Anonymous ID: b947a4 Dec. 12, 2020, 11:25 a.m. No.11997978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8112



WARNING: Critical Thinking Required. I'm just a life-long technologist, so what do I know?


This is a CABAL RUSE. I'll explain:


Fat guy with dentures who says he's the world's expert on scanning things says we should all trust a plan where some central authority can do a separate process with ballots and tell us if elections are secure.


Here's the problem: One faction could control both the election and this new process. This new process would be a black box, controlled by this fat fuck.




Once you see how the cabal works, you can't unsee it.


Paper ballots.

Finger ink.

Multiple observers.

Many open-source videos of EVERYTHING.

Soldiers with guns.

Death penalty for ANY election fuckery.


That's how we remove this spectre in the future.


I've spent my entire life making tons of money from technology. There are many things you don't want to bury in technology for the simple reason the technology is beyond an acceptable level of complexity. The cabal hides things there. Fuck the cabal.


Oh, and titties are nice.