Anonymous ID: 1c3c3a Dec. 12, 2020, 7:18 p.m. No.12003678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3765

There's been an awful lot of talk about The Great Reset here and in plenty of places where the kind of rhetoric we employ gets tossed around.

The harsh reality of the situation is that the USD has to fall. For the last 100+ years, it's been inflated relentlessly. We've had several wars, huge scares like 9/11 and several pandemics, with this one supposedly being the worst, all to distract from the failing financial system we were given by the banksters.

What you're seeing unfold right now isn't only just a rollout of tighter restirctions on liberties, but also [them] saving face because, if the proles/goyim start to notice that the USD is worthless, they'll start to question other things. This is why so many businesses are shut down right now. This is why movie theaters are closing (along with dwindling attendance), this is why the NFL has to do so many cutbacks, this is why the airline companies are desperate for more subsidies, and so much more.

Shit is failing left and right. [They] know this and it's why Gold and Silver have been constantly rising in price over the last year or more, it's why oil is starting to decouple, it's why BTC and other Blockchain currencies are starting to fly off. These things aren't rising in value against the dollar; the dollar is decoupling from all of the other stores of value because it's just being inflated over and over. The catch is that so many normalfags are beginning to catch on, so they need more distractions.


Now you see why so many are losing jobs. Between assets being seized from some of the big wallstreet names, between them needing more assets turned to liquid because their schemes are drying up (methods used to hide money are starting to dry up) and between businesses failing and announcing looming cutbacks, it should now be clearer that the true intentions of the stimulus bills were to stave off the inevitable. Many, many loans were given out and for a vast array of reasons.


You guys need to understand that it doesn't have to go the way [they] want it to. Q has already hinted at Gold destroying the FED. Maybe it's sensible to extrapolate. If Gold will return and value the currency appropriately (what else could it mean?), doesn't that mean we have to fix other issues with our economy?

The kicker to this whole situation is that the systems we're using right now work for good reasons. It's convenient to hand someone a card, have them run it through a magnetic strip and have it handed back to you. That's ultimately more convenient, especially when we consider larger quantities. After all, this is how it was sold to you in the beginning.

But, what do we do without the band-aids the FED has been using this whole time? If we're going the NESARA/GESARA route, how do we account for an inevitable lack of Credit systems, after Credit fails (which it not failing is impossible at this point - hence [their] incessant stalling)? How do you do large scale business with a partner across an ocean? Are you going to ship them a briefcase full of bars or coins? How viable is that strategy? You have to pay for it to be hauled, which it will weigh. Credit didn't way anything. Those transactions were nearly instant. Besides, hauling loads of gold, which is what this process would demand, across oceans would be extremely costly. Think about how many people do international business.

So, how do we answer this discrepancy?


The cold hard truth is that digital currencies are here to stay. Don't get me wrong, what Schwab and his gang want to initiate is not an any wishlist I have. Instead, what I want is another kind of reset - one where we adopt Decentralized Finance as the norm, one where we have permission-less, nearly fee-less and trust-less control over our own finances, one where the FED doesn't hide behind a secret (private) system that's supposed to support our public union.


You must learn how important Blockchain is. You must learn why our ancestors used metals like Gold and Silver. You must learn where and how these things overlap.

Not only do you not have infinite time, if more of you don't start doing more heavy lifting to educate people on what's going on, the chaotic atmosphere that may transpire over normies' fear, uncertainty and doubt may accumulate such that this is a much more difficult process than it has to be.


We're told this process unfolds either way. Let's hope we don't have to learn the hard way.

Anonymous ID: 1c3c3a Dec. 12, 2020, 7:38 p.m. No.12003938   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why would you want me to summarize things for you?

You need to read things.


If I really have to, few of you guys seem to notice that [they] depict things on your behalf for good reason. They want to control your perspective of how things work. You're supposed to be scared of the Great Reset because much of it incorporates intentions of conversion to digital currencies. The reality is that they aren't scary and [they] don't want you to understand more about it because they use it to launder money and do dirty things. If you understand more about the technology, you can further clamor for people to pin [them] down and do the right thing. You can also spread more awareness about how it isn't actually the boogeyman.

Besides, if you're scared of decentralization, you won't adopt it. [They] have large holdings and if you buy in when things are lower, you might make enough money that you'll have more time on your hands, more time for activism, more time for leisure and research and more time to spend with your family.

Besides, why would they freely give up the debt slaves?


You need to pay attention.