Damn dude, I feel ya. My uncle was put into the roller coaster that lands in the fire. Then put on the electric floor to electrocute his ashes
Damn dude, I feel ya. My uncle was put into the roller coaster that lands in the fire. Then put on the electric floor to electrocute his ashes
Wasn't it proven that Q is just some branch of one of Kushners PR firms?
oh im sorry, i missed the part where Hillary got locked up and Obama charged with treason or really anything in general from this larp came true. Trump is a zionist puppet and you're all boomer retards.
don't worry dude. luckily he survived all that and taught me golf
Didn't Q tell us yesterday that today is the day. HA!
anti semites are the only people trying to help the world. you're q larp is run by Kushner a jew
yeah ur looking real smart there bud
lol, everyone who doesnt believe my larp is shill!
wheres the moab? Trump admitting he dinked that porn whore?
hahaha if you say im cheating your definitely an anti Semite nazi
Ya, Trump is fucked cuz he's a boomer faggot who keeps fucking people over