
Trump je vec odavno upozoravao na to da autizam dolazi od vakcina. Nitko ga izgleda nije shvacao ozbiljno.
First intern in WH who has Autism
Trump comms about vaccines and autism?
We all know that Trump said many times that he is concerned about vaccines and possibility that they cause autism. As you can read in following articles…