Just noticing…….their camo uniforms don't look a bit like they have ever been in the field. Did they just get those at the Army/Navy store? I also like the gym shoes one of them is wearing. Calling BS on this picture. >>1200047
Calling BS on Rolling Stone………Duh. Looking like sympathy for the devil this is. >>1200187
Well………..Jerked-On, I know what Antifa is……….were they in battle against ISIS as reported by NPR and Rolling Stone? Fuck NO! You telling me these Lib Fuck tards went to battle? No! IF they went…….it was for a photo shoot…………cause 10 to 1 they can't operate a bolt action anything. It's a scare tactic Fuck Tard. None of those unused flags flew anywhere but their mommy's basement wall. Why don't you quote CNN as a reliable news source too along with NPR and Rolling Stone?