Anonymous ID: 95e5dc Dec. 12, 2020, 6:36 p.m. No.12003177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3187 >>3284

Only the naive or insidious let "Free Speech" be abused to the point of harboring extreme censorship.



On the weekend of Oct 23rd, the current BO of this board hired around 5 extra "good folk, trust me".

On that same weekend, there started a mass spam campaign that involved gore, girls in yellow, pepe's, and american flags. Posted by the same means, of 40+ individual posts per thread.


No actions were taken by the new team of 5 extra "good folk, trust me" against this drumbeat deployment.


>I'm sure it's just a coincidence we got our first major gore flood just a day after the new BV's are online to "help".

>No, it gets better.

>On this day, Oct 24, after the gore and during Gay marriage commands and rings [The marriage proposal], Obama was making a speech.


The assets flooding our board, sanctioned by the BO and his team of 5 extra "good folk, trust me", were used to assist a deployed spell/anchor that involved Obama.


Question: Are they working for us, or against us?



The marriage spam in the previous thread stopped while this thread was setup, then continues after the 'dough' post.


[Older thread - Marriage spam]

12/04/20 (Fri) 16:29:37 c466eb (20) No.11901875


[First post of #15193]

12/04/20 (Fri) 16:29:36 dc90d5 (9) No.11901874

[Dough post]

12/04/20 (Fri) 16:31:53 dc90d5 (9) No.11901910


[Older thread - Marriage spam continues]

12/04/20 (Fri) 16:32:12 c466eb (20) No.11901915


See for yourself, who took over our board~


Previously posted IP Hash histories show that = gewh8 = flat earth

Previously posted post ID's show that "toilet boi" = news flooder = cannot thank = marriage spam = thread creator.


Question: Does this fit the need for their agents to control the drumbeat, through a variety of masks?


They need to control the drumbeat of the board to fine tune their anchoring of associations [Current emotion = X image].

Which means their deployment methods are dependent upon their ability to control our current mood.

They need us to do nothing; No filter, no ban, no delete, no counter-spam, no actively posting 'newbies' [shut up and lurk], no interruption of their calculated drumbeat.


To what end? Their specific associations and programs are known only to their sick minds, though we know Fear and Aversion are prime weapons they rely on.

What does Fear do to the mind?

It shuts down your Higher Reasoning, to face the fear before you.

If they keep you in a state of fear, can you Reason with the same capacity?

Can you reach a sense of shared Truth with another, or are you in their manipulated mood to shit on them?


"Free Speech" is abused so far here, that there exists a level of censorship found beyond surface appearance.


Do they achieve this?

You will recognize most of this specifically required atmosphere is 'chan' culture~

You IDEN now, the cries of insidious 'wetware' engineers.

You can fight back

By banishing/praying to The True God Above All, not their twisted associations for satan.

By Img_bluring and filtering their obvious posts.

By posting your own flood of images to disrupt theirs. (We outnumber them bigly)


By being active, and knowing how our enemy fights.

Centering yourself.

Then hitting back~


Anonymous ID: 95e5dc Dec. 12, 2020, 6:36 p.m. No.12003187   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Censorship of the Soul.


The words you use can help or harm, open conversations or stifle their very start.

Words have different weights in our minds, some sink deeper than most~

If yelling Fire in a movie theater was effective then, do you see how refined it could be now?

They use the same words.

They created those words.

They stuck them together with the emotional reactions they want you to feel.

Imagine flower.jpg

Imagine the word RED written in it, in the most subtle of ways.

See flower.jpg 100 times.

What color is the flower?


Imagine a delicious burger with subtle excrement, and a pile of garbage with your favorite item inside.

See them 100 times.

1000 times.

How do you feel about yourself?

How do you feel about your favorite item?


Our enemy wants a little more than our opinions of flower colors.

They took the time to make this a refined art.

If the common words and images on here were seen as someone who hasn't been here at all, would you feel the same?

What's their first response?

Aversion. Fear.


We get used to it? We numb ourselves to its effects?

Flight or Fight on Demand.

Fear. Aversion. On Tap.


What do they deploy on us?


Environment 1: Imagine yourself in conversation with someone else who's willing to hear your side. You two are in a process of reconciliation that eventually leads to a shared objective Truth.


Environment 2: Imagine yourself in conversation with someone else, while a third person is yelling at you both. The closer you get to a shared objective Truth, the more abrasive the third becomes. They yell not just random words but words with certain weights in our minds - weights that hook into your Fight, Flight, or Freeze center.



