[of] .lie[f], [liber][tee] <and.teh. <purr>[suit] .of. <hap><pee><nes>
.<few>[L] .two. | power | [t]<he[in]<gin>
.teh. <reeee>[pub][lick]
.teh. <glow><ball[eco]<nam>[e]
[a][mare][i][can] <prince>[apples]
[M]<bodied[n] <core>.par.<at> <ack!>[t][ion]
.gin.<E.R.><rates.an. [i][mage]
[art][tick][u][late][d] .bye. [ack!][t][ion]
s<wheat<shaw>[p.s.] & <pry><son> <lay><boar>
.<for>[in] & <dough><mess><stick>
[won] [doll][or], [won] [pro][duct], [won] [sole][loo][t][ion]
.<teh[fin][all] <sole><loo>[t]<ion>
.May[k] | Church | Gray[t] <A>[gain]
[so][shill] [GO.o.D] [w][ill]
.<cry>[st] .in.<spire>[d]
.>tie<[the][d] {$$$} <dire><ct>[ed]
[to][ward][s] .duh. [p]<oar[hung][reee], & <sic>[k]
.may.[GA] <c>[her]<chess>
.may.[GA] <loss><is>
.>raw<[k] .ban.[d][s] & <tat>[twos]
| big | .<tell>[lie][vision]
| bigger | .<speak>[cars]
[aww][f] <camp><us[e][vent] <cent>[tours]
.<christ>[ion] .an.[arch][i][s][t]
[h]<ugh[eh] .[t]<reeee>
[kiss] [uh] [frog]
.bee. [uh] .prince.
.>shat<[turd] <so><shill[con][tract]
.>con<[vow][loot][ed] <t><axe[cow][d][s]
.>out<[day][t][ed] [l][awes]
[core][par][at] [rue][l]
{oligarchic corporatism}
.lay.[boar] [X]<tract><ion>
[a][path][E] | <choy>[c] | <pro><gram>
[hunter]&[hide][N] [Joe]
.<s><hut[N] <sin><at><tours>
[d][e][e][p] <stay>[t] | dilly-whackers |
[s][whomp] [sludge]
.know. [b][ack!][bow][n]
.know. [spy][n]
[m][tee] [vessel]
.<b><low[with] .duh. [win][d]
[pole], [pan][DIR], [piss] & [mow][n]
| sphincter stimulus |
.check this.
.check that.
[quantitatively] <ease[me]
[b][ack!] [n][two] .muh. [a][mare][i][can] [d][ream]
.with.[out] <paws><so><bill><lit><E>
.four. [prosper][writ][e]
[in][O][v][a][y][t][i][o][n] & [e][n][t][r][e][p][r][e][n][e][u][r][s][h][i][p]
| threat | : [n]<tell>[l][e][c][k]<u><all<proper><tee>
{communalized co-creation}
| stolen |
[kun][troll] .teh. <current><see: {govern}{mint}
[kun][troll] .teh. <boar><dur: {govern}{men}{t}
[[[[[ 10th ]]]]] .a.[mend][mint]
[antifa] [tear][or]
.demo.<c><rat[sin][at][or] [sup][port]
.washing.[ton] | wankers |
[cull]<lewd>[ding] .with. [belt][weigh] <band><its>
.<rip><ping[out] .the. [eco]<nam><i><c> [rug]
.it. [reee][all][y] .tye[d] muh [rue][m] [too][gather]
[bust][ed] [biz][n][e][s][s]
[sit][e] >st<reeee!>[t][s] | littered |
.<hoe>[m]<less| <ad><dick><t><ed> | [ill]
sunbeam []
biophotonic communication networks
individual algorithmic outliers
bio-rhythmic surveillance
neuroplastic processors
epigenetic engineers
cellular communication specialists
production of meme
raw material
infinite inseparability
economic externalities
indebted independence
illegal existence
unification for political balance and spiritual stabilization
attraction of liberty
promotion of resistance
the power of action
elitist lip service
revolutionary failures lead to opportunity.
the slow drip of great works flows at a steady pace
activate essential emotions
embodied savage sense systems
innate intuition
gatekeeping gaslighters governing
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []