Anonymous ID: eca48c Jan. 1, 2021, 3:51 a.m. No.12265244   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5257

Istraživanje britanske agencije Public Health England (PHE), prvo nad novim mutiranim sojem koronavirusa, pokazalo je da novi soj virusa doista ne uzrokuje veću smrtnost, ali tu sa sojem B.1.1.7. nije kraj problema.


Već je odranije bilo jasno da se novi soj virusa SARS-CoV-2, koji se izvorno pojavio na jugu Engleske, širi brže od svog “roditeljskog” soja, prvo se nagađalo da je riječ o oko 70 posto većoj zaraznosti, da bi se naknadno utvrdilo da je novi soj 56 posto zarazniji.

Anonymous ID: eca48c Jan. 1, 2021, 3:59 a.m. No.12265294   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pa ovdje oko mene su se ljudi dosta druzili. Bilo je veselo unatoc njihovim glupostima. Ja sam u BiH pa znam sta se ovdje dogadja. Nismo ni blizu kao sto je u Hr naprimjer. Ovdje policija nece mnogo da se mjesa i rastjerava ljude.

Anonymous ID: eca48c Jan. 1, 2021, 8:54 a.m. No.12267781   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This involves evidence provided by a former c10wn whom I've never heard of. If this guy is suspect for some reason, please educate us as to why, thank you:


"Apparently, Switzerland is not the only country that played a major role in the international hacking operation against the US election.


In the latest article published on this blog, the Swiss-American author and researcher Neal Sutz has explained how Switzerland has had a fundamental part in the international coup against Trump


Switzerland has recently bought the sole rights of Scytl, the company tied to Dominion Voting System which, according to several statistical analyses, had switched hundreds of thousands of votes from Trump to Biden.


Switzerland perfectly knew about the structural flaws of Scytl but it failed to warn the Trump administration about the technical malfunctioning of this software.


However, there is another country that could have had an even more crucial role in this story and that country is Italy.


In this regard, there is an interesting and sensational version of the fraud’s plot provided by Bradley Johnson, a former CIA agent and chief of one of the agency stations.


According to Johnson, basically Italy was directly involved in the manipulation of votes in the US elections.


The intelligence analyst partially confirms the story regarding the US special forces raid to recover Dominion’s servers hosted in the CIA Frankfurt station.


Other sources confirmed the authenticity of the story and apparently the raid was successful in retrieving the servers, which constitute an irrefutable evidence of the fraud.


General Thomas McInerney claimed that after the raid a violent fight had ensued between the CIA paramilitary called in from Afghanistan to defend the station and the US special forces group.


Five military members would lose their lives in the harsh battle.


Johnson offers another version, even more shocking if possible. The former CIA agent doesn’t deny this operation but he claims that the hacked data had been moved from Frankfurt to Rome, in the US embassy located in the central street of via Veneto.


According to Johnson, Frankfurt servers only hosted partial tracks of the hacking, but the real main protagonist of the attack would have been Rome.


During the election day, something unprecedented in the history of US election occurred.


Suddenly, the vote counting in the key states was simultaneously halted in the middle of the night, when in Italy was already morning.


The hacking operation was in course, but the perpetrators realized that there was something wrong.


“Trump was taking a record number of votes” says Johnson, and the switching of votes from Trump to Biden was not enough to definitely deliver the “victory” to the democratic candidate.


The US embassy in Rome allegedly involved in the hacking attack


At that point, Rome went on stage by receiving the data from Frankfurt, but a new elaboration of algorithms was necessary to finally change the outcome in favor of Biden.


Therefore, the operation to recalibrate the hacking attack would have taken place in via Veneto, and if this fact were to be confirmed the American embassy in Rome would be directly involved in an attempt to overthrow its President.


In this scenario, the subversive powers infiltrated in the US government, the deep state, had planned a coup d’état against their commander in chief…"


Meanwhile … George Papadopolous tweeted yesterday "Breaking: the man who “introduced” me to Joseph Mifsud has been indicted in Italy."


George doesn't provide sauce, nor does he tell us the guy's name. Coincidence?

Anonymous ID: eca48c Jan. 1, 2021, 9:51 a.m. No.12268448   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Motiv za naslov treceg threada sam dobio od jednog anona ovdje sa naseg threada sto je govorio da ce 21 biti konacna bitka dobra i zla.



Anonymous ID: eca48c Jan. 1, 2021, 9:54 a.m. No.12268496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8502

Sto se tice arhive..ja nezz jel vama radi obaj link koji se postavlja..tamo.sve ima ali slike ne prikazuje. A ovaj arhiv na 8kunu ..ja sve vidim do ovog 12og mjeseca. U njemu nema nista. Nezz hoce li ga napraviti ili ne…al to su jedini izvori arhiva koje ja znam.

Anonymous ID: eca48c Jan. 1, 2021, 10:05 a.m. No.12268634   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ako postoji nesto za unijeti medju biljeske sa ovog threada a nije se zabiljezilo, ili se postalo ovdje pred sam.kraj…napisite opet u #3 threadu.