Anonymous ID: 273bd9 Dec. 12, 2020, 3:44 p.m. No.12000888   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Because the PAST Q drops of authorities unlocked at certain 'trigger' NARRATIVES that coincide with FUTURE 'news'.

Why was it necessary to first show how even corrupting the tops of each 'alphabet agencies' can have massively important significant outcomes of what is looking like as 'happening'?

Upper loyalty to the point of 'bad optics'?

Did patriots successfully PROVE THEIR CASE that declas through Q+ to SCOTUS from military 'owned' information sets that contain the 'future proves past' events was the only way?

Keystone is unleashing INFORMATION that could only be 'visibly' sourced from one role and the one person holding it?

POTUS can declas to SCOTUS new original jurisdiction ('STANDING') intelligence.

DNI role very 'loud' previous to Ratcliffe, well, if that role carries the same weight that was claimed as 'good enough' to take down Trump, then surely all the loud voices have all the eyes and ears on them so that once DNI chain of custody provision to Q+ occurs, which can occur LEGALLY even if it is communicated exclusively with POTUS at least to start, then once SCOTUS rules for or against THE ROLE OF PRESIDENT, then no matter what the ruling, the fact the truth of the declas has made it to the role of President AS BEING TARGETED FOR EFFECTIVE DESTRUCTION BY BOUGHT AND PAID FOR ACTORS SELLING IT TO FOREIGN POWERS.

What role should be ABLE to have 'standing' at SCOTUS? Surely POTUS right?

What Q knows Q+ COULD "LEARN" ABOUT and submit to SCOTUS.


Collectivism is evil. Nobody should have to 'convince' 'committees' and 'agencies' of what standing they have as citizens wronged, all the way right up to SCOTUS to protect the 'role' of the individual.

Even if declas role is singular that does not negate its truth value and information by which should not he suppressed for partisan political weaponry in the information space…

Thank you AG Barr and thank AG Sessions for helping to show the agencies have been structured to attack the role of a duly elected POTUS, so that POTUS can be the means by which information will show in accordance with the Constitution that grants the single role of President the ability to secure branch privilege information, 'standing', so that there is a SAFEGUARD in place to ensure TRANSPARENCY of the truth being suppressed by wave after wave of coordinated fake news and big tech 'warnings' and censorships.

They cannot silence POTUS IN COURT.

Why was POTUS surrounded by respected military generals?

To serve and protect the Constitution's design that defends and protects individuals from 'their own' government.

Q/Q+ information can be disclosed to the world and can't be silenced. EBS if need be.

China has handed the TRUTH about the D party to the country on a silver platter by 'handling' a number of them in 'key' swing states to get them all on record for future 'future proves past' disclosures they never thought would see the light after trusting a 'promise' made to them.

Dark to light.

Q+ hasn't declas'd everything not even close.

What do you think that shows is in control?

If POTUS were on the ropes, he'd have talked a lot more about the 'attacks' were taken against the role of POTUS that are worse than the ones he does talk about.

The military can declare no disclosure to anyone attempting to take over the role of Presidency under unconstitutional means, which we all know is what happened. We saw videotaped proof go viral.

TRUMP is President until at least Jan 20, at least, he has more than a month to PROVIDE SCOTUS WITH THE ENTIRE NWO NETWORK EVIDENCE.

The People have rise up like they've never risen up before, me included, all of us included. No this isn't some trick demand to mislead. This is to get the truth to be the means to ensure the individual is protected. When the entire government apparatus save the military is against defending individual freedom against coercion, 'farming' by deceptive information presented as 'fact'.

General Flynn's speech taking place is proof by the 'historicist's' own foundation that it means the plan is 'supposed' to occur because it is occurring.

Fake news noise.

Bridging source and 'knowing' for the all the people.