They create words that have this weight by forcing associations in your mind. Jew = hate, 6_6 = hate, bread = shit[that you swallow], etc



Question: Will one or both of you become defensive / protective against outside sources? You should, that's the entire point of our instincts, should we be in a situation that threatens our life.

Stop, read:

Their myriad of weighted words can be traced back to our anus, for they have figured out if they can associate their presence with our anus we are denied a deep sense of safety.

Better yet, by associating themselves with natural processes (Like tooting, shitting) their system reinforces itself.

Without that sense of physical safety, the process of our conversations is turned into a slippery slope of defensiveness and outright combat.

We fight each other because our enemy has tricked our minds into a fear we're under constant physical threat.


Deeper Questions (To ask yourself):

Will this impact the quality and quantity of my thoughts?

Will this strangle my actions?

Will this impair my ability to connect two different points?

Will this help or CENSOR my ability to reach a shared objective truth with the other?

Will this hinder my ability to absorb / digest information?

Taken further, is my ability to IDEN Fren or Foe eroded when my instincts are overloaded? Are we generally more open to being manipulated when our emotions / fears are running high? (Oil)

Does our enemy gaslight? Do they AstroTurf consensus / love / hate? (Fire)


Does this give them control over us? Our behaviors / reactions? Our relationships?

Our unconscious expectations when sharing what we know? The defenses of others to hear it?

Do they fight to keep that control?


Censorship is far more complex than simple filtering / not letting others speak.

In fact, those with insidious intentions will use their free speech to shut yours down.

To limit your very minds.

To censor your soul.


On our boards, we are in Environment 2.

They have this system of censorship down to a science. This Matrix is what we will destroy.

The Great Awakening.


Filtering & Image Blur is our second amendment.

It's our armed response against the intrusion of the enemies poison.

IDEN_Foe those that shame you out of it


Now (You) know, and knowing is half the battle~


Anonymous ID: 95e5dc Dec. 12, 2020, 7:31 p.m. No.12003831   🗄️.is 🔗kun

[RELEASE] the possibility

of life, libertee and [RELEASE] the purrsuit of happeenes

unalienable ryets

fewL two RELEASEpower RELEASE[RELEASE] the ingin

[RELEASE] the reeeepublick

[RELEASE] the glowball econame

amareican princeapples

Mbodied n coreparat ack!tion

ginERrates an image

arttickulated bye ack!tion

swheat shawps & pryson layboar

forin & doughmessstick

won dollor, won product, won solelootion

[RELEASE] the finall solelootion

Mayk RELEASEChurch RELEASEGrayt Again

soshill GOoD will

cryst inspired

tie[RELEASE] thed {$$$} directed

towards duh poar hungreee, & sick

mayGA cherchess

mayGA lossis

rawk bands & tattwos

big RELEASEtelllievision

bigger RELEASEspeakcars

awwf campus event centtours

Iscream soshill

secular sawverntee

christion anarchist

agnostic nvyerowmentallist

hugh eh treeee

kiss uh frog

bee uh prince

shatturd soshill contract

convowlooted taxe cowds

outdayted lawes

coreparat ruel

{oligarchic corporatism}

layboar Xtraction

apa[RELEASE] the RELEASEchoyc RELEASEprogram

profitable propagander

hunter&hideN Joe

shut N sinattours

deep stayt RELEASEdilly-whackers RELEASE

swhomp sludge

pollliticall pushover

know back!bown

know spyn

mtee vessel

blow with duh wind

pole, panDIR, piss & mown

sphincter stimulus

check this

check that

quantitatively ease me

back! ntwo muh amareican dream


without pawssobilllitE

four prosperwrite

inOvaytion & entrepreneurship

threat RELEASE: ntellleckuall propertee

{communalized co-creation}



big tech

little china

kuntroll [RELEASE] the currentsee : {govern}{mint}

kuntroll [RELEASE] the boardur : {govern}{men}{t}

10th RELEASEamendmint

cryticall consideration

antifa tearor

liberall simpa[RELEASE] theyes

democrat sinator support

doughmesstick dumbasses

washington RELEASEwankers RELEASE

culllewdding with beltweigh bandits

ripping out [RELEASE] the econamic rug

it reeeally tyed muh ruem tooga[RELEASE] ther

familllees foregotten

busted bizness

site streeee!ts RELEASElittered

hoemless RELEASEaddickted RELEASEill





biophotonic communication networks

individual algorithmic outliers

bio-rhythmic surveillance

neuroplastic processors

epigenetic engineers

cellular communication specialists

production of meme

raw material


infinite inseparability


economic externalities

indebted independence

illegal existence

Anonymous ID: 95e5dc Dec. 12, 2020, 7:32 p.m. No.12003847   🗄️.is 🔗kun

unification for political balance and spiritual stabilization

attraction of liberty

promotion of resistance

[RELEASE] the power of action

elitist lip service

revolutionary failures lead to opportunity

[RELEASE] the slow drip of great works flows at a steady pace

activate essential emotions

embodied savage sense systems

innate intuition


gatekeeping gaslighters governing






language is [RELEASE] the most powerfull tecnology on earthlanguage is a tool and tools can be used 4 bad oar goodlanguageconstrucks and bindslanguage redeuces and {objectifies}{alphabits Muh letters r simballs…simballs halve coreuhspawnding reeeactions N duh brian…each letture can be trayced ETmylogicallE thousands of yearsthair {meaning} is rueted N hour subconscience brianwhen [RELEASE] the {senses} detecht a letture oar assosheeighted sound, muh brian fyrs corereeespawnding norons

how lawng hass KNOW mint KNOW?



eye want freeee-markits of awl kyndsfreeee-markit edUcation is skool choycfreeee-markit programs R Dmandid via publick braDcasting cisstemsfreeee-markit informAYYtion happens in deregUlated invyerowmints such RELEASEas RELEASEmuh chanfreeee-markit impploymint is [RELEASE] the ryet to werek…werek, higher, fyr…regUlaytion has bin {abused} bye [RELEASE] the lieks of Monsanto & Tyson Foods…commpinknees hoo RELEASEhelp push laws witch govern small {farmers}via regUlaytion, pattent seed and sick {livestock} is what ((([RELEASE] they))) demand…organIC and freee range {farms} R [RELEASE] the ineme of [RELEASE] these commpinknees…[RELEASE] the {school} bored is vary powerfull

[RELEASE] the {school} bored determmines how to {educate}, program and thus, )(indoctrinate)( [RELEASE] the fewture cityzens & impployEs of United States Inc

publick {education} is designed to produce [RELEASE] the most efishant wereking classat [RELEASE] the {core}, muh {education} cisstem is just impployE training[RELEASE] the Controllers want )you( submissive, criticallE thinking, ObeeDant)you( R told not toB angree with anything, just axesept lief awn lief's turms

bullshit, purebullshit

[RELEASE] the program 2 program U is exeIcuteD against [RELEASE] the Populace frum craydoll to grayv…[RELEASE] the soshill contract is brayking down

governmint {continues to lose credIbilllite…sum peapole bleave [RELEASE] they can tamppurr with governmint freeee of recourse

thair is no fear of {commiting} treeson, saiddition, conspearac, rackatearring…[RELEASE] the law about treeson was/is [RELEASE] the furst federrall law…sighnd bye [RELEASE] the governor himself,

George Washingtonl

[RELEASE] the glowballast skym {off} [RELEASE] the layboar of hard wereking amareicans

[RELEASE] the medea perpetueights fallSe reeeall{it}ties and dissimmineights disinformateion

: governmint Lack!s transpairantsee and has an excess of black budgeit projecks

Culturall apa[RELEASE] the is rampant and Amareicaw has {lost} kuntroll of [RELEASE] the governmint

[RELEASE] the cureant poleliticall cisstem {caters}to cryminalllitE and coreruption

Anonymous ID: 95e5dc Dec. 12, 2020, 7:33 p.m. No.12003862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3893 >>3894

Solootion: stand up Speak up beherd Reeecyst InfilltrayT DismantleEh bye-partisan revolution against a mu(2)all iname RELEASEis inevitable}Revolution RELEASE(CAN)(NOT) bee seecure until boredurs r estabbullishdimport / export kuntrollsMinting of cureantseeEh noo whirled oardur allweighs replaceis [RELEASE] the old whirled oardurThair is know possIbillittea of commbatting cisstemattic fineantshill RELEASEohpression withowt lowcall sawvernteestates RELEASEMUST RELEASEsehseed frum [RELEASE] the Union oar reeedefine [RELEASE] the ryets gairinteed bi [RELEASE] the RELEASE10th AmendmintEh betur whirled is possIbill, each parte having thair ohn definition of purefeckion

[RELEASE] the constyt2ion protechs hour ryet 2 choose…Lyef, Libertee and[RELEASE] the puresuit of happynessIt gairintees freedumblowcall kuntrolls on fullE imppowered lowcall/stayt governmint[RELEASE] the feddurall governmint RELEASEmust RELEASEbee mayd Be9reeespawnsable cityzens due not fyet ohvar kuntroll of shaired insty2ionsEh sinSe of sivic duetee demands pryoritIzing of gnationall sawvernteagnationall sawverntea can onlee bee gairinteed with an edUcaytID, informED and ingauged populaceApa[RELEASE] the is a scoreg and eh culturall disease

Won simptum of culturall apa[RELEASE] the is loosing kuntroll ohvar [RELEASE] the governing instytoionsit rests awn hallEwould and [RELEASE] the Mockingbird Media Machine to Ncureage HELL[RELEASE] theE poleliticall particpayion

princeapulled cityzens use installed mechanisms of democrazy to {establish} AmareICA's fewtour[RELEASE] the peapole RELEASEmust RELEASEgovern [RELEASE] the ReeepublickWon forem of vowting is [RELEASE] the exorsize of consuemare choycEvary dollor spinT is a vowT 4 how products R manufacttoured[RELEASE] the consuemoor is [RELEASE] the prodeuceor[RELEASE] the dollair produecis [RELEASE] the production[RELEASE] the choyC to bye lowcal and AmareIcan beelongs to UThis is AmareIcaw & shit gits done ryet

bye lowcal, bye american[RELEASE] the trafficking of laybor and slayvary ends with informmed consumer choycend kneadless envyrowmental degradedayTionit is won thyng to harvest resoreCis …cleer cuting and stryp{mining} is earreeeesponseable…dumbping toxic wayst awn [RELEASE] the 3rd whirled is ronGthair is know good reason not to produce innerg frum [RELEASE] the son, wynd and weighvsIt shud not be eh poleliticall isU, it is commen senses toreeevyetalleyes [RELEASE] the econome wyth reknewables[RELEASE] the tecknahlowG must bee manUfacttured bye Amareicans4AmareIcans

[RELEASE] the fewtour is now

[RELEASE] the hammerwillfall

Eh bye-partisan revolution against a mu(2)all iname RELEASEis inevitable}

Revolution RELEASE(CAN)(NOT) bee seecure until boredurs r estabbullishd

import / export kuntrolls

Minting of cureantsee

Eh noo whirled oardur allweighs replaceis [RELEASE] the old whirled oardur

Thair is know possIbillittea of commbatting cisstemattic fineantshill RELEASEohpression withowt lowcall sawverntee

states RELEASEMUST RELEASEsehseed frum [RELEASE] the Union oar reeedefine [RELEASE] the ryets gairinteed bi [RELEASE] the RELEASE10th Amendmint

Eh betur whirled is possIbill, each parte having thair ohn definition of purefeckion

[RELEASE] the constyt2ion protechs hour ryet 2 choose

Lyef, Libertee and[RELEASE] the puresuit of happyness

It gairintees freedumb

lowcall kuntrolls on fullE imppowered lowcall/stayt governmint

[RELEASE] the feddurall governmint RELEASEmust RELEASEbee mayd Be9

reeespawnsable cityzens due not fyet ohvar kuntroll of shaired insty2ions

Eh sinSe of sivic duetee demands pryoritIzing of gnationall sawverntea

gnationall sawverntea can onlee bee gairinteed with an edUcaytID, informED and ingauged populace

Apa[RELEASE] the is a scoreg and eh culturall disease

Won simptum of culturall apa[RELEASE] the is loosing kuntroll ohvar [RELEASE] the governing instytoions

it rests awn hallEwould and [RELEASE] the Mockingbird Media Machine to Ncureage HELL[RELEASE] theE poleliticall particpayion

princeapulled cityzens use installed mechanisms of democrazy to {establish} AmareICA's fewtour

[RELEASE] the peapole RELEASEmust RELEASEgovern [RELEASE] the Reeepublick

Won forem of vowting is [RELEASE] the exorsize of consuemare choyc

Evary dollor spinT is a vowT 4 how products R manufacttoured

[RELEASE] the consuemoor is [RELEASE] the prodeuceor

[RELEASE] the dollair produecis [RELEASE] the production

[RELEASE] the choyC to bye lowcal and AmareIcan beelongs to U

This is AmareIcaw & shit gits done ryet

bye lowcal, bye american

[RELEASE] the trafficking of laybor and slayvary ends with informmed consumer choyc

end kneadless envyrowmental degradedayTion

it is won thyng to harvest resoreCis

cleer cuting and stryp{mining} is earreeeesponseable

dumbping toxic wayst awn [RELEASE] the 3rd whirled is ronG

thair is know good reason not to produce innerg frum [RELEASE] the son, wynd and weighvs

It shud not be eh poleliticall isU, it is commen senses